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Everything posted by Blades

  1. Glad to see some conversation with a mix of opinions, though @craigb and I seem to be in the minority so far. Another point is that I am at the exact distance from this monitor as I was from the two side by side. Since it is running at true 4k (100%), the size of each 1/4 of the screen is exactly the same as my old 21.5" 1080p monitors). It does't feel "too close" because it is exactly the same. In fact, when I first started using it, to get used to it, I just put two windows side-by-side with their vertical midpoint aligned with the vertical middle of this 4k screen. Then it was exactly like having my old two monitors except for the lack of bezels and the better clarity on this one. For those who think that S1 is fugly, here's a shot of the same monitor with Cakewalk open with my newest project on it (of course, this one is not done, so it has a lot less going on and less windows up within the software:
  2. Hey @StudioNSFW - how does your dual monitor setup "give you more"? Are they running at a really high resolution? I have seen a 4k TV as well. It's not as good as the 4k monitor - not sure exactly why, maybe it's just the size or the distance, or the fact that it isn't at 100% scale and at 200% because of the distance and use in a conference room (in my case at the office). When comparing my old 2x 1080p monitors side by side, my horizontal resolution was the same at 1920*2 but the vertical was still 1080px. So I have the same horizontal by double the vertical - and have eliminated the bezels. Also, in my case, I was using two ASUS 21.5" panels that were (together) a little more than half the price (about $250 vs $400) but they are also NOT IPS panels, so text is not as sharp and off-axis was not as good for color, which does matter to me since I also do web design and coding, both of which also benefit from the additional resolution, clarity, and RGB reproduction.
  3. Hey everyone - just created a new blog post last night and posted a related YouTube video with examples of why a 4k Monitor is great for a DAW. Have you considered it? Want to see what that really amounts to? Check it out here: https://www.blades.technology/music/daws-sonar-and-studio-one/why-you-should-get-a-4k-monitor
  4. @markno999 Wow! Thanks a lot for your comment. It makes me really happy to hear people compliment something that I have worked so much on and given my all. I enjoy doing cover songs, especially obscure ones that are unlikely known. I only wish that I could get this in front of Roger Taylor - not because I want something from him: just so he could hear it and give some feedback on it - even it wasn't as gracious as yours
  5. @David Sprouse Thanks for the vocal compliment! For the synths - I listened over and over and over. Most of the middle section is Sample Tank (the version 2 samples in the version 3 VST "player". A few of those actually came from the Sonic Synth 2 Library played in the same VST (custom shop? - ala bring your own libraries). the analog brass in that section was from the Prophet V emulation in the Arturia Analog Lab 3. There are a few crash and cymbal hits that were from the Sample Tank as well and the cymbal rolls/swells are from the Pearl Mimic Pro, played in on the e-kit. The other synths through the song, like the synth bass and that orchestra hit were from the Analog Lab 3 as well, the Orch Hit from the CMI and the bass from the Prophet V. As for Queen doing this: no, this was from Roger Taylor's second solo album called "Strange Frontier". You can hear the original of this song here - well, youtube won't let me embed the link here - so go to youtube and search for Roger Taylor Killing Time and it will come up. The album is available on Amazon streaming with subscription or as mp3 download and also on Google Play. I'm sure it is available on just about any of the platforms. A little rumor is that the big vocal ahh section at the end of the orchestral section is supposedly Freddie Mercury. Not sure, but wouldn't be surprised. He's not listed in the album credits though. @Starise Again - thanks for the vocal compliment! I don't know how to get more exposure. I post in a bunch of places but don't really get a lot of hits. Maybe because it's a cover - in the case of "here", I actually have more comments typically even though I didn't use Cakewalk to record it! (my next tune is in the works and I AM using Cakewalk for that one as a change of pace, some nostalgia, and to see how I like it now after a while away. Regarding the Console 1. I REALLY like it. On this song, looking at the mix, the only effects I have are the Console 1 on all of the Inserts, POD Farm on the Guitars and Bass, and some reverb, delay, and phaser on some spots and a limiter on the master to prevent overs - and I might have been able to accomplish that with Console 1 as well. That's it. There is nothing else on the whole thing. It makes the mixing process easier and faster, but more importantly more fun and less frustrating for me and I think the end result is that it sounds better overall than when I was trying to use a bunch of plugins to accomplish the same. On this mix I used some British Class A emulation and some of the default SSL 4000e emulation. If you know of someone who might enjoy this, please feel free to send them over to my blog to read about the process there and listen there as well. And of course, I like comments and reactions, which I so rarely get on the blog!
