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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. I haven't had that happen with paid plugins but it sure has with the free stuff. I'm constantly trying out new things and when I go to install it it asks me if I want to overwrite the previous install. My wife cured me of buying stuff. She keeps an extremely tight grip on the funds.
  2. I think I'm getting too old for any DAW. I've lost my creativity and desire to dive in to it like I used to. At this point I'm kind of like a zombie. Getting slower, running on muscle memory/instinct only, can't learn anything new, forgot 99% of what I used to know. I feel like I should like recording but can't remember why. Essentially I've turned in to a real life Bub.
  3. Happy Easter Bapu and everyone. I was thinking about the old days today when my mom was still here and how we used to color eggs and had a big family dinner at Easter. She used to color some by boiling them in onion skins. She said that's how they did it when she was a kid back in the late 20's. There's only one Tom Waits song I like. Can you guess which one? ☺
  4. There's some off topic stuff they haven't axed so it seems they do have a little heart left. ❤ It's still the best forum IMHO compared to the others I used to go to but I do agree with you. It could be far far worse. Presonus set their version of the CH to only be visible if you were logged in and to log in you have to be a registered use. Then they set it to delete all posts after 30 days except for one. It was their version of Ed's random thoughts thread. It totally decimated the place. TDPRI had mods that make ours look like prom queens. The world has changed. Everything we knew and loved is dead and dying from music to ... fill in the blank. Honestly I'm ready to go any time. There's not much good left anymore the way I see it all unfolding. Sorry for being such a downer. Still on pain meds. Probably should hit the hay.
  5. Well that would be a first/1st wouldn't it. ??
  6. Bill it's actually the pain meds making her look like that. Here's what your nurse really looks like.
  7. The TOS here is the same as the old CH except there the TOS was not enforced. A lot of us myself included have committed banishable TOS violations here and we're still here so I don't think it's anything personal.
  8. I saw that and it really bothered me. I see no reason for it. Someone must just want to turn the CH in to something it never was. I worry they'll start banning after so many deletions. Not that it really matters but I'll be gone if that starts happening. Censorship is becoming a serious problem everywhere. (2nd attempt at replying. 1st didn't go through. Operator error?)
  9. I have an i5 650 I want to make an NAS system out of to back up all my song projects and movie collection that I plan to rip. Has anyone here had any experience with DIY NAS systems? I found an Open Source NAS program called, FreeNAS that seems to be what most people are using and love it. I've been trying to find info on setting it up but haven't found what I'm looking for. When you connect your HDD's do you set your SATA ports to RAID in the mobo BIOS or does FreeNAS take care of all of that? How fast are the files transferred to the NAS device? It as well as all what I want to backup will be connected via LAN. No Wifi in the loop at all. The main reason for wanting to stream my own movies is they keep changing specs on players especially with 4K discs and I have a hard time getting some of my movies to play. I have a Samsung 4K player but they got out of the disc player business and no longer put out firmware updates for it so I'm screwed. Plus I can get around the Region B DVD and Blu-ray problem if I stream them from my PC. Thanks in advance for any help.
  10. It depends on what you will be doing. Will you be working with a lot of synth VST's? Large projects? Lot's of samples? If so then you'd be happier with an i7 or i9 but an i5 would work just as well if you freeze your synths taking them out of memory or record them live to a wave file. An i5 based system will serve most of the home user crowd. If you are mainly dealing with wave files and drag and drop samples and don't mind freezing synth's if your latency starts to get bad than an i5 is perfectly fine. To give some perspective the new i5's are faster than my i7 6700K and I have no problem running projects with 30 or more tracks with dozens of plugin's and 7 or 8 synth's/drum samplers. I do have to freeze some things when the project builds and gets a lot of synths vst's but that's not a big deal. Your CPU/RAM/Mobo won't effect latency but your audio interface will. Research those and look for sites that have tested them and show how well the ASIO drivers work. If you're a home user with a limited budget you would be better served by putting a majority of your money in a solid reliable and low latency audio interface. You'll spend almost as much if not more on it than your PC. An i5 w/32GB RAM and an SSD for your programs and vst's and a secondary drive for your samples. Or one large SSD for everything. Get a CPU with built in video output unless you are going to be editing video. Then you'll need a dedicated card. Not all CPU's have built in GPU's so check to make sure. Also you'll need Windows 10 Pro not Home because you can tweak it more to set it up for DAW usage. The two most important factors I have run in to for stability is RAM and good audio interface drivers. Once you pick out a Mobo go to their web site and search for supported RAM and CPU's. They will show you what they have tested with that particular motherboard. Not all ram works reliably with all motherboards even though spec wise it may fit. Always choose RAM they have actually tested with the motherboard that they verified works. I avoid Corsair even if they test it and it's in the list. I personally prefer Kingston. I've never had Corsair RAM last more than a couple years in any PC I've ever had. I also don't like to overclock. It creates more heat and stresses everything. Some people do and it works fine for them. Some people like Corsair too. I avoid both at all costs. You can build your own but I would also check out a prebuilt DAW here. You may find the price is about the same as DIY especially if you factor in the research time and aggravation factor. Hope this helps.
