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Everything posted by Will.

  1. This is cool and all, but it still doesn't speed up the work process. I've tried it and it works awesome, but on two occasions, I accidentally dragged the entire waveform envelope with. It's frustrating at times. So I still suggest visual clip gain. It is efficient and easier plus, speed up work process by a mile. Though, this does not rule out automation of course.
  2. Okay, reset my configurations and seems to work as described above, sweet. Though, you cant set the output signal from shortcut to mono/stereo still only from the browser's drag and drop insert. Also, with this new multi option, it would be awesome if you could maybe select how many outputs you want manually of the plugin too in the future (like with drums.) This however is a sweet welcome update indeed!!! ??
  3. The TTS-1 yes. mmmm?! let hold up, let me check something.
  4. I tried and did, but than I'm back to the old way. Doesn't it follow the vst instruments output?
  5. It keeps adding all 32 outputs of my mixer console. ? What am I missing?
  6. Tested this just now, and this adds unnecessary extra tracks. Where previously you could choose yourself. How do we disable that feature? Most of the time 85% of the work you do, you don't use all the outputs on a supported drum plug. Sometimes it's just 3 or 5 outputs and the rest is external drum samples of your choice. (Well, in my case.)
  7. Everything asked here for "Improvement" Cakewalk already produces way better workflow than your list. You're used to reason, so now you want to implement reasons work around (which I know extremely well) to Cakewalk. It's like insulting someone's mother. ? NO! NO! NO! and that 75 of them? WOW!
  8. Woaw! Yeah! This is a much easier way! Thanks a lot. Now, we just need to get this in visual. ?? I've done much better editing today with this method, and it is super quick!!!
  9. Still not as effective as to what me and msmcleaod talking about. It's a 2005 technique. We're in 2020, and need cleaner and more time saving powerful methods. Though, awesome little trick. It still affects the entire clip on my side and not the selected region.
  10. What if we can skip all of this unwanted steps which is not as straight forward as my idea of visual clip gain directly on the waveform. Way easier and a time saver.
  11. You see the problem with this Gswitz is, that it decreases the overall volume of the entire clip. You don't want to touch your the entire recording. By what I am suggesting will allow you to increase the volume, of only a certain word you want to make louder or decrease in volume.
  12. Oh man! you had your hand full. lol. I do that when I'm in the mood for a lot of work. ??
  13. That is what I'm crying for! You would make the community extremely happy if this could come to surface this year, after discussing it with the team. Appreciate that msmcleod.
  14. I do the 16-32 backing vocals a lot, and that is why I brought up this topic. LOL! My approach is 95% exactly that same as your rack.
  15. I here what you say, but why not eliminate some of that automation ride and add the slider or knob with the ability to only even out or decrease a spike?
  16. Targeting a specific area/word/letter/breath to increase or decrease the clip volume, will be happening in real-time with a little slider or knob popping up on keyboard command. Is that the non-destructive normalization we're talking about?
  17. That's why my suggestion on this non-destructive ability to normalize/gain only the word, letter or spike, will focus only on that area you want to edit fix/edit.
  18. but with a gain staging ability in lowering or increasing only a letter or single word in the waveform. Surely it wont bring latency as you would have the ability to bounce your gain edit. I mean isn't that what happens when you apply the effect after you're happy with your increase/decrease in volume only on that specific area within the waveform?
  19. What is your approach when processing backing vocals? Do you EQ, Compress, limit or use filters?
  20. I never thought of creating their own shortcuts. I'll have a look at it and see how that works for me. I still prefer the Non-destructive "waveform slider" I spoke of to rise to the surface this year in Cakewalk. Thanks for the shortcut idea Craig.
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