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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. @Wibbles The last time I saw an avatar as offensive to snowflakes as yours, it was forcibly removed by a moderator … … from my profile ? Mind you, it was a rather risqué (yet completely appropriate) image of Adrian Chiles with a d1ld0 strapped to his forehead ?
  2. Slade - My Oh My Ol' Noddy and Jim sure could pen a catchy tune.
  3. ? Note to self: Do research before trying to look smart ?
  4. Questions: Do I need one? "Sans" usually means 'without' (from French) - is this amp without an amp? Do I need one?
  5. ? I believe the word "about" may possibly be superfluous to that sentence. However, as I've slightly about dyslexic, it made perfick sense.
  6. Are you being all right on and feminist? I notice your post make no mention of unclebiotics. ^^^^ Now that's almost up there on a CraigB (ITIHRN) level of punnetry
  7. Stop that. Nip it in the bud right now young feller me lad.
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