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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Because… Hollywood Strings 2 is launched!
  2. FabFilter Pro-R 2 for almost all Zynaptiq Adaptiverb for special (still) EastWest Spaces 2 for orchestral (still)
  3. https://thecrowhillcompany.com/demon-drop
  4. Oops, 2.9 prolly means I’ll soon have to pay for 3. And I never even tried 2 (or 1 for that matter).
  5. Come on, Bitwig, make yourself AU compatible.
  6. Code DAWESOME-LOVES-YOU drops the price to $99 on the Tracktion website (thanks to Virtuoso over at VI Control)
  7. Teletone is one hell of a remarkable dev.
  8. I’m thinking Textures and the Colors duo.
  9. Love that Portatron. Didn’t know they did preset packs.
  10. Would be a good time to complete my collection but… got them all already
  11. Just ordered a Softube Control 1 Channel. Will come in handy for all those lovely FabFilter delights.
  12. And still no way to download without installing…
  13. $68 is the new $79
  14. Thank you, Fleer ?
  15. You forgot Novum. And that’s the outlier. Never on a deep sale. Maybe Myth is akin.
  16. Doing? Why on earth…
  17. Yeah, but that GUI…
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