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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. I played my LP to death back in the day ? Still never really understood why they didn't go the whole hog and make it a double album at the time; the material to fill up four sides of vinyl exists (including the extra tracks they put on the remaster).
  2. Still the best version I've heard 'em do...
  3. For anyone interested (CraigB ITIHRN?) - this song (at 3:30) was the inspiration for the band who called themselves A Flock Of Seagulls ?
  4. A thoroughly interesting yet unusual chord structure running over the Gm blues scale (I think Notes might appreciate this take on the blues ?)
  5. Altogether now .... ### We're goin' dahn tha pab ###
  6. LINK: I got a rocket in my pocket ===> Saturn 5 ^^^^^^^^^^^ I'll get me coat ?
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