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Everything posted by daveiv

  1. I'll be upgrading Reaper from 5.67 to 5.68, and it's a free upgrade!
  2. Geez no need to cuss!
  3. I don't use any Kontakt library either. I jumped the ship joined the club way too late, I don't need anything particular.
  4. Retromod stuff are sampled, like IK Syntronik series, right?
  5. That's for sure. But then the product will appeal to a significantly bigger audience. Do you make Kontakt libraries?
  6. That's a good idea. I'd also love to see companies to provide both K5/K6 and K7 versions of their VIs. HiDPI support in K7 is an important feature for many people, but not everyone needs or wants that.
  7. Breaking backwards compatibility is profitable for software companies. I expect a wave of "Custom-tailored for K7" sample libraries.
  8. Yes. Likely in the summer of '23.
  9. You're welcome. Note that Unreal's guitar VIs don't have a strum engine If you're interested in in AAS, and not in a hurry, AAS Strum Sessions goes on sale for $10-20 regularly, or even given away sometimes. Then you can upgrade to AAS Strum for $50 during sale. I also want to share these links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmQETKtz1Ws https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLtwHzJ2s3g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJf6PMgkC68 Looks intimidating at first, but I could achieve this level with a few weeks of modest practice. I don't use any strumming engine anymore.
  10. Metal GTX from Unreal Instruments also works well for me for prototyping hard rock riffs.
  11. Breaking news: We're getting dumber day by day.
  12. I like all-in-one mixing plugins. I wish this one had reverb, delay, chorus too.
  13. SSL Native Vocalstrip 2 for $18 Any opinions?
  14. Ich want K6 -> K7 für $50. Hurry up NI! ?
  15. Note that AudioDeluxe giving away UVI Model D this month with all purchases.
  16. I love how Wurli sounds, despite I haven't played one. @PavlovsCat how does this one compare to SoundPaint's 1972 Wurli and AcousticSamples' Wurlie?
  17. I think dedicated audio editing software like WaveLab, Audition, Sound Forge let you go more surgical with audio. They also have built-in tools for repairing, denoising, and likes.
  18. https://www.jrrshop.com/ircam-lab-ts Any opinions?
  19. https://neovst.com/product/acoustic-guitar/ ?️
  20. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/traktion-biotek What do you think about BioTek? ?
  21. Do you use AAS Strum's own sounds, or you only use it to create MIDI to trigger another guitar VI?
  22. AcousticSamples Guitar Collection goes on sale for $100 few times a year.
  23. Off-topic but, do you track in Mixbus, or you use it for mixing only?
  24. Dynamic mics, Piezo pickups, soundhole pickups, playing inside the wardrobe...
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