  11. My first introduction to The Rutles was a mint original release LP of Let It Rot and Tragical History Tour. It was in a 150 LP collection I bought at a flea market one time back before the internet. I had no idea who they were and had no way to find out anything about them. I was shocked to see how popular they were when I finally was able to research them. Piggy In The Middle has backmasking in an obvious spot. He says, "This little piggy went to market." when you play it backwards. I was reading the US release of Tragical History Tour didn't have Piggy In The Middle on it so this must have been an import? I don't know. Lost them both along with about 600 other albums when my basement flooded one time.
  12. It went all crash in the loudspeaker. I think I need to replace it with a higher power larger unit.
  13. Wow. I forgot all about Bobby. The only forum double I ever had was Mickey McFinnigan. My/his avatar was the Irish version of Peter Griffin. I/he only ever posted a couple times but the one was epic. It's so strange I can remember some of those old posts but recent stuff escapes me. Good times. All but dead and gone now. I just found the thread that was epic but it's probably best not to link to it. Hah.
  14. Speaking of cute little cuddly bunnies, last spring I was out weed whacking behind the cord of firewood I had stacked up against my shop. I intentionally stacked it so I could walk behind it to trim the grass. Long story short before I realized what I had done there was blood and fir all over the building and me. I felt so bad I kicked the wood row down and built 3 racks and now it's all stored under the porch of the shop and my back porch.
  15. I recently got the rescanned and restored Scream Factory release of that movie. The wife just rolled her eyes at me. Wasn't the first time she's done that and I suspect it won't be the last. I also just received my preorder of Dawn of the Dead on Monday. Brand new 4K scan and restoration including the extended Cannes Cut. They did a superb job. It wad sold out before the pre-orders shipped. Can only get it 5 times the original cost from scalpers on ebay now.
  16. This is an original song posted by a forum member on the old Sonar Song forum. Posted well over 10 years ago IIRC.
  17. Found the tune. Can't find the post.
  18. Reminds me of that video you posted years ago with that kid singing something about peeing in his bed? Funny how I can remember one of your posts from like 8 years ago but I can't remember what I had for breakfast today. ?
  19. The only problem I had with BMD was I couldn't get the site to work on any android device. My laptop died and at the time my PC was in the basement not easily accessible. If it comes back I hope there is a way to make it work on android.
  20. Twitch or similar avenues seems to be the way to go. It astounds me how much people will donate. Some of the ones I follow have thousands of subscribers. If they are all Tier 1 ($4.99) and they have 5000 that's $12.5K a month after Twitch takes their cut. Plus all the Bit donations. Streamers get 100% of those. 100 bits is $1 dollar. Plus patreon. Plus paypal. Amazon wish list. Some of the big gamers have 10s of thousands of subs. Seems to me live streaming is the way to go. Youtube is done. They have gone corporate.
  21. Unless I misunderstood it's not the mods here. It's coming from elsewhere. If I had to guess it's more about avoiding upsetting the sjw/canc.cult. crowd than it is about silencing us. Total speculation but it's the only thing that makes sense to me. I wouldn't be surprised to hear they are changing the name to Sonar by Bandlab ...
  22. Your threads and others make this miserable world a little happier and I'm sad this is happening. I'm sorry I said anything about it. I should have just shut the funions up.
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