  6. Good evening everyone. As I plot my course for returning to Cakewalk from Studio One, and after reviewing some comments on my last YouTube video, I created a new blog post about setting up Workflow in your DAW. In the video I discuss both Cakewalk and Studio One but focus mostly on getting the right tools in the right places and everything setup in your DAW to have the creative process and not the technical one win out. I hope that you are able to find something useful here: https://www.blades.technology/music/daws-sonar-and-studio-one/whatever-daw-you-use-it-s-about-the-workflow
  7. Thanks Douglas. I am REALLY trying to come back over to Cakewalk but I keep finding myself working on things over "there". Seriously, I have been a long time advocate for the Cakewalk software. With my comfort here, the free-ness (even though I had "lifetime updates"), and the numerous improvements, I am really not sure why I haven't started that "next song" over here. And THIS forum, like the old Cakewalk forum, is SO much more feedback oriented than the Presonus ones, where I am unlikely to ever get a comment even if I DID use their software to make it. Maybe this next one will be! Again, thanks for the comment here. I really do appreciate it. This song was definitely a lot of work, but got completed relatively quickly.
  8. This is another cover where I did all of the parts. The song is "Killing Time" by Roger Taylor from Queen. There is a full write-up on my blog about why I did this song, but what an appropriate title for a time such as this one. I hope you will take a listen to it - I (sadly) didn't use Cakewalk on this, but I am getting closer to coming back now that the arranger track and so many other goodies have found their way in. I still hope that you will take a listen! https://www.blades.technology/music/songs/killing-time
  9. I like my presonus 1824 USB. They have a USB c version but it is really just an interface thing, and nothing to do with performance. It is usb2 whichever way you go, so you night be able to find A deal on the regular 1824 model. If you want to spring for and have the interface available, you could look at their quantum line which have ultra low latency but need a thunderbolt interface. I haven't had any crashes with mine at all. It seems pretty stable here in both cakewalk and studio one and the latency on my system is quite usable. Not going to quite numbers because they offer present more questions than answers
  10. Hello. I hope that this information will help: I was lead here by a comment on my post from last night on the Hardware forum category. I have used the console 1 with Cakewalk without issue. I took a look at my settings and found that while the Console 1 is listed under my Midi IN and OUT sections of preferences, I have neither of them checked. As far as I know, the Console 1 has no midi function per se. Can you just uncheck those in your preferences, add the plugin to the insert on a track, then use the hardware "on" button in the upper left after activating that channel in the mixer/track view and see if it works? I didn't have an issue with it showing up properly. Never really thought to even look at the Midi options for it! Does that help at all?
