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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. The Bapu doesn’t compare. The Bapu compiles.
  2. At least it’s a blow
  3. Aaaaaaaand …. WUP!
  4. ^^^ This. It’s their best synth IMO. (Already got Largo, Lector and PPG)
  5. Yeah, and don’t forget about Spectre. They both are magical.
  6. Come on, Lars, we’re going crazy here
  7. Thanks, FJ, worthy of Larry.
  8. Not sure myself. And I already have Mysic Production Suite 3 …
  9. I suggest to take heed as iZotope is on a slippery slope with subscription privileges and the like. Bought by the company behind Native Instruments so a merger seems likely, maybe even in Komplete 14.
  10. With reviews of Timeless 3 and Pigments 3. https://soundbytesmag.net
  11. Famous E reviewed in the latest SOS issue: “Conclusion There are of course other sampled and modelled Rhodes out there, and for some perspective I loaded a few leading contenders alongside. All subjective of course, but for me the best modelled competition offered similar responsiveness but couldn’t match the timbral complexity. Meanwhile, none of the multisampled alternatives had such an immediately attractive and vivacious character, despite various strengths of their own. So what we have here may just be a single MkI, but it’s a spectacularly good one: it seems all that hype about the original ‘E’ is justified! Vibey, responsive, sophisticated and effortlessly inspiring, this is a great electric piano library. Pros A fundamentally very attractive, warm and open tone quality. Simultaneously precise, in sound and implementation, yet full of character. Excellent tremolo and chorus. Plenty of possibilities for more creative tone shaping. Cons Delayed‑effect parameter tweaks take a little getting used to. Summary One of the best, if not the best, sampled Rhodes pianos currently available.“
  12. Larry? Is that you?
  13. Well, it’s Sam Spacey good.
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