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Everything posted by Shane_B.

  1. See ... now this is the kind of crazy humor I have that always gets me in trouble.
  2. Shane_B.


    It's a great way to keep in touch with family, but other than that I have no use for it either. My only contacts on it are family members, a few friends from high school, and a lot of businesses I deal with. I only recently got involved with marketplace because a lot of the businesses I deal with here are forced to. It's the sign of the times. None of them, zero, zilch, nodda, use eBay. They all use marketplace and are all members of all the local town groups and farmers markets. There is only one store I sell to that would make it without the internet and even they would have went under during the covid lockdown. The only thing that kept them going were sales through marketplace and curbside or pickup or delivery. But yeah, it can be pretty toxic.
  3. Earlier this year I mentioned that I accidentally created a reverb chamber in one of the rooms of my house. I just did it again. We bought a fixer upper house when we moved to MO about 9 years ago and I'm finishing up the last room now. It's about 15' x 16' with 8' ceilings. I put down a new subfloor that is smooth and we are waiting for carpet to come in a few weeks. Nothing changed in the room. Last week I put up crown moulding and still there was really no change. Then I caulked the top and bottom of the moulding and it instantly made another reverb chamber. I sat in there for hours last night playing my acoustic. It's unreal. It was the caulking I put on the crown where it meets the ceiling and the wall that made the difference. It must block the sound waves from going behind it and getting trapped and forces them to sweep over it and down the walls. I'm actually going to miss this room when it's done. It sounds so good. I don't know how it would be to record in though. I typically like dead and then add my own room sound. I'll post some pics later.
  4. Shane_B.


