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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Unify now comes with 2200 patches (and it won’t get cheaper than this)
  2. I was right about Streichfett and Lift FX. Pretty pretty right.
  3. Synths for my desert island: Falcon Pigments Spire Twin 3 Diva, Hive, Repro and Zebra Friktion and Objekt Chromaphone Phase Plant Forbidden Planet (hell yeah) Unify (and all Unify goodies)
  4. Yeah, great voice. Good to see they made Vocalesque V1 out of the ethereal samples from Kreaturesque. Sounds of Life SE is also pretty interesting at 5GB compared to the 1GB original.
  5. Wow, both Streichfett and Lift FX are not to miss IMO.
  6. Got this in too. Pretty pretty good. Also got Vocalesque. Sweet indeed. All these libraries are over 50% off. Best sale Pluginguru has ever done.
  7. Best violin IMO: Joshua Bell Best cello IMO: Emotional Cello
  8. Yeah, kept v5 for that too. Now I do like the Augmented Series and that Ensoniq.
  9. If you’ve got V9 I’d wait to see what V10 will bring. That’s what I’ll do.
  10. It’s generic LOYAL10-W9GPYHFT
  11. Waiting for an Electro 7. Should be incoming in a few months or so.
  12. Nah, I got the full one when there was no Essential version.
  13. Indeed, the full Joshua Bell is the best solo violin I own.
  14. For now… Spitfire The Ton for $69 (already had eDNA). Reason Chord Sequencer and e-instruments StringWerk for free with loyalty coupon (was $74 on sale).
  15. What can I say. I’m a sound designer in my dreams but a preset pusher in real life. Even when I actually do sound design, I’ll start from a preset. That’s why I’m pretty happy with the new preset categories and templates in Falcon 3.0 (still pretty incredible that UVI never charged for updates or upgrades).
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