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Everything posted by Paul Bush
Well yeah what can i say, I just love the whole thing really well done , puts me to shame ..thanks for that PB
Hi there, After switching to wasapi shared (from asio) to avoid feedback (which it alleviated) for some reason latency occures now I`m not sure how to avoid it can anyone help I´m using a behringer U-phoria UMC 240 interface cheers PB
Hi Noel , well I doff my cap to you dear boy , it seems since I ´ve swopped over to waspi alls well , it was that simple, and now I`m really happy, thank you once again for taking the time to answer cheers paul B
Hi David ,Ive now switched to waspi playback so it seems to have stopped peaking at the moment so Ì`ll carry on with this set up and see what happens .. I do however think there is something wrong with my computer its new but if there`s a dodgy one outthere then It´ll always end up with me its a curse but hey it could be worse ....cheers paul B
Hi noel I think that the asio is in the behringer audio interface , I feel i should point out I´m really not that pc savvy thanks PB
Hi Noel I´m using Asio at the moment and I have behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD interface once again thanks for taking the time to answer PB
Hi Noel ive updated , which WASAPI exclusive or shared logicaly I would go for shared but hey y`know what logica can do at times cheers pb
Hi Noel thanks I´ll give the wasapi thing a go , this is my first cakewalk project so I assume its the latest version I´ll do the updates now as i´ve just posted my first song on FC thanks for the info I´ll keep you informed PB...... p.s I have no idea what a wasapi I´ll take a look at the prefereces
Hi AB Yeah thnks i think there is more than one problem just switching from bandlab to youtube now doesnt work properly i really thing i need professinal computer help ...... I think I´lll do my mixdown and re load the whole thing ..aaghhh!
Hi i´m using a behringer U-Phopria Umc 240HDF , I´m begining to think there`s a problem with my computer .cheers p b
Hi Kalle, thanks for replying , there´s no external microphone and the funy thing is I´m saying its a feedback but its the only way i can explain it. it looks like a feedback but with no sound the master goes into the red , as soon as i repush the play button or stop..... it adjusts itself and then continues to play as normal , i also have a problem using cakewalk and youtube simultaneously.....that said it does function regadrs paul B
Hi David , what I didnt mention was is that the Master LED would shoot upwards and register full red but with no sound this can happen arany sage recoding , playing , or mixing , do you think it could be my Behringer inteface ? cheers paul
Hi guys , look I´m pretty new to cakewalk and have managed to finish my fisrt song , I´m now at the mixdown stage even from the first recorded track the whole proceduer seemed to freeze and the master fader went into the red and stayed there untill I re pushed the play button once or twice and then worked o,k this wolud happen really quite often , I also did a quick mix on mp3 worked perfectly and then three or four times just didnt take so its really quite hit and miss has anyone expirienced the same sort of problems? ..it seems that there is a feedback problem ? any comments would be helpful ..thanks P B
Thanks guys I really appreciate all your input, it saves me a lot of time and confusion and head scratching cheers Paul
Hi, guy, s So here`s the thing, Im using EZDrums toonrack on my new song so it plays along on the first track and is great to adjust while writing in the fills drum rolls etc now I´m getting close to the mixdown stage but i dont see any drum waves in the track veiw , when I eventually click to transfere onto Mp3 do the insert automatically or do I have to make a wav file of the drum sequence and import it to the track window (view) ? if so Ive ried to copy the wave drum file to o avail , any comments would be helpful cheer´s paul bush
yeah I like this one, a super ``live feel´´ hits the spot well done
Hi guys I´d like to thank you all for your help support and advice , Ive now bought a computer and all is well, I´m now working on my first song with bandlab and i´m totally happy its so flexible and I`m saving so much time programming my EZ toontrack drums what used to take hours now takes minutes its all learning by doing cheers paul Bush
Hi chaps. I´m new to bandlab and although i`v watched many tutorial´s (Mike suace ) I still canr get the instument icons to appear ..left click on the track icon but no pictures appear Ive looked in the menu and all icons are on ..confusing any coments would be helpful cheers pdb
THanks Mark , I´m looking at amazon for most of my choices here in Austria , I dont know of any companies in the U.K . Ive away from Th u.K. way too long cheers
Hi Fogle , thanks yeah this really is a hobby thing I dont want to invest too much money just wisely , I´m in Austria so o shuld think that the postage would be an issue thanks for your time , Paul
Look guy`s I dont want to be a nuisance but Ive stumble (once again ) on this one cheaper but maybe as good as for my small productions ? 20 tracks with plug ins etc no video production tell me what you think , thanks PB https://www.amazon.de/Multimedia-12-Kern-Computer-Garantie-FX-8800/dp/B07QS9HV57/ref=sr_1_20?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3GZ2A941TVW4V&keywords=pc%2B64%2Bbit%2Bmit%2Bwindows%2B10&qid=1566366442&s=ce-de&sprefix=pc%2B64%2Bbit%2B%2Celectronics%2C231&sr=1-20&th=1 regards PB