    My problem is I simply don't trust eBay with that much personal information. I was heavy in to selling on eBay many years ago and set up a Paypal account with a link to my bank account. I do not trust eBay with that info. I barely trust Paypal. I've actually changed banks and they have my old bank account info but somehow I am still linked which makes me scratch my head. I've tried to change it and you have to jump through 10,000 hoops and call them and I think maybe even send them a letter, not email, to verify you want to make a change but I can't quite remember. I've been scammed on eBay multiple times by buyers, sellers, and eBay themselves. Their tech support is absolutely worthless. I stopped selling there a long time ago because they kept raising their fees and they've made a toxic selling environment. The only places I buy from are the large companies with thousands of ratings with a number I can call directly. I've gotten a lot of parts for things around my house from parts dealers and places like that, but I wouldn't buy from a personal seller there ever again. Screwed too many times. Facebook Marketplace is probably your best bet at this point because you ultimately have control. That said, I've been scammed twice on there by sellers. I saw an ad for a brand new receiver I wanted it for my garage. Asked the lady if it was still available and if she could come down on the price. She never responded, sent me an invoice for the full amount, and vanished. All I had was a screen to send her money. I could no longer message her or find her on Facebook or the listing for the receiver. Other times I've tried to ask sellers a question and never got a response. I've only ever had one transaction actually go through on Marketplace. I just bought an old Tascam 4-Track that I've been looking for, for 20+ years. But even he was a bit crazy. He insisted he come to me so I set it up to meet in the parking lot of a nearby police station. I wasn't sure if the newer unit would work with my older 4 track masters so I plugged it in to the AC convertor in my truck and brought my headphones to test it. He knew I was going to do it. I couldn't remember how to route it to the headphones and I told him I couldn't get it out of mono but I would figure it out. He didn't realize I had open back headphones on and I could here him say, "F*****g b******t. The f******g thing f*****g works." and he starts pacing back and forth like he's about to explode. The guy completely lost it. I finally got it and said it worked great and thanked him handed him his money and he calmed down and was actually pretty cool after that, but I seriously thought it was going down. He totally lost his **it and looked like he was about to snap. So I don't know what to tell you. eBay sucks, there's a bunch of scam artists and nutjobs on Marketplace but I think Marketplace would probably be your best bet. Just meet somewhere public like a police station or city hall. Some place with authority type figures and surveillance camera's everywhere. I wouldn't recommend a store parking lot like some people do. Yeah there's camera's, but if they aren't willing to drive another block or so to a police station you probably don't want to deal with them.
  5. You guys. Sheesh. I'm a hard 50 and I feel great. Excuse me. Time now for my afternoon nap now.
  6. Whoever told you that lied.
  7. Seeing that article makes me wonder what kind of technology may be here already we aren't aware of. Something like this that has been lost in some Egyptian pyramid or Incan temple. You never know. Imagine the Great Pyramids being some form of magnetic based recorded library we haven't learned how to play back yet.
  8. Thanks. I'm just waiting for Amazon to bring me some RCA to 1/4" cables now and I'll be able to get started transferring. I'm low on SSD space so I'll have to dig out my bundle of blank burnable DVD's. I don't think I ever opened them. Hah. I even have some blank 50G Blurays I think.
  9. Haven't seen you post in a while and just checked your profile to see what your last post was and here it is. No shameless plugs in the CH eh? ? You know we get worried about you if we don't see you post there at least once a day. Great song. Great lyrics, vocals. Excellent mix and master. Danny's playing is superb as always. The bass was perfect in the mix. I see the Song forum is hopping again. I need to start checking out mixes here again. ??
  10. I heard Alembic was bought out by Cort and will now offer an affordably priced Made In North Korea Gene Simons Signature Demon Bass.
  11. It's all over their forum. It's real and everybody feels the same. They think it's the end.
  12. Please tell me this is a very early or very late April Fools day prank. This is horrible news.
  13. Our drummer had his car stolen one night at a gig. He had a set of spare drum heads and extra cymbal's in the trunk but not much else. It was in a rough area in a town called Easton PA. I don't want to say the name of the place because it's still there. It's a private club in a bad section of town. Not that there's a good part of Easton. 3 weeks later I was driving around with a friend and we stopped at a Dunkin' Donut's to get coffee and there was his car just sitting in the parking lot like 2 blocks away from the club where it was stolen. They left the windows down and it had gotten rained on so we knew it had been there a while and I didn't happen to just run in to them while they were inside the DD. Oddly the police were really pissed that I found it. The dude had a really bad attitude. When I mentioned it was a fellow officers car from another town he changed his tune a little but he was still an a-hole about it. Side note: The barn where my wife has boarded her horse for the last 10 years sold the farm and stole all her tack gear. She never told us she was selling the place and sold it to a large family that has never owned horses or animals and they can't speak English. She left 10 goats, 30 chickens, and 2 horses of hers plus ours. People just suck in general. The new owners are extremely nice, but know less than zero about running a farm or taking care of a 30 year old horse. I just saw Bit has his problem solved. I hope it works out. I knew a group where the steel guitar player did the bass parts on his steel guitar. They were one of the best bands I've ever heard. I'm a sucker for steel guitar though.
  14. I should clarify that we didn't actually sit there and listen to all 4 sets. It was the drummers band. He was a police officer in our town and had a lot of windshield time patrolling. He would listen to them during the week when he could and then go over the problem area's at practice. It did get to the point where a couple of the guys heard how bad they were and we lost a couple of bass players. But we didn't care by that point. I was doing a lot of backing tracks on my Tascam 8 Track and had all the parts covered in case someone didn't show up. I transferred them all to DAT and we used that live. Finding reliable people is the hardest part. Sometimes you have to look pass the flaws in favor of reliability. 99% of the people aren't going to hear what you and I hear. I'm living proof of that. We were really popular and we were not a good band. But we had fun and so did the crowd and we tried. I've been trying to find people to form a band since I moved out to the midwest 23 years ago. It only happened once up in IA and we broke up before we played our first gig. Haven't found 1 person here in MO. It's really hard to get something together these days. I took my band days serious as a heart attack and it's really hard to find people with that drive and motivation these days.
  15. Looky what I found on Facebook Marketplace. The guy had two. He also had the 6 channel 4 track version but I just needed this. His dad passed away and was selling off his stuff. McIntosh amps, tons of bass gear. Tons of midi gear. This is the first time using FB that someone didn't try to scam me. In fact he got a little pissed and thought I was scamming him. I couldn't remember how it worked and he thought I was trying to say it was broke to get it cheaper. I told him to chill the hell out and give me a second because it was 30 years since I used one. Lol. I didn't even argue in price. He only wanted $250. Anyhoo. It found a good home and Ill never part with it. It was pretty cruddy but it works perfectly and there's no wear on the drive assembly. It's almost identical to my 8 Track. It even has double speed capability which my original Portastudio 2 didn't have. Now I can transfer and play with all my masters from the 80s. It's a different unit than I used but this is a better one and the speed and heads align so it's all good. It was a good day today. ?
  16. This is the first I've owned these movies on any format. I skipped all of the prior releases. One thing I don't like about going from BluRay to 4K is it seems to do something to the film grain making it look unnatural. The set comes with the BluRay release as well. I'll have to compare them some time. As luck would have it my Samsung hi end 4K player died. I got a lesser expensive Sony Region Free. So far I love the Region free part but I don't think it's quite as clear as the Samsung.
  17. Nope. That side is brand new. Nobody has ever sat there until now. ? The other side though is trashed. I had to sleep there a month after surgery earlier this year. They sure don't make furniture like they used to.
  18. Do you record your gigs? We used to record every one and critique them at the next practice. It would put the reality of it right in his face. If he laughs it off and doesn't care what it sounds like then he needs to go.
  19. Ok. This is getting nuts now! I was watching The Invisible Man last night and look who showed up ...
  20. My wife hates the chimes because they are so loud so I only run it when she's gone. She just found out at like 10pm last night she has to go to Hawaii again for work for the 5th time this year Monday morning. So I'll fire it up then. I may actually get some recording done because I'm 99% done with my remodel project. Woohoo!
  21. I still have a PC running DOS 6.22. I keep it around for my collection of old 2D side scrolling games. I fire it up once or twice a year.
  22. Ok. Now this is too much. I'm watching The Wolf Man now and during the one scene I noticed something familiar. The clock in this scene is identical to the one I have on my fireplace mantle. It's a 110 year old Sessions clock my sister gave me for Christmas in 1990. I just had it restored last year. Unreal.
  23. I saw a story about the Royal Family a while back and thought it was fake news so I looked in to it. It turns out it is true. Charles and the Queen are descendants and own property in the Transylvania region. Of course, the last I heard the Queen owns 1/6 of the entire planet so it's not surprising to me they own land there, but I was shocked to read they are actually descendants. I would think people would not admit to being related to Dracula the same way they deny being related to the guy with the tiny funny mustache. As for the Ottoman Empire stuff, if you read history and read between the lines there's a very good reason why he acted the way he did. Other armies have had to resort to such tactics over the centuries as well with that particular enemy.
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