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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Heck, went ahead and paid the full $1. Call me Rock-a-fella.
  2. Wow, I’ve got 56 credits in account. Guess I’ll use one of them for this baby. Anyway, here’s my referral code; UP7153575 “Any new customer who uses your code during checkout gets a 20% discount for themselves. 10% of their purchase goes to you in form of United Credits.” and ”Right after you complete your first order you will get 10 United Credits Anyway, these guys are good, as they’re part of the Melda empire now.
  3. Wow, maybe it’s only because I own some of their other plugins. $1 is sweet. I guess I should do it
  4. Didn’t get those. Spire convinced me with a sound I couldn’t get elsewhere (full on analog yet organic) and felt like a perfect addition to Falcon. Actually, FabFilter’s Twin3 comes to mind as another one like it, but Spire even trumps u-he in that style.
  5. Instead of $149 list https://unitedplugins.com/UniChannel/ Edit: apparently depends on what you already own in account. Otherwise 50% off.
  6. Show us the money, bapuji
  7. I’m afraid many of the newer coupons don’t allow for covering fee transfers. I’m waiting too…
  8. Each to their own indeed. But I would always stay far away from Magix. Logic has it all for me, plus Mainstage of course, but above all it’s the Apple hardware-software-in-one approach that does it. I did prefer their former GUI though, with the even softer edges, while Cubase is too old-style German (fahrplanmäßig) for me I guess. Truth be told, I like to add Bitwig and Waveform for good quirky measure.
  9. Meanwhile, Logic Pro is where it’s at ?
  10. I did after all, together with Falcon. Couldn’t gel with Dune’s GUI, or Avenger’s EDM.
  11. Thanks @MusicMan Interesting to check these PolyMax and MC77 presets.
  12. Neo and Tundra are great. Those are the Albions I went for, after Albion One. Now if Solstice would only be 80% off…
  13. I wish them luck in this endeavor. Would be sad to see them lose out.
  14. Heck, does this mean only the v2 versions have been updated? I’m still on the OGs…
  15. I wanted to get in but already got it last time ?
  16. Thanks. Haven’t got this juan yet. Kayvon Violin and Clarinet Drama Textures are pretty suite.
  17. And the colored girls go "Doo do doo do doo do do doo..."
  18. Here: https://www.westwoodinstruments.com/roots/
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