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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Got my K13CE upgrade at the ready.
  2. Fleer

    OTS Violin Bass

    Man, you’re so right. Those bass mutes are delicious.
  3. Iris 2 is a great synth with lots of interesting sounds. Totally worth $10. Paid $50 myself and even at that price it was a no-brainer. Sad only that it isn’t Apple Silicon native AFAIK.
  4. Fleer

    OTS Violin Bass

    What a sound! I’m no bass player but this is intriguing to say the least.
  5. Just remembered I liked Camel. Man, what a taste I had. And still have.
  6. Biotek 2 is quite worth it. But don’t pass on F’em, Abyss or Novum either.
  7. Some pretty horrific sounds. Weird guys to say the least.
  8. If you’re in education, ask them to acknowledge and you’ll get 50% on everything for a limited time.
  9. Exactly. Which is why I need a curating concierge. Someone who knows what I need before I do. And finds deals accordingly.
  10. It was pretty unique, I’m afraid. But they did have similar deals through Native Instruments these last years.
  11. You could pick five for $249 last month. I got the Canterbury Suitcase, the Hammersmith Pro, the All Saints Choir, Threnody Strings, and Haunted Spaces (instead of over $1000).
  12. Dunno. Got a sinking feeling diving into sites like these. Guess I’m the kind of guy who needs curated offers, brought to me by a natural. That’s it, I need a natural curator.
  13. Maybe add that iZotope Vinyl freebie and try again.
  14. Or maybe, just maybe, this is a sign for us to stop hoarding and start making music.
  15. Where would we be without @paulo?
  16. Is how I feel. On one hand there’s more peace and quiet due to the lack of a zillion deals waiting to be checked. On the other I’m often feeling I’m missing out on some incredibly worthwhile ones, never to see the light of day as the man isn’t here to find them. Don’t know what’s worse, though
  17. Some mighty fine ones, Piano-in-Blue in particular. Love that story behind.
  18. The plug-in (Weave) doesn’t seem to be free, but another (Expanse) was.
  19. Yeah, Soniccouture Broken Wurli is pretty special. Have a look at the EP73 Deconstructed too.
  20. And check this free Philip Glass piano from Spitfire: https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/glass-piano
  21. Two classes of piano libraries: the neutral and the character ones. You’ll find them everywhere, from the Tom Waits style Sampletekk Rain piano (1 & 2) to the Production Voices fantasy inspired Halfling. But you’ll have to really try them out to see if they fit what you’re looking for. Have a look a SoundIron too.
  22. And they’re pretty good instruments. Pretty pretty good. Mike Greene is one of the most dedicated devs around (and VI Control host).
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