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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. This has to be the best guitar amp ever: https://www.nembriniaudio.com/products/mrh810-lead-series-guitar-amplifier I've tested or have Guitar Rig 5, IK's Amplitube 4 MAX... Bias 2, THU... whatever, you name it, even NEMBRINI Soldano (which I don't think it's that good), but this Marshall emu... uff... it respects my Les Paul tone and really makes it sound it's been played through a Marshall Amp, sounds great for cleans, lead, crunch (from blues to prob metal? idk, hard rock indeed), you name it, takes rather well some pedal emulations, and when you think you found your tone, add the free Mercuriall Chorus... uff...
  2. Tested the demo on vocals... it adds something with the TT,,, kinda silky, nice. (Will have to say bye to the waves CLA 76 ;( ) lol Edit 2: Nah, I'll keep my CLA and IK Black.
  3. Yeah, but you know I have loads of stuff so patience is key here, I don't need PA plugins, I have my eye on 2 or 3, if they come my way, I will snatch them asap.
  4. It's the beginning of the month, so I am waiting for other stuff to be on sale so I can use my voucher.
  5. I am confused ZO, :P, Craig mentioned he can actually read the faceplate so easily, and that's why you didn't get this particular plugin? ?
  6. Maybe this one (or the G SSL, I have no clue what's the difference) https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_ssl_4000_e.html?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=SSL!+bx_console+4000+E+?+Just+%2449+99+Today!&utm_campaign=STAR+FOR+ONE+DAY+bx_console+SSL+4000+E+190914
  7. Gratz but you're crazy, or you're crazy but awesome? I couldn't live just with beans though, more power to you
  8. I'm starting to like this PA voucher thing, I got bassdude last month for 15 bucks, this month got first time a loyalty voucher, wish the SSL console was 49 now, lol, I wonder if it's really worth it? Aw, it wasn't the SSL, just console N
  9. ? ? I didn't have anything Overloud previously, then I read 2nd poster if you owned a Gem anything you could use a code for 20%, so in the KVR forum (I peruse there a lot trying to find the best deal, if any) one guy sold this EQ (https://overloud.com/products/eq550) for 10 bucks, so I told myself better 3 plugins for 81 bucks (LA2 LA3 and the EQ), than paying 72 for just 2, right? lol Thanks for the suggestion mate (your video and the answers in the comments section (towards me) helped me out a lot and pull the trigger).
  10. I bought a Gem EQ for 10 bucks just to have the discount (and have a gem product ofc), lol.
  11. Oh!!! I read on the gearlutz forum: "You don't have to renew the update plan. Waves does not charge for minor updates/bug fixes. It is your choice if you want to renew it or not." This is what I was worrying about.
  12. Alrighty, thanks again cclarry
  13. In other words, buy the "bargain" for 50, right?
  14. If you could please enlighten me with the WUP thingy (update policy)? I can buy the CLA compressors from another guy for just 50 bucks, but his WUP is Feb 2020, I 've read I'd have to pay a fee to update said bundle/plugins? Although not a necessary update? What if I bought new? I hope you can answer this, thanks (MixbusTV on youtube has an amazing 10 fave plugins for vocals and surprisingly the LA76 (Waves) works amazing)
  15. Thanks so much mate, I guess I gotta do more homework before purchasing
  16. Thanks for clearing that up, lol, 46.78 was too good of a price, lol. To me it shows $69.71 vs your 67.91 (Same numbers, haha).
  17. Grrr, thanks so much cclarry, I really dont' want to spend money yet, lol, your thread was already mid first page, missed it, then I found the sale on KVR Bargain no chat thread... UAD and these guys are the only ones with a LA3A emu (which is supposed to be amazing for vocals) so I guess, I will have to take the jump? Or maybe since I have Softube Vol 2, plus Tracks 5 max, I should just buy CLA-3A? What do you think? (although I've read the other 2 behave VERY differently vs their IK counterparts?
  18. https://klevgrand.se/products/reamp
  19. Alrighy mate, thanks, as to why I hate it (not anymore)... it was because when I bought it I didn't have a penny, it took all I had to buy it, and it had very low output volume, it was a joke. That was 2012 when these interfaces were released? Now, I undust it, because my Tascam 16x08 sucks (output to harsh), my Uphoria 404hd (Behringer) has a better out put but still stucks (still harsh, not not as much as the Tascam) and since I had a Mbox original (Focusrite converters or something?) I swore that thing sounded great. So, after all this try and error, it suddenly hit me since the drivers were updated, why not try it again? (Because I have better gear now, a Yamaha receiver to power up my Yamaha NS244 monitors, DT Pro 990 headphones, Beyerdynamic) and yeah, I was right, my 2 newest/latest interfaces "colored" the output horribly, and this 2i2 sounds great, I can't believe all the journey I had to travel to reach this point. Strings with this interface through my monitors sound amazing, bass, vocals.. ok, everything, lol. Now I know if something doesn't sound right through this interface, I can assure it's badly mixed. Thanks again. Oh, what's a Tardis?
  20. Hey mate, I registered my 2i2 (first gen), and I can download 1 and 2 already, the other ones are not available, is that normal?
  21. If you try it let me know your thoughts? ?? I don't think I have even tried Freeamp yet, haha.
  22. If you're considering stepping up to REAMP, now is the right time to do it! Until 25 September you'll get 40% off REAMP if you use the code below: freeamp2reamp
  23. Carlos

    Waveform 10 Free

    FYI, Ravage vst3 doesn't load into Waveform either (you know, first time vst scan), lol, I am gonna delete that thing now... ?
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