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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Thanks, those NeoVst pianos are not bad at all, certainly for free.
  2. Interesting indeed. My vocals could definitely use that
  3. It’s just a computer. And a lovely one at that.
  4. Wanted to get an RME but fell in love with Apogee. Got their Duet3.
  5. Good to know about the Orion. Thanks.
  6. PPG and Ensoniq Fizmo love. Sounds nice.
  7. Same here. Ordered but canceled their original Zen interface. Too many negative posts regarding their non-existing support on kvr made me cancel. Maybe better now.
  8. Are these different codes? Not just PARSONSFREE?
  9. Fleer


    Dang, Abe, talk to us.
  10. Got the original Halo last year and then Halo 2 as a free upgrade. Good show!
  11. Meanwhile, Northern Lights has gone back up in price to $39 instead of $28.34 minus $20.
  12. Offer extended until June 5th and additional coupon: save20bucksagain
  13. Thanks. I went for Northern Lights (for Omnisphere2 & Unify).
  14. Tell me what you think, anxious one.
  15. This weekend with coupon: 20buckstospend
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