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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. And that wonderful Skippy from PlugInGuru mused about it in one of his vids.
  2. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/recommendations-for-ethnic-world-libraries.144033/page-3#post-5446426
  3. Didn’t get this one last time but read good things about it in the meantime, so… https://audioplugin.deals/product/solo-world-lead-synth-by-taqs-im/
  4. You may wait a long time and lose out on all the fun. Unify is pretty pretty pro as it stands.
  5. Here’s hoping Omnisphere will include the Sequential Take 5 in their hardware compatibility.
  6. Their first Nord Grand also had a Kawai action IIRC.
  7. Old Strings Acoustic guitars in Unify Launch price $36 instead of $72 list https://www.pluginguru.com/products/mm-guitars-v4/
  8. Here’s hoping for the Electro 7.
  9. I’m thinking I’ve got the ones I want already, like Emulation II+ and U1250. Just looking out for a good price on Mission 6.
  10. $199 minus $25 here, yet still not sure.
  11. Would like to know too. Always looking out for a Martin or Taylor acoustic.
  12. I luuuuve this thang. Gotta have it.
  13. Fleer

    UAD $50 coupon

    Yeah, waiting for their next glitch…
  14. Been waiting for this one. Chris Hein has some of the best orchestral instruments ITB.
  15. Go for Standard at least. You’ll love the morphing and layering.
  16. Looking pretty pretty good. Already got and love their Vox derivative, The original Grandstage was a bit too similar but this new version seems to have more sounds (50GB worth) and looks great.
  17. But that Grandstage sure looks good.
  18. It’ll be somewhat stronger than that Ain’t it @Zo?
  19. Would love something like this for my singing voice…
  20. Love that Hopkin series. Hand made very special instruments.
  21. Got this one last time. Gewd stouph.
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