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  1. Hmmmm. I used to calculate note timings in terms of ticks (generally number of ticks per note durations with attention to note start time tweaks), but I never correlated frames with ticks--until now. At my current settings (probably the default as I haven't changed them), when I use + and - I am seeing 1 frame = 64 ticks. I got sick of micromanaging timings. Not sure I would want even finer gradations to micro-manage millisecond and sample start intervals, but on a purely theoretical level, it might be interesting to try. Well, maybe not interesting in terms of auditory results, but interesting in terms of being hyper focused (i.e., exploring) time on a microscopic [microsonic?] level.
  2. Loss Prevention measure in a store?
  3. Is the SORT BY DATE option not working any more? UPDATE: It looks like our sorting preference gets reset. 😞
  4. Maybe some of the other threads on General Errors will help answer your question. I haven't experienced them myself, but here's a search link that might help: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/search/?&q="general error"&quick=1&item=83740&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  5. Thanks for the heads up. This time the Syntronik 2.1.2 update was indeed downloaded and installed. 🙂 Thanks to IK for getting this fixed.
  6. Maybe this list / mini guide to new features will help?
  7. Thanks for confirming that. For the record, my comments and the "Too many cooks" comment were submitted at the same time.
  8. The original post just referred to "separate tracks" and then "separate drum tracks." It was also unclear to me what kind of tracks the OP was using / wanted to use. Amberwolf sought to clarify the kind of tracks being used because of the ambiguity. Later on the OP stated: Saying "that's MIDI right?" is ambiguous, too. If "that" = "TTS-1," to me it looks like either the OP doesn't understand something or just responded haphazardly. The way I see it, Amberwold sought to err on the side of clarifying the possible misunderstanding, perhaps for the benefit of the OP, perhaps for the benefit of others. I would say TTS-1 responds to MIDI data, but that's me. Saying TTS-1 is MIDI, says nothing about the tracks being used and the OP did not include an image of the track headers. Unfortunately not everyone communicates as clearly as they could every time. JMO: Clarifications of ambiguities is not a bad thing.
  9. Interesting. With my Roland M-GS64s (which have much in common with the TTS-1), I used to set two adjacent channels (10 and 11 IIRC) to Drum Maps for the same purpose. I can't remember if I tried this strategy with TTS-1. I'll have to make some time to try it.
  10. Honorable Mention (because with the oopsies, I lost track and don't want to risk being off topic--whichever one is current): "Call Any Vegetable" [multiple versions available online including ones featuring Flo and Eddie] - Rutabay-ee-ay-guh, Rutabay-ee-ay-guh, Rutabay-guh 😉 Link to article on Vegetables . Carry on with the current association whatever it is.
  11. I can only guess: (1) Maybe because they only have the rights to archive it, not to reorganize/recode it. (2) Maybe they have limited staffing resources and those are going into making the new products, top notch. I don't have any special insights; those are just some possibilities off the top of my head. I took the question to be, "Why are the old / legacy web pages still there?" Personally I have gone there over the past couple of years and looked stuff up. As I said, it has a wealth of information. I would hate to see it taken down. I have no idea what would be involved in rewriting the old pages, if it is even permitted under the terms of the agreement. Caveat: I used to worry about things I have no control over, too, but in my advanced age I am trying not to worry as much as I used to. Over the past several months I thought I saw a help page that had what you are asking for. I am not as good at finding things I saw previously as I was even a few months ago, but I will look. UPDATE: Try this page. last item on the right side (articles). Nope. That doesn't help. AHA!! FOUND IT!!! It's under the Worriers article: "What happened to the old SONAR? What happens to everything I paid for?"
  12. I could be mistaken, but I think a few years ago you explained to me how even though I didn't "use" screensets they were in use by default. Maybe that was someone else; my memory isn't what it used to be. I'll see if I can find that discussion.
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