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Paul Bush

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About Paul Bush

  • Birthday 11/04/1956

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  1. Wow that got my head spinning for a while , very original great sound super song , I ´m going back for another listen.... for the third time...cheers nice one
  2. Thanks , Steve, Lynn, Björn,and Nigel your comments , tips and encouragement really spurs me on , this song is a perfect example of how I sometimes write lyrics in pictures (in my minds eye) the whole song is a short film in my head so it makes it rather easy for me to write and enjoy, I really do like these musical visions when they occur , so I´ll add a last verse clean up some mistakes and post it sometime this year, it`s summer her in Austria so I don't have much time in the studio: cheers all Paul
  3. Hi Lynn thanks for taking the time to listen once again , you are a man of the highest calibre and a man with dam fine facial follicles , i really do appreciate your response and critique, spurs me on no end cheers Paul ..clean shaven
  4. Hi Steve yes yes I totally understand what you're saying , I`m an old blues player so anything ``live recorded´´ is always on the money´ as far as I´m concerned , unfortunately or not with all the electronic vst files and magical technical skulduggery that's at our finger tips its very easy to go overboard and add the kitchen sink , of which I am truly guilty at times ( more often than not ) also with a weak song one can add all that stuff to boost them up , Ive just posted a rough demo which may interest you along those lines ``walking up to your house `` cheers and thanks for your constructive input much appreciated paul
  5. Hi chaps , well Ive gone a bit off piste on this rough idea of a song , its been on the back burner for some time and I was unsure if it was really ``a keeper´´ or not and should I pursue it further ?, so its still not finished , the main vocal (sometimes off key)halfway through was quickly recorded with a hand held mic and then a roughly added solo guitar end s abruptly as i don't know what or where its going , that all said i think the story though often told is rather sweet and innocent , conjures up white picket fences a black 11 year old kid wearing a white shirt , shorts and his recently washed tennis shoes going to her house to meet her parents..its just young sweet love and being accepted into the fold . cheers guys all comments are welcome... https://www.bandlab.com/track/54a8a0d3-f535-ef11-86c3-000d3a42581b?revId=53a8a0d3-f535-ef11-86c3-000d3a42581b Rough lyrics Walking up to your house, leave the city sweat behind, Walking up to your house baby, looking all around Walking up to your house wipe the troubles off my feet, leave the grey stone worries back on the street , I Got a clean white shirt on and I`ve washed my Sneekers , I must have smelt my breath a thousand times......, and it`s still not fine Well I`ll be on my best behaviour , Goodie two shoes got nothing on me I got my stories straight and proof of ID, If they ask me Oh they`re gonna ask me … bridge Just a kid that’s a fallen in love doing the best he can First impressions last much longer gonna pull my neck tie straight tonight The door`s open and I walk right in , doesn’t matter about the colour of my skin , I see the man and he´s shaking my hand , I see you , you see me , I’m in love and I´m free (Am)x2 (F) (E) …solo…. (Am) (Bm) He takes the bus from the wrong side of town, and ended up in Peynton place Walking home from your house, heart still skipping a beat and now we`r all just sitting Around,
  6. Hi Lynn , thanks for the nice comments , so I did do a make over a ``master´´ ,although as we know less is usually more .. have a scroll down to Desensualised master and all will be revealed .... or click on my soundcloud track, Id love to hear what you think.....cheers paul
  7. Paul Bush

    Love is Forever

    Nothing wrong with this great sounding track Rex , monotonous ??? with your super voice you could make a telephone book sound great ..cheers p
  8. Always a treat to hear your projects , super sound, production and vocals , harmonies are just great a really good song
  9. Hi Chaps after taking all you comments on board on my warts and all previous recording, this master could be a perfect lesson on less is more ..however I ignored that and crammed as much as i could into 3 minutes , If you heard the rough draft you `ll know what I´m talking about as always all comments are welcome ...cheers paul ..Oh I do however like the album cover on this rather apt I thought ..
  10. Hi Wookiee , thanks for having a gander young man, I get what you're saying i did in fact have a middle eight but due to the fact I don't really have a proper chorus it got to the rambling on and on stage rather quickly to the point where even i couldn't stand it ,so I went for dumbing it down and keeping it simple , speaking of keeping it simple I´m in the process of adding so much to it that its its .. I just dont know ......I´ll post maybe both together so that we all can make a comparison .......as far as less is more well that fell into the water long ago ..... Ive lost the plot ......again.......cheers paul
  11. Paul Bush


    Yeah i liked this very much takes me back , lovely vocals very clear production sounds great ..
  12. Always listen to you work , lots of chord changes makes for really interesting hearing , production top backing harmonies just sublime cheers P
  13. Hi M , lovely guitar tone
  14. Hi Nigel cheers , I feel i´m loosing all perspective as far as my songwriting is concerned, so all comments are a huge boost to my flagging moral, on one side I like the retro feel to this one on the other its lacking originality ,So thanks for commenting I´ll plough along with it... but hey sometimes more is too much . aagghh if only I had a producer ..then it would be his fault ..cheers paul
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