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Posts posted by Will.

  1. 4 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    I can assure you that it is not.

    It does. I too have my share of login issues from time to time in CbB. When the in app login kicks me out and doesnt want to login again, I have to open my browser, jump to www.bandlab.com sign in there, then back to the app to login - and voila. 

    It works with the old sign method for me at least . . . I'll record you the process when I do run in to that problem again. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Hillmy said:

    Because they didn't publicly announce that you can get all their membership services

    It has been on the Cakewalk website for over a month! Before it was even announced on the forum!

    It includes access to free Distribution for a year. Free access to thousands of sound libraries, help to build you a fanbase and to stay intouch with them. This offers are a great start for those that are independent in their field. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Hillmy said:

    Sonar has not been released yet. The BandLab Membership includes Early Access to software. Sonar is out of internal beta and is now offered as public early access. When Sonar is released it will no longer be "early access" and no longer be a part of the BandLab Membership. So if you purchase an annual subscription to BandLab Membership for the sole reason of using Sonar, then don't be surprised when you no longer have access to Sonar if it gets released in under a year and you have to actually buy the program to use it again.

    Just stating the obvious in case people don't like reading fine AND large print elsewhere and don't like figuring things out. 

    This is very very wrong information! 

    People should not be reading into this. Bandlab owns Sonar, so it will always be part of a Bandlab's membership - irrespective of new price plans that might come out later | and | if Sonar starts to run on separate servers. It will always be owned by Bandlab. 

    Those who purchace a Backstage Pass gets an Early Access membership. This means that if you own a Backstage Pass you have the privilledge of getting the full DAW including new releases and updates before the general Public! Its in the name "B A C K S T A G E P A S S

    Call it a V.I.P. Membership. 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, sjoens said:

    A new graphic issue:  When opening a project saved in CbB, the Inspector bleeds thru from underneath MultiDock views.  O.o


    Whats your refresh rate of your monitor? Are you using onboard graphics or a dedicated one? Try to update all your VCredist files - old versions and new versions. 

  5. On 2/13/2024 at 5:50 PM, TheHum said:

    Is it possible to have sidechaining in Sonar 6?



    You'll have to use it with bus tracks. Lets say you want to sidechain vocals to a track for radio. 

    1: Create a Bus

    2: Route the  output of the track to a stereo bus. 

    3: Insert a sidechain compressor (not all compressors can do sidechain) 

    4: Send the vocal track to the compressor input on the stereo bus track. 

    5: Tweak until you find your desired effect. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Stephen Power said:

    I'm mixing 35 audio tracks, one of them is a triangle with 3 hits. It leaves a hissing noise on the tail as it fades out.

    Can you advise on what to use to reduce the hiss - and walk me through it please. I've tried the Cakewalk compressor and gate, but I'm not sure if I'm setting them correctly - I'm not experienced with using these tools. Thank you.

    p.s. I can't remove or replace the track - the mix is for a competition and all the tracks (35 in total) need to be in place.


    If you have the Tape Emulator inserted on the Pro Channel, remove that module. Always remember that certain plugins try to emulate the analog hardware, so you might want to use its effect sparingly - especially that gain and mix knob. If you use such a plugin on every track its effect will become more prominent/noticeable. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/16/2024 at 7:18 AM, Michael Fogarty said:

    Hi. I've inherited a 10 song project with many playing errors which I have fixed,  but my master bus is way too hot. I have everything going through buses -drums, vox, organ, piano, guitars, acoustics, etc. The mix is good now, but when I summed everything it's just too hot. Is the best remedy sonically to lower all the buses by the same amount -lets say .3db, or is it ok to just lower the input of the master bus (it would have to be -.6 to not clip. )What effect does that have? Am I hurting something by doing that? Feels weird to have everything going in their hot and just lower it. Or am I making too big a deal out of it? Should I put a clipper at the top of the master bus? (the genre is alternative and the client wants it to sound a bit tough/dirty so I'm not worried about that 

    PS I know about rolling off the lows of different instruments, etc, but simply across the board on all the songs the master is too hot. Most have over 50 tracks and do restart the whole mix again would be way too tough. It's my fault this happened. I got everything sounding great, but it's just too hot.

    The quickest way would be to rebalance your tracks to -9dB going into your Master Bus. 

    The best way would be to rebalance your tracks to -9dB going into your Master Bus.

    Gain staging seems to be the issue here. Theres also your Pan Laws and the matching levels of all your plugins to the ones on your faders. Your Dynamics could be all over the place, peaks could be hitting the ceiling of some tracks, compression could be off. Amps could be screaming too.  All this contributes to an out of balance track. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Kay Turner said:

    I am using a BM 800 condenser mic with a V8 soundcard however when I tried recording vocals, the vocals are recorded together with the instrumental 

    You need to setup 2 seperate tracks in any DAW to play you instrumentals and to record your vocals only. Dont use the record button on the "MASTER" track. 

    Cakewalk does not have a dedicated "Master" track without the Pan and Record button on it. This is where most confusion amongst newly users running to Cakewalk to do Podcast comes in. 

    So your steps will be as follow. 

    Drag your instrumental into Cakewalk. Next - hold down "Ctrl and press T" to create an Empty Audio Track. This Empty track is where you will record your voice on - not the Master Track. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Simple Verse said:

    Am I correct assuming this trick is rather modern thing? I don't think they used this back in the 90's in euro dance? Or what you think? Any sample tracks where this might have been applied during that era?

