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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Dang, that Texture Oscillator is pretty cool. Even allows for adding your own samples. Venus Theory (yeah, he’s back!) made a vid on the entire 2.8 update but also in particular on that new oscillator:
  2. Yep. Cremona Strings made KU13CE worthwhile. Omnia Choir and Ashlight don’t do as much for KU14CE.
  3. And then there’s the kick of buying it, handbag style. Can’t take that away.
  4. Yeah, KU14 does look good, got to admit. But it’s another $100, doubling the outlay. I’m totally happy with OrangeTreeSamples guitar-wise. And I don’t need any more of the same Action Strings. So I would be paying a C-note for Ashlight, Piano Colors and Sequis. These are quite specific libraries. Still a tall order in my book. Plus another fifty for Lores and the choir.
  5. Nah, paid $74.50 from MPS3 to MPS4.1 (including Neoverb) and I’m still stuck there, but I did get Neutron 4 already.
  6. True, but there’s a lot in vanilla K14, including Kontakt 7 and a few of those new libraries. Not interested in another Strezov choir anyway. And upgrading to K14 will be $99 next summer, compared to $249 for K14CE.
  7. Yep, unless we move to a lower K14 tier.
  8. Might just update to a lower K14 tier.
  9. It’s just that their unique take on updating is somewhat challenged by this add-on approach.
  10. https://www.bitwig.com/support/shop_license_activation/why-add-ons-on-top-of-the-12-month-upgrade-plan-54/ doesn’t cut it.
  11. Indeed, this is an awkward turn of events. They’ll have some explaining to do.
  12. I’m on KU13CE as well and not enamored by KU14CE. Upgrading to Kontakt 7 may be the way to go.
  13. I particularly like this one: Whales and Hendrix legato
  14. He’s got the hook
  15. at APD. Seems interesting as it’s cross platform, including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. Found this vid:
  16. Folk rock more than rock, PC, but you can get quite creative with it. Much more than your run-of-the-mill double bass
  17. Got it in January. Would love to get that cello too.
  18. Really like this one. But then I’m a strings man.
  19. Sweet. Got the STD-1 and Chop Shop on another account.
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