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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. If you already have enough "cheapo crap," you could get something that is actually quite good like Initial Audio's Slow-Mo or Reverse for $9.99.
  2. There's not really anything out of the ordinary in the full screen view. Looking more closely, the clip I copied from also has the "178%" on its header. I have used stretch maybe two other times, in much different contexts, so all this is new to me. I guess this is my message that it's time to study up on stretching.
  3. Ah, so that was you! Thank you so much, John, all the goodies that came with it, especially the manual, were great to have. It was unusual in that unlike most CM software, you didn't have to answer a question. I guess the idea was to get people to create Cakewalk accounts. There's some sneaky stuff you can do by also downloading the full SONAR demo. Since it comes with Dimension and Rapture, although they are demo versions, the sounds may be copied off and installed in Rapture Session (which you can get with Home Studio). That Cakewalk account turned out to be very valuable once I started using CbB. Around here, it seems like everyone with a Cakewalk login also has a SPlat license anyway.
  4. Not entirely true, unfortunately. Last time I checked, Boz only has Bark of Dog II available for download. He may be offering Bark of Dog I by request, but the Panipulator build that is now available doesn't include the PC module. I've asked him twice if he could make the Panpulator PC module available and gotten zero response both times.
  5. None of those things are available to users who started with CbB. I got lucky, I happened to have an old Cakewalk login from when I registered to get my free CA-2A license. I did some aggressive digging and found the free Cakewalk SONAR Home Edition that apparently was magazineware at some point. I downloaded it and got all the DXi effects before they were included with CbB, also Rapture Session and some loop libraries (from Big Fish?). and FINALLY at that point, a pdf copy of the SONAR manual. I think the Linear Phase EQ's would be nice to have, the rest, whatever. Xpand!2 probably covers everything I'd use Rapture for. The CA-2A in VST form with the full GUI would probably make some people happy. I only ever use mine as a ProChannel module.
  6. This is actually a happy accident, because as often happens when I'm doing an EDM track an unintentional result winds up sounding cool or opening up possibilities I hadn't been considering. I have one dialog phrase sample that I'm dropping in from time to time, a girl's voice saying "Why is it you wish to...." I'm chopping it up into "Why? Why? Why?" "Why is it?" "Why is it you wish?" "Why?" "Why?" etc. as you do in this genre. All was going fine, copying and pasting the clip along the timeline in multiple locations, slip editing, copying and pasting the slip-edited phrase, and so on. This is the most basic way of working with audio clips, or so I thought. Then, during my breakdown section, I decided I wanted to put in a few more "Why?s" and copied and pasted one. Then I decided I wanted more of the original phrase and dragged the right edge out to get it and this is where things went unexpectedly: The figure "178% appeared in the clip header and the phrase was slowed down with no pitch change. Sounded very smooth, that is one pimpin' algorithm there. But not what I wanted. I figured that I must have been holding down a key or clicked in the wrong area of the clip or something, so I deleted the clip and pasted it in again. Carefully grabbed the right edge, dragged it out, and....178% The cursor isn't switching to the stretch cursor when I do this, so I don't know what could be making this happen. As it turns out, the phrase actually sounds better time-stretched because the girl is talking kinda fast (and that algorithm is really frickin' smooth), so I want to explore this more, BUT I don't want to be doing it by accident, I want to be in control of it. What did I do wrong (right)? How did slip editing, something I've done hundreds of times in Cakewalk, suddenly start time stretching? I will toddle off to bed as it's 5AM and the track is sounding good, so this seems like a good time to stop, go beddy, and wait for answers from the forum. Behold yon clip with the sigil "178%" upon its header. The one to the right of it is the full phrase, non time -stretched, so you can see the stretching that went on. It's like....the first clip is about....178% the length of the other one. Coincidence? I think not.
  7. Turns out that Browser/Media Tab (no corner) and Media Tab (narrow no corner) are actually used. They are for when the Browser is docked at left and not responsible for creating a nice chamfer on the upper left corner of the pane. When docked at left, he tab is buried next to the float, dock options, and collapse buttons: Why is it that purple-y themes are so good for noticing this stuff? I wonder if we could have gotten Prince to try Cakewalk by showing him a purplecentric theme. I suspect that EVA 01 is the only one that is intended for actual use.