    No. Sidechaining reverb to vocals wasnt really used until the 2000's, but it was a common technique in the film industry on screams and explosions and mostly on claps and snares in both Film and Music. As for the "Sidechain" technique itself - that has been around since the 1930's. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Simple Verse said:

    Do you mean this trick for EDM? 


    You don't always have/need to sidechain the reverb. There's NO "secret effect." That lush reverb effect does not always work on every vocal EDM track. Sometimes only a delay is needed. It all depends on the track. You can easily destroy your vocals with compression if it's not needed.  Just because your favorite singer/rapper uses a certain effect - does not mean it will work for you. We use certain effects to fill up the track and if the body is already full and round, using this effect might eat up and muddy up your track - ruining it. Even though it's meant to clean up the vocals. 

    In the end it all comes down to your taste and approach to what works for the mix/track. If it is not needed WHY use it? ?

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Simple Verse said:

    Thanks for the insights everyone. In my case I have some recorded vocals I ordered through Fiverr and I'm not sure if the singers used any compression in recording them. Maybe I should ask. And as this tip is obviously meant for the recording phase I might not need to think about it. De-esser, one compressor and/or manual adjustment as Craig explained would do it for the peaks I guess. Or another trick is the parallel compression, that is meant for mixing stage, could be one to consider. Any ideas on that? Do people use it on EDM?

    We use different kind of compression in EDM. Again, an RnB approach even a Jazz approach will work depending on the track. Sometimes compression isnt needed. 

    Its what works for you through what your monitors tell you whats in your tracks. 

  12. On 1/24/2024 at 6:30 PM, charles kasler said:

    Can I use the same side chain input from a vocal bus to two different vsts on an instrument bus - an equalizer for unmasking and a compressor for ducking? These seem like two different functions to me but are they redundant? I'd be interested in other people's experience. Thanks

    Why not use a multiband compressor for this purpose - instead of sacrificing what might have been a good EQ sculpting before? 

  13. 5 hours ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:

    One thing to bear in mind if you're dasiy chaining compressors.

    The ratio settings that you dial in will in effect be multiplied 

    So if your first comp is set at 5:1 and your 2nd at 3:1, the overall effect on the signal is 15:1

    Not quite true. Your threshold, attack and release compensate how the compressors uses its ratio. You can get a -1dB GR on a 8:1 ratio. Even a -14dB with a 2:1 ratio.

    Its all about what works for you to catch all your peaks with that specific track. 

    • Like 1
  14. 23 hours ago, Simple Verse said:


    any idea how to achieve similar results with Cakewalk plug ins as this video demonstrates with hardware compressors? It's about vocal compression with two compressors using different settings for both, subtle and more stronger.

    At least the 1176 emulator is available, but how to substitute the other one and how to set them correctly? What ever the case I find it a bit hard to grasp the whole point in doing this. Doesn't the harder one overrun the more subtle one anyway?


    Look at it this way. One is to tame the peaks and the other one is to glue it in the mix. 

    You can achieve the same results by using the same compressor. It wont give you the same character as analog gear, but wil give the same results Warren is explaining here. He is a great buddy. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 1/20/2024 at 9:12 PM, John Vere said:

    And the winner is the TTS-1- I was listening to the demos of the 8Dio and that was totally not the sound I want, way to ambient. Might have been the choice of material. But the TTS_1 steel drum is unbelievably perfect and punchy.  It is exactly the correct sound!  Usually adding TTS-1 later in a project will crash it. Boy I will miss it when someday a Windows update kills DX. 

    Bounce them to track dry and store them as a sample pack. Create a new folder in the browser pane then drag and drop them from the TV in to your sample folder. 

  16. 4 hours ago, charles kasler said:

    Do most of you split the clips into smaller portions, or remove the dead space in between phrases before creating region effects for melodyne? I used to just create region effects for the entire vocal, but now I'm wondering if it's more efficient or more accurate to do it one clip at a time. It seems like more work but just wondering what other people do. Thanks. 

    The best answer here would be to learn some recording techniques. Recording is a skill on its own. One you become your own skilled Recording Engineer - working with any pitch correction plugin will become a breeze. Certain words dont need pitch correction or to have the pitch drift set to center. Then there are times when you'll have to cut the last half of a words to time stretch it (this is where that recording skill come in to play.) You might want to straighten out some vibrato in a word or you might want to add some.

    Everything mentioned here plays a big role before using melodyne and understanding Melodyne alone is a skill on its own. It can both ruin a recording and polish it. So knowing where and when to use it is key. We might think we know how to use it, but trust me we havent even scratched its surface. It is a powerful engine. Evertime you use it - its with a different approach. So if yoy have great recording skills, melodyne will be your best friend. 

    • Like 1
  17. 59 minutes ago, John Vere said:

    Question is why did it happen in the first place? Who’s to blame for waisting all my time? 
    ILok or windows 11?  

    Just this morning, I wae working with a known songwriter in the industry remotely. She's extremely talented, but 40 mins in the Zoom she cursed and said that the iLok cloud was down again. Cause we were exchanging files to and from within PT.  Her timeout was 5mins max, but everything has been smooth since. I had immediately thought of your issue and suggested to her to get a dongle 3. 

    Now heres my question to you, Sir John. Do you have your PACE license app installed? If so - how is the relationship between your AV and PACE? Are things rocky perhaps? Have you noticed any strange behaviour between the  two parties lately? Maybe councelling is needed. Check for these things. ? Thought I might throw some humour in this as well. Apparently Andriod has been cheating on Siri with Alexa. 

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