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Paul Bush

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Everything posted by Paul Bush

  1. Hi chaps , I wrote this one back in the summer where in the UK demonstrator`s were glueing themselve to Tarmac, Trains, and other objects to save us all , Its a work in progress ..so all comments are welcome , Its a song about a housewife who goes on demonstrations to pep up her life( lovelife) to meet like minded people to hold hands and sing in harmony and in the process to save us all , and at the end of the day if she gets a ................ well then thats a bonus then its back home to surburbia and wait for the BBC news ..cheers
  2. Hi chaps , well i took onboard all the good tips and comments so thanks for all your input ,Its been renamed ``the only one´´ with a new cover to reflect the new and last mixdown , Ive left in one or two vocal idiosyncracies to keep it live and not midified (that rhymes) any comments would be welcomed cheers P
  3. I´m not a technical guy at all so i leave all that type of stuff to the others but I really like the riffs ,chord changes and the overall mood of the song I´m not sure where you want to go with this if your adding vocals or not but its pleasing and could be a backdrop for a film, tv thing, an Irish scene old town with windswept bogs ..I´m going on a bit but you get the gist
  4. I had a portastudio way back when really helped me with my songwriting shame i didnt have one earlyer when i didnt have anyone to play off great song bye the bye cheers
  5. Paul Bush


    Another great one Barry loved the guitar tone as usual cheers
  6. Paul Bush


    Hi David just had another listen to make sure i was right the first time i commented ..... Yep...just a briliant piece of music thanks for sharing
  7. Paul Bush


    Hi David I´m sure I,ve mentioned this before but your compositions always remind me of a couple of british film director`s Mike leigh,Ken loach , on some of their fantasic british social documentary films , way back when..... great stuff
  8. I concure with all the above ..and just great vocals ...super song
  9. Yeah that was super , great video , well done
  10. Yeah ripped my soul out this one ..just seeing a london cab in the first few frames was enough to set the mood have`nt been back for so long... way too long cheers great track P
  11. HI Mr wookie , every song you make i reach for my best headphones ( not the pink ones) sit back a let it take me on a journey . great track loved the guitar tones .. and lots of surprises cheers P
  12. Yeah i believe every word as lynn says ,the vocals are stunning great job cheers P
  13. I´m more of a song guy than a production type of chap so i felt somewhat qualified to add my pennethworth ,vocals are really great and the harmonies fit really well seems a simple song but I lknow there´s a lot of hard work gone into that congratulations , excelent song very difficult pull off and you did it well cheers P
  14. Thanks noynekker , Ive taken my time with this one , I`ve swopped out that bass drum and intro bass guitar Ive brought the piano`s up in the mix and generally mopped up bits `n´ pieces ready to do a more smoother mixdown... I put that (grimsby docks) tune on the backburner , ready for a later date to be worked on it needs a fresh approach anyways thanks for your comments always welcome cheers paul
  15. Hi Chaps , here´s a new song pre mixdown , just to put it out there for some tips, comments etc ..i´m not happy with the guitar solo but a i said its a song in progress see what you all think cheers
  16. yeah loved this great guitar tone , i loved the drums ..now he could save a hours and hours in ezdrums great track
  17. Always a treat Lynn, nice one , great text and vocals
  18. I concure with all the above yeah ..great stuff
  19. Hi Kevin i really liked the song as it kept me trying to look around the corner for the next surprise , as i´m no great shakes as far as production goes i can really only comment on the song which as I,ve said is super good .
  20. Really great recording very clear , song hits the spot
  21. Paul Bush

    Love is Tender

    Hi really super vocals , great harmonies very difficult to do and you pulled it off perfectly , nice one
  22. Hi and thanks Lynn , what started out as a simple riff got intresting as time went on I added a few bits and pieces and it grew on me , I will have to re-do a lot to get it just right but after listening to it so many times my brain just smooths everything out and I lose the thread somehow , its at times like these one really need a second pair of ears in the studio (which i dont have) for instance I`m writing a new song with the keys and with a backing toontrack beat so i´m now searching for the right groove .......its never ending Im actually thinking of trying out the cakewalk drums hit them with my finger and paste ..thanks for taking the time to comment.....cheers paul
  23. Hi Noynekker , vocals remind me a little of Neil Finn of crowded house (compliment) love the melody and general feel of the song ..really well sung and played chorus really hit the spot cheers
  24. Yeah wow this is electric , great stuff , liked it a lot
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