  11. Hey all, I did a blog post you might be interested in that compares emulations of the SSL 4000e console to a British Class A console (Neve) emulation using the Softube Console 1 and the Pearl Mimic Pro. It shows the difference between these two emulations. In my case, this is with Studio One, but the Console 1 can be used with any DAW, which is why I'm posting this here - just didn't want to make two versions of the same video, as the exact same thing could be done in either one. I'm not using any Studio One features in this. Cakewalk by Bandlab also has great support for the Console 1, so I thought it might be of some use to the folks here. https://www.blades.technology/music/daws-sonar-and-studio-one/console-1-ssl-4000e-vs-british-class-a
  12. Still hanging on the Cakewalk sidelines. If they had never "gone away", I would have never looked at anything else, but when they did, I went over to Studio One. I have been watching the developments here, have Cakewalk installed on my machine (with all of the old Platinum lifetime updates attached) and go back and forth and still find Studio One a bit more to my liking. There are a number of Cakewalk features that I like/prefer but right now, still a few more on the Studio One side (and the fact that I've bought into the hardware side of Presonus doesn't help lean Cakewalk's way). I could honestly get done everything I need in either one and could do so fairly seamlessly, but I'd like to settle at some point in one place or the other. I have a few old projects in Cakewalk that I'd like to finish, so I'd likely do so here. I might start a few new ones here and again as well. Since this is a hobby and all "fun" for me, some of my own entertainment with it is the actual use of the software and all of its features and less about how many tunes I can finish. I'm slow anyway! Don't have a lot of time to spend and really like the "experience" of playing in the studio. All that said - I would strongly recommend that you install Cakewalk and keep it up to date. They are squashing bugs and adding features all the time and if you stay on x3 or whatever, you are missing out on those updates and fixes and stuck in 2017 (or wherever you left off).
  13. I didn't really even realize that it was using Melodyne for this - I would have expected it was AudioSnap derived. I created a region for the thing in Melodyne and tried the different algorithms. None was really any better than the others. The tempo was still "about half" but still not close at all. I even tried fiddling with the location of the audio track in the session, placing the claps right on the 2 and 4 and even at half-time (ish), it didn't align enough to be useful. I wasn't really "needing" this anyway, as I was just trying to have a reference and it IS an acapella thing, but I was hopeful I might be able to reproduce it and then add some drums and have some hope of a grid. In the end, I'm not vocally talented enough (apparently) to pull the song off anyway! The lead is fine, but I just can't find the backup harmonies and the bass is too low, which I might try harder to manipulate with tools (like sampler or melodyne or something) if the rest were tolerable. I'm sure I will try again. Damn that Todd Rundgren!
  14. I was working on replicating a favorite vocal-only track and had the hardest time tempo matching it last weekend, not being able to figure out a way and I came across this post this evening. So I opened up that project and did this drag-to-the-timeline of the whole audio track of the audio I had imported. Not. Even. Close. The audio has claps all the way through it, so I was surprised that AudioSnap and this method completely failed the test. I expected it would lock onto those obvious transients and come up with something that was at least in the ballpark. If I just put a single temple on it at about 154.75, it works for some period of time and then falls off. If I use this method, I get a tempo starting at 77.58 and varying somewhere around that for much of the song, topping out in one section at about 115bpm. How can this be SO far off. There's not a single spot I can turn on the metronome and it is even vaguely in the same tempo - not a half-time, not a double-time...nothing. Completely off. Am I missing something obvious here?
  15. Hi everyone - not been super engaged here, but still watching updates. Seriously liking many updates I'm seeing in the Cakewalk sphere. I had a play around with loading up this newest version and things seem again improved. I went to try the new option of hiding the Aim Assist time in the bar at the top - I like it as an option like this and can see toggling it on and off according to the time in question. That said, I am still having issues with Aim Assist in general where it will work fine and then just stop working all together. This has been an issue over several versions for me and I've seen it posted by others. It will work and then I will notice at some point that there just is no aim assist cursor or that it is just jammed up against the far left side. All I have to do is close Cakewalk and come back in and it starts working again. Is there some known fix for this. I know it's just a little thing, but the Aim Assist is really quite useful to me and something I quite missed when I went over to the Dark Side (Studio 1) for a while. I'm still switching back and forth between the two programs and trying to determine where I'll land. This is one of those Cakewalk features that I really liked.
  16. Back in the day I had an hr-16b and an sr-16 and I did some triggering of my acoustic drums as additional support to mics and an extra dauz pad on the side. Those were the days! Now I am on a full ekit with pearl mimic pro and could imagine going back. Sold my aleais stuff many years ago to a friend who I bet still has it. For those who might care. If you are like me, you might have switched over to studio one while waiting for cakewalk to figure out what it was doing. If so, and you upgraded to studio one 4, in 4.6 they include the new ampire and it can be downloaded as vst and used in cakewalk. In my few tests it sounds pretty good and I might be replacing pod farm with it for it's simpler options and less analysis paralysis.