  8. As I've mentioned before, Craig, I bought my first Craig Anderton book in 1982 and it literally started my career in electronics (first project: Tube Sound Fuzz, which I still have around somewhere). Which eventually led to me having my own stompbox company 20 years later when the boutique boom started (I still have parts purchased at Mike Quinn's!). I have a lot to thank you for. I'll start recommending your book more to newbies. There are so many things in there that aren't covered in the Ref. Guide. I hear ya about the marketing frustration. I would love to be able to buy official Cakewalk t-shirts and stickers (for my laptop lid of course). Which are, of course, great advertising in and of themselves. Even just setting up a Zazzle store would be great. Takes less than an hour and you kick back and collect the earnings. I suppose it's the price we pay for the awesome developer-driven path Cakewalk is now on. Bandlab having hired the cream of the engineering staff but none of the marketing staff. ? It seems like all Bandlab do to promote Cakewalk is give the bakers rein to keep making it a better program, which is AWESOME for people who are already hip to it, but not so great for getting the word out. Such a mystery why they don't do any of the things you mention which seem simple. Publishing music magazines and not advertising your own products in them seems so odd. Noel himself maintains the KVR page. Just having someone on an intern level to do a newsletter or whatever.
  9. It's a pity this person seems to have disappeared after one single teaser post back in April (this was their only message on the entire forum). They even influenced the round buttons for Yellow Submarine and EVA 01. I wouldn't hold out much hope of ever seeing this one released to the public. If you want the round buttons, you'll find them on EVA 01 or Yellow Submarine. They're also of course swipeable, just like any theme element.?
  10. Finally belatedly pulled the trigger on the book, and within 5 minutes, mind blown. This is from someone who has been using Cakewalk almost daily for 3 1/2 years. I'd love to see an update or addendum with the Arranger Track and Articulation Maps.
  11. Only when I have View/Display/Show Muted Takes in Parent Track turned off. The clip isn't getting deleted, it just doesn't show up in the "comp clip" anymore. Open your take lanes and you'll probably see it.
  12. I tried opening library.db in DB Browser, did some searches, and there are categories in Cakewalk that don't show up in library.db, so I suspect that they are stored in some other location. Either that or my searches were faulty somehow, but I spent some time with it.
  13. There is. The way I would go about this is to create 12 tracks. Within each of these tracks, create 3 empty take lanes. Then drag and drop the files one by one onto the appropriate take lanes. After this, select the 12 clips from the first take and group them, then same with the second and third takes. At that point, the comping may commence. (Save early and often; Ctrl-Z is your friend)
  14. I voted for Cakewalk in Favorite Audio Software and Favorite DAW, because as we know from the tinfoil hat brigade, Cakewalk isn't REALLY freeware, because you have to register an account at Bandlab and connect to the Internet every 6 months blah blah blah. ? But yeah, excluding free software from the DAW categories, and "ghettoizing" other categories by having separate (but equal) ones for freeware is lame. I just ignored the guidelines. If they get lots of votes for freeware in other categories, even if they don't report them, it at least sends a message. Which may be that users of freeware don't bother to read the rules. ?
  15. You are aware that you can drag tabs out of the Multidock? Unless you mean that you'd like a way to open these windows without having to do that. The panes that pain me are Help, Synth Rack, and (less often) Browser. This is mostly only for when I'm working on my 15" laptop, where real estate is dear.
