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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. I sent support an email yesterday. No reply.
  2. Once went forward $25 or so, but that was a glitch.
  3. Even worse. They make exceptions on a one-to-one basis. See the Gearslutz thread.
  4. Not if you got it elsewhere
  5. Waait, whaat? I’d haven given you my extra serial for $30
  6. Dealio https://www.zynaptiq.com/pitchmap/
  7. Been waiting for this opto tho. Slate does comps well.
  8. Yep, I’m afraid you’ll need the mic pack for that.
  9. Bloody fast. That’s 50 regs in 50 minutes.
  10. Yeah, recently bought them all again.
  11. To get past the post, yippee ki yay ?
  12. Still got one cheapo double if anyone’s game for a last push. Already did 6 myself.
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