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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Nice to see M1 native support.
  2. I wonder what would happen if only using M1 native apps.
  3. Fleer

    Apogee Duet 3

    I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just get the MOTU M4 at less than half the price.
  4. Man, this Ben Osterhouse is a great dev.
  5. Fleer

    Apogee Duet 3

    I’m afraid so. Nothing beats RME on drivers. Then again, Apogee went Apple Silicon native. Then again again, so did RME.
  6. Fleer


    Better be there for Mac tew.
  7. Fleer


    Indeed. Very welcome.
  8. Bullying is in the eye of the beholder
  9. Fleer

    Apogee Duet 3

    True. But that dock. THAT DOCK!
  10. Been eyeballing this one tew.
  11. This one seems pretty, pretty good.
  12. Fleer

    Apogee Duet 3

    The look, even Babyface Pro. I’m a Mac
  13. Fleer

    Apogee Duet 3

    So sweet. Been waiting for this baby. Bye bye RME.
  14. Yeah baby. I’m smitten by SampleLogic’s arp engine. Arpology was fantastic, so this one may be even better, as it’s their own plugin.
  15. Meh meh meh and meh But I looooove SPL Iron.
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