  16. My 6th custom Cakewalk theme has shipped: Racing Green fans, I introduce to you another one along the same lines, a truly dark theme except blue in the places where Racing Green is green. Like Racing Green, selected clip backgrounds are black for greater event visibility. Midnight Blue:
  17. Ah, RPN calculators. They were my first introduction to the way (many) engineers think about things vs. regular people. It was 35 years ago, when HP still made them, of course, and I was just getting started in the hardware electronics industry (incl. Orban and Nady). I was (among other duties) a draftsman, and one day I needed a calculator to perform some simple multiplication and trig problems, and had left my trusty TI-30 at home. I asked an engineer friend if I could borrow a calculator and he handed me his HP. Imagine my surprise. I brought it back to him and told him I had no idea how to get any useful results out of the thing. He swore up and down to the Earth and stars that HP calculators with RPN were "way better" than TI's with their algebraic entry. I was bemused for years about this, and similar exchanges took place between me and other engineers. Finally, an engineer colleague, upon my asking him why engineers would think that calculators with input systems that were impossible for at least 99% of the population to grasp were "better" than ones that almost any grade schooler could get results from. He explained what I had suspected, that for figuring out certain things (I think he referred to calculus), they kicked butt, but you also had to first have an understanding of the advanced math they were made for. I still can't get my head around "base 8." A friend of mine who became a nuclear power teaching engineer for the US Navy gave me a way to get myself through the tests by counting on my fingers, I think. This whole thing helped me a great deal in most of the disciplines I entered after that. It helped me as a software QA engineer dealing with programmers, with electronics engineers dealing with them, as a musician dealing with differences in taste between me and other musicians, all over the place. With a lot of things, due to the great variety of people and their great variety of needs, there is no "best" or sometimes even "better." There are people with a variety of needs and there is a variety of solutions. As much as I dig Cakewalk, I might not recommend it to a young person who wants to learn how to produce EDM. Ableton Live! or FL Studio might be better, if they could afford them. Obviously, if someone wants to work on the Mac platform, Cakewalk is not in the picture at all, and they have access to Garage Band.
  18. Best Audio And MIDI Software: KVR Readers' Choice Awards 2021. (and or other software, depending on your preferences)
  19. I suspect it's just that their commerce server is overloaded due to the initial rush. I got the blank screen when I tried to go to my cart for checkout. If prior purchase or some other condition had not been met, I should think I would get an error message. I mean, a €1210.00 processor for free?? Imagine the fortunes we shall all make once the giveaway is finished and we flip our licenses on KVR.
  20. Despite having over a dozen A|A|S soundpacks and loving the sound, I only have the "Session" bundle. I only wish there were some way in A|A|S Player to "star" favorite patches. I have been knee deep in creating a massive, evocative soundscape and unable to locate the Chromophone patch that sounded so amazing. The soundpacks done for Chromophone are my favorites, so if I were to buy one of their synths, that would be the first. Everything they do sounds like a million bucks, but what's up with the GUI's that take 5 seconds to appear the first time, longer than it takes Cakewalk to start?
  21. Yay, another Unfiltered Audio effect. One of my favorite plug-in houses.
  22. Not when it's docked. What I want is not to have to float a window in order to banish it.
  23. As it is, in order to completely get rid of a view, one must undock it, then click on the "X" to banish it. I would like to be able to completely close, not just minimize, panes/views from the Docking Options menu:
  24. I would like both the automatic buffer size optimization and to retain access to the settings, but pretty please with an explanation of what their RAMifications are. For instance, this will make something smoother at the expense of more RAM usage (not an issue on any of my Cakewalk systems), or if you go too high it may lower performance, etc.
  25. Other essential (to me) PA plug-ins: Millennia NSEQ-2 EQ rules the school as a knobby M/S EQ. Lindell TE-100 is a new favorite character EQ. Does certain tricks to bass similar to a Pultec, also can add air and many other tricks. If you haven't tried it, install the trial and mess about with the presets (yes, happy day, it's one of those VST3 unicorns that comes with presets). Unfiltered Audio G8 is my favorite general purpose gate. Crazy amount of features, and the rolling display helps dial it in better than anything else I've tried. Also, if you're into glitching and mangling type sound design, Sandman Pro, Fault, SpecOps,and of course BYOME/TRIAD. Collect 'em all. Also, a tip for PA plug-ins that don't do their own preset management: look in the "VST3" menu. Most of them come with a couple dozen presets.
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