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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Instead of hitting the like button here CC, I made a new thread on the Buy and Sell Kvr's section, lol. If you read it, well, is just because I root for you, because even if we really don't know each other, I feel I do: You show more with your doings than anything else. So, you making all these posts to help us that is just great and I am thankful King. Hugs.
  2. With the Covid 19 around the corner, I hope you have time in your hands to answer the next question, it's so simple I don't know why people in any forum focus on it, specially on GS, before I ask the question, let me tell you that: After I gave away in exchange for a Bluebird microphone (I didn't know what I was doing, although the trade was a good one) my Mbox (original), all the interfaces, not just them, but the audio coming out from my PC/Laptop, to me... was SHIT. My statements are bold, I know, just bear with me please 1 second. After a VERY long search, I got lucky and finally solved my issue: Having the Audient id44 made me realize that perhaps the DAC of the interfaces was the culprit. You don't have any idea how much time I put into trying to solve this problem, buying new cables (not of great quality, but different type of connections as the Audient offers a lot). How I solved it: Since the Audient headphone output is shit, I thought "ok, what some said on GS about not having enough power for a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 990 is true, I can see that now". Let's buy a headphones amplifier, as I've read quite a lot on forums and on product reviews. So I bought... THE SCHIIT! A Heresy (it could've been the Magni 3+ but that's a different story). Ok, so, since I don't live in the best country (ok my country is the best but don't tell anyone, yours is very close... but mostly because you got everything and more at your fingertips, at least it's how I see it) it took more than a month to arrive (due to fkcing bureoucracy, not that my country is so far away from yours), in the meantime, maybe 15 days in of being shipped, I bought a used Modi 2 usb (not the latest version). This thing is a DAC! This DAC solved my issue 90%, I'd say 99%... sound wasn't harsh anymore (mostly), YOUTUBE didn't sound like shit anymore (and it's not that they compress your sound, I download videos I like and play them on the VLC player... they sound louder, so I don't think they touch your sound, but withing a browser for some reason sounds with lower volume). So the Heresy arrives, and plug it in, then send the RCA outputs to my Yamaha receiver, which powers up my Yamaha NS 244's... guess what guys? I spent 4 hours STRAIGHT listening to music NON STOP, it sounded so great even my mother came to me at some point, not to complain (I had it quite loud, and I played some songs she really liked) and said to me "I feel something great is coming because this sounds so good, it really does make you feel very good (because it sounds so good)" or something like that (she mentioned angels and what not, even if Metallica was playing, lol). Also, if you remember... I fkcing hated the Beyerdynamic DT 990 for being VERY FKCING BRIGHT AND HARSH! Well guess what I am using right now for daily "drivers"? It wasn't the canners, it was the fkcing source!!!! They don't sound fkcing bright or harsh, they sound great now... sigh... So, you see my problem now is ... I can't fkcing record using the Schiit Modi, since it's just a DAC... My question is then to you guys: FORGET ABOUT anything the Babyface Pro has (outputs, inputs, drivers, Totalmix, whatever) except one thing and one thing only: How does your stuff sound through the headphones output (and line outs)? And Youtube stuff (that you know should sound great)? Because at the end of the day, this has been my issue all along, and again, I don't know why people dont' talk about this stuff: What you hear or how you hear it is the MOST IMPORTANT THING (if it sounds like sht it doesn't matter if it has the "best converters or preamps in the world", I don't know how any logical situation when you can say that when the headphones output (and or line outputs) sounds like shit). Even the Audient had this "96 KHZ Test (Intermodulation Distortion)". It's on Youtube (the issue explained). Does the Babyface Pro pass the Intermodulation Distortion test? I hope you can answer this easy question. Does it sound GREAT. (Added comment: With the Modi 2 finally I could hear the reverbs going, how long they lasted, if they were implemented well or not so well, lots of details came alive, even if it still doesn't sound 100% silky it's very close I can enjoy music again. EZdrummer doesn't sound like shit anymore too, now sounds amazing. Stuff has now punch, bass is alive, not overwhelming but you can finally tell it's there, doing it's function, as a great mix should have: balance. There were songs where I didn't really understand what the bass was doing, or anything really, and the Modi fixed this. Now I can understand better the singers because it seems transients/consonants are not lost and muddy). So many things to say, sorry, I had to let it out.
  3. I sold my pos of the Audient id44, should I get this? Some videos show this is amazing. I can get the FS version at Thomann for the same price. (Sorry King, I feel pretty strong about my vies on the Audient)
  4. Got it finally! Thanks cclarry
  5. I am missing these ones, not interested on them all, but what do you have then Action! American Big Band Big Rock Drums Custom Shop Dark Matter Death Metal Drums Of Destruction (not looking forward to this one) Hard Rock Jazz Kicks & Snares Nashville* Number 1 Hits Pop Punk Rock Solid UK Pop Vintage Rock*
  6. So far nope, but I don't need manuals, I don't use console 1, presets? who needs them?
  7. Duh, he's asking where on earth he is, not the actual screen... USA citizens have it easy then (or so I read on the Vi Control forum's"hint" that it is in the USA /Alaska whatever, lol).
  8. You helped me without wanting I think, I found I had access to one of these: XLN AUDIO: ADDICTIVE KEYS Now I have the complete collection, awesome (4 pianos/keys)
  9. So where is Christian in the video? You can pm if you want
  10. Carlos

    SSD 5

    Free edition is worth it, coz it's free. But here if you don't find the cymbals amazing (they aren't) there is no use in buying full edition.
  11. Carlos

    SSD 5

    No. Straight to the point.
  12. Carlos

    SSD 5

    But yeah, there is better overall stuff out there. Even ezdrummer 2 is better lol (or ad2)
  13. Carlos

    SSD 5

    I have it, no issues with ilok.
  14. I feel this one is their worst. I have it and all their preamp models seem to do sht ? And to me the eqs sound thin.
  15. I have all my vst3 plugins on D : // I just cut them and paste them there, lol. Don't ask. ?
  16. Omg it's taking forever to download everything, great find, thanks
  17. What about ilok Cloud? I noticed I have 2 to 3 available activations (total) for each license. If I place my licenses in the ilok Cloud, would they be available everywhere if I logged in with my ilok account? Still, what I meant is not whether they could get lost, just that the ilok software didn't feel like a hindrance to my system (like using too much power or cpu). It feels so smooth.
  18. Thanks for writing down the price, this saves me lots of extra clicks (if I see anything above 29, I just skip it )
  19. Honest to god is not a big deal, you should really try it. I don't feel it's a hindrance to my system or anything at all. I've got quite some stuff that uses ilok, no issues so far at all. What I will never use is a dongle (so I only "use" Cubase Elements, lol).
  20. New company! Steinberb, has a nice ring to it!
  21. Just ilok software or dongle needed?
  22. How do i sub to their mail list again? I dont see any link or anything. Is this worth it or just another 50% off?
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