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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Actually I did. Hit a garbage truck sideways. Decided to leave it there. Got my $300 back and bought a bike.
  2. Didn’t know until I needed them though.
  3. My first car was $300. No brakes, but a hell of a ride.
  4. Those are the guys behind the EastWest Hollywood Orchestrator!
  5. Love his baby. Got it for a tenner though.
  6. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    Let’s be blunt. As for orchestraI wouldn’t want to be without BBCSO Pro and HOOPUS, plus some singles like Joshua Bell Violin, and everything FabFilter for mixing, mastering and FX.
  7. Love that baby. It’s like Tundra chamber style.
  8. Love those trap ones. And of course the react they’re tempo-synced
  9. Fleer

    Melda 32

    Love that MUnison.
  10. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    And TBH, Opus is absolutely worth it.
  11. Nah, they won’t fool me again. It’s an unregistered serial
  12. And I still want to get rid of mine …
  13. Won’t work on that one, I’m afraid, as there’s a minimum threshold.
  14. Fleer

    EastWest 60% off

    Yep. You can’t get the original HO anymore, nor the Hollywood Solo Violin, Harp or Cello. They’re all part of HOOPUS now.
  15. Got this a year or so ago and quite like ‘em. I’m a strings man.
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