This is very disrespectful, you don't post your own tune in other peoples thread, see first post of the forum. You want a free guitar solo but can't be bothered to ask me directly, but put me on the spot on this forum, not nice. I made my project forkable on bandlab so if anyone wants to add something to it, be my guest. You didn't make yours forkable btw.
Sorry about the rant.
Hi Treesha, nice one, the organ part clashes a bit with the vocal at the "miss understood "parts imho. Also a bit of reverb on the vocal would be nice imho.
Hi John, thanks for listening, glad you like the style of playing . I like Fahey and Ackerman too, thanks for reminding, must do something in an open tuning ?
Hi Barry , funky tune, liked it, good vocals but on my end it sounds like there's to much effects on the vocals while the instruments sounds overly dry imho.