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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Got some 20 of the different Samsung T series, from T1 up to T7 Shield. All pretty pretty good.
  2. You’re a poet, anxious juan.
  3. Seems it’s gone indeed https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/search.html?keywords=Loop+engine&search=Search
  4. Keyscape still ruled the Rhodes, though I’m also quite fond of the OrangeTreeSamples one.
  5. Don’t know in particular but e-instruments is a good dev for keys as a whole.
  6. Absolutely lovely piano verb. Check out the free version too. Has it all. Almost.
  7. Still love IK’s SampleTron. One of their classics.
  8. Meanwhile, that cloud sub just gets better and better…
  9. So this is what we get instead of the Alborosie, valued at €129…
  10. Not that much into drum sound tweaking myself, but if I could silence cymbals this way…
  11. Thanks for these iOS deals, @satya
  12. You did well. Now do the same to Novum.
  13. BBCSO still reigns. On their own app.
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