  17. I got an email from Slate Digital that said this: ------ "Get a year of ALL ACCESS PASS and then we will give you ANY FREE PERMANENT SLATE DIGITAL PLUGIN OF YOUR CHOOSING!! ? With this deal, you’ll basically get to demo every single plugin in our arsenal for an entire year, as well as demo every new plugin we come out with for the next year, and then you will be sent a FREE plugin voucher to receive ANY SLATE DIGITAL PLUGIN that you want to keep PERMANENTLY! It’s that simple." ... But, it all ends in 72 hours, so don’t miss this great deal! A year of plugins on us, then choose whichever you like best and get it for FREE! ----- So, how I read this was "a year subscription for free". I don't know why they'd do this, but that's how it READ. But when you click the link, it takes you to the product page and a check out sidebar shows: $149.99 $149.99 So as to say "this used to cost $149, but now it is Only $149" Anyone else on this one? Here's the link so you can see it there (less the email content): https://app.slatedigital.com/checkout?catalogItemReferenceId=all-access-pass-annual-paid-upfront&coupon=BF_FreePlugin&__s=3hjvcfugf1jbfudfwuh6
  18. I still use my frontier designs tranzport for drums and vocals and it still works. It technically isn't supported in windows 10, but running the setup.in compatibility more allows it to install and it works, though it doesn't support the pause key specifically. I see a few on eBay right now for about $40. Still don't understand why this was discontinued.
  19. After getting my head back around cakewalk after a long Absence to studio one, I am seriously considering coming back for my next song and seeing how things feel now. Between the last update and this one, there are a lot of things that appeal to me.
  20. Hey everyone. I just completed this recording of Dishwalla's Angels or Devils from the Opaline album. While I didn't record this with Cakewalk, I did use something I've seen discussed around here - the Softube Console 1. It was a huge success in my opinion. In fact, I'm thinking that it pretty much evens up the "sound" between the two DAWs and I think I'll probably do my next song back over in in Cakewalk. It was just so easy to mix with this thing and it works equivalently in both programs. I hope you will take a listen and read over the recording notes here: https://www.blades.technology/music/songs/angels-or-devils-dishwalla-cover
  21. Hey bitflipper...I have a frontier transport that works in windows 10. Maybe I could help you get yours going? Let me know if you want an assist. It mostly has to do with allowing unsigned drivers, which is fine if you trust the device. The device isn't supported any more and lacks some features like the pause button working in the "new" way (like 2009 new I think).
  22. Ha! Yeah - I have a whole drumkit behind me, so space is hardly a concern in this case. I have my shakers, tamborine, and such laying on the floor under the "floor tom". My Coffee/beer (time-of-day dependant) still sits nicely just to the right of the Faderport 8->Console 1. And, as you can see in the video behind me, I just "sheetrocked" my door closed in prep for other changes in my room, one of which will be a re-arrangement from corner desk to flat on the wall desk that I'm actually going to attach as "shelves" to the wall, freeing up space and making my area to keep various beverages larger! Thanks for the comment.
  23. Hey all. I recently got a Softube Console 1 and added to to my equipment collection. I have been spending some time getting accustomed to using it and figuring it out. In this process, I've out together a blog post with a Top 5 reasons to buy one. While the video contains Studio One as the example DAW, I have also put it in Cakewalk and it works the exact same way, so what I show here can work in either DAW. Want to check it out? I'd appreciate a look. Maybe it will help you decide to add one to your equipment list as well! https://www.blades.technology/music/daws-sonar-and-studio-one/5-reasons-to-get-a-console-1
  24. @Jaime Ramírez I am using the default tungsten theme. @Jon Sasor windows 10 pro 1903 - 4unning on an Asus mb with an Nvidia gtx960 (Asus strix if that helps) Need any other specs?
  25. I can verify the aim assist issue here as well. Don't have a recipe. Happened on a blank project template, so nothing fancy.
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