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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Larry usually knows before it’s out
  2. Completing my SugarBytes collection
  3. It’s the Advanced mode that does it all. Check out the vids on it. The full version allows for some heavy tweaking, Pigments style.
  4. One more day to join. You can change (or abandon) your pick until the end of July. And you get to keep the freebies whatever you do. But beware, these instruments are addictive. You are warned.
  5. At least get the Creative and Essential bundles.
  6. Depends on the package. Some come in quite handy. Others are more baked-in.
  7. Good, but those who got the Everything bundle for $199, or even $179, well, shame on you
  8. Dealio, if you can get it. Love that stuff, and the full version gives you all you need to tamper with the individual parts (and you get the much needed ADSR control).
  9. As for Supertramp, don’t forget the Harmonium. There’s a pretty good one in Spitfire Neo.
  10. Pluing? The sound of a morphy verb
  11. Huge vocal collection. Got some of them already. Good stuff.
  12. You got a bloody right to say it. I looooooved them. And still do.
  13. If you want a fine sounding acoustic, absolutely. It’s a Gibson J-45, think Beatles, Joni Mitchell, Iron & Wine.
  14. But beware, as then you’ll see how good V Collection 9 is. Try holding back until Black Friday. Try, I dare you.
  15. All of them: “Machine activation reset can now be requested from within iLok License Manager in version 5.5 or higher (publisher approval required). PACE keeps you notified via email each time a company resets your license(s). Just go to a computer with iLok Manager on it, log in, and your dead system will show up with its location ID and all locally-stored licenses listed. In iLok Manager, on the dead device in the device list on the left hand side, right click and choose "Report as unusable". It asks you to write a note that the vendors see for the reason for the request, then basically it automates asking for an authorisation reset from the vendors, to save you have to contact them each independently. While it's in progress, you see "Reset requested" in the Activation Status column for each affected license. From the instructions, if all the requests get granted by each vendor, then the whole defunct machine gets removed from the iLok manager as if it never existed, and you get the activations returned to your account.”
  16. The latest iLok version allows you to deactivate machine activations from another computer (like when you lost the other one) IIRC.
  17. A “newly launched” synth often gives you a $49 rebate on the next V Collection but I don't know it “older” synths also count.
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