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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Fleer

    Gone again!

    I’d be close in Sunset Beach, NC.
  2. Fleer

    Gone again!

    I feel a cold wind coming up
  3. Well, since I got that Custom Opto from Slate Digital, I’m all set for opto. It’s that versatile.
  4. Fleer

    Gone again!

    Yeah, Larsy, take care man. Missing you already.
  5. And then there’s PA’s Lindell 80! Beats ‘em all for British.
  6. Still got a couple of cheapo $99.99 doubles. Thought of using them myself but doesn’t seem necessary if this goes 15 free or more.
  7. Thanks Lars. Got four Groove3 accounts. Four times RBass in da house. F**k WUP!
  8. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/33633-apd-deal-synthmaster-one/&tab=comments#comment-273728
  9. I guess so. SynthMaster One is indeed quite different from SynthMaster 2 (and 3 to come). Swiss knife synth.
  10. Sweet. Already canned those emails but got them out again. Thanksy Larsy.
  11. Pricing structure seems similar to Eventide’s H9 and plugins.
  12. I wish I could. Only have Hyperion Strings. And I love ‘em. Very usable for pop and rock.
  13. Well, if Peter says 21 freebies, so be it.
  14. “IK Multimedia has announced the availability of a free update to all AmpliTube 5 users, premiering virtual versions of the 4 AmpliTube X-GEAR pedals to demo and purchase” Really? A free update premiering stuff to purchase? Man, those marketeers.
  15. Slowly, but surely, they drew their plans …
  16. Jo Bogaert for Marktrock president!
  17. Interesting. Love those Wavesfactory plugins.
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