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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Don’t forget you can get the AudioThing TX-101 for a fiver (with the free Melda).
  2. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    Backup Singers in da house!
  3. I like this $10 approach ?
  4. Been thinking about this one, Simeon, so your vid will be quite welcome (as always).
  5. Not much, I’m afraid. RX and that new reverb thing?
  6. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    My man! Would T+S follow suit? Still have some loyalty points.
  7. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    Now if only Lars could find them under $100
  8. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    http://www.soundsonline.com/summer-blockbuster-sale Might be a good time to buy those Backup Singers for $120 and get the Opus engine that way for my other (non-Hollywood) libs. Only too bad the latter won’t work on Hollywood Orchestra as well.
  9. Ya couldn’t have known https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/31958-french-violin-free-from-samplescience/&tab=comments#comment-259978
  10. Please enter the second word of the big headline on page 66.
  11. It’s got a softer, subdued sound, especially mid-ship. Nice for jazzy Harry’s Bar stuff. (Take no notice, I’m in Venice now. Then again, that should be Larry’s Bar. Always.)
  12. Whooooooooo are you?
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