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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Still sad I turned in my Korg DS8.
  2. Mine’s working. Was also thinking of the Bettermaker, but now my thoughts are drifting towards the Lindell 80 Neve Channel. Edith: got the Neve
  3. Also check the BYOME-TRIAD bundle. Maybe you can get it for $15 that way.
  4. saveme10dollarsplease Edith: get Unify!
  5. In a similar vein, a lady wanted to gift me her Bösendorfer but I was too stupid to accept.
  6. Heck, I don't even want to spend $15 on one of those Neold plugins, or the Elysia Alpha comp for that matter. Don't talk me into it.
  7. No, it's based on your PA spending over a certain period of time.
  8. Or I could get the Elysia Alpha comp for $15. Decisions, decisions.
  9. Using ANY-3999 to get it to $40 and then my $25 voucher should bring it down to $15.
  10. Should be $40 minus the $25 voucher. Or am I wrong?
  11. I’m thinking of getting one of the Neold plugins for $15.
  12. Got that one. Pretty good. And the only one covering Nord synths if I’m not mistaken.
  13. I’ve bought some hardware and software from them (Yamaha MODX, Roland RD-88, Vox Continental, Korg i3, NI KU 13CE, Reason 11 Suite) and all went fine.
  14. Yep. Especially Chromaphone 3. Heaven.
  15. Indeed. That was the best Ton ever.
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