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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. It’s King Larry La-La Land. Where people go to empty their Wa-Wa wallets.
  2. True, those Indiginus libraries are quite special. Even their “synthy” orchestra is still pretty pretty good.
  3. Interestingly, Ujam’s Silk allows for a melody and bass line, while Amber apparently doesn’t.
  4. One of the very best synths in my book.
  5. Just a quick word, Zo, not saying it will work, but I got the MPS 2.1 upgrade “from any advanced product” a few years ago at JRR and while I didn’t have any advanced product the serial activated perfectly. Might still work, ya never know.
  6. Do I understand this correctly? Can we add our already owned Sunset verb into MixBox or should we pay for it?
  7. Fleer

    Apogee Sale!

    Yeah, would love me a new Apogee interface.
  8. Maybe check JRR or other resellers.
  9. Arturia is sheer heaven in comparison to IK. Which makes Peter an angel or a devil, depending on your perspective. But in both guises his wages should be doubled indeed.
  10. If that new Dawesome Novum is included in the sale, that’s one hell of a synth, as is its Abyss predecessor.
  11. Same here. Feeling more ambivalent each time.
  12. Pretty good chance, Zo, if memory serves me well. Then again, you know, memories…
  13. Still. These should have been free if one already owns Sunset in T-Racks. I’ve got a slight feeling of someone milking me.
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