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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. So, if one owns the original MODO Drum, then adding MODO DRUM SE 1.5 will result in owning the full MODO DRUM 1.5?
  2. There’s a large format Korg wavesynth incoming IIRC.
  3. Technostica, get on your knees and repent.
  4. I saw it too and got it in. Thanks, Peter.
  5. I’m waiting for that upcoming hardware Wavestate. Whenever it comes.
  6. This must also be the best way to update my existing MODO Drum.
  7. I think we’re suffocating Larry with our love. We should actually chastise him a little bit. Bad, bad Larry, where you at. That kinda talk.
  8. Pretty sure it’ll work for you too: WELCOME-BACK-25-OFF (use it on top of the plug-in voucher)
  9. Nah. Just your imagination. And mine.
  10. Got the Shadow Hills A for $6 with the comeback code. Nice.
  11. Allez les Bleus Allez les Bleues Allez les Bleuettes!
  12. Nice, had the 2.2 so this is a sweet upgrade.
  13. And an interesting exchange rate to boot.
  14. Come back, Larsy. The idiots have gone.
  15. What? Where? Someone hit out at Larry? Our Larry? Lord Larry? KING Larry? WHO DID THAT?
  16. He’s giving Fender the shaft.
  17. Yeah. Noticed it too. There’s something amiss in Larryland.
  18. No such thing. The dude abides.
  19. Not you, U905133! Was thinking about delays
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