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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. also - open source requires any proprietary licensed software to be released as well - this can be via a company grant (companies like Cisco, Microsoft, Oracle, etc will often give grants to certain open source products, some companies like IBM will rescind their grants and thus require the open source project to build their own solution or pay up; and some grants are done via payments - open source products (such as Linux are filled with grants - and some of the enterprise versions include pay-for grant software to be embedded.) so going "open source" can require a lot of redevelopment and legal work (to avoid plagiarizing someone's code you don't want to pay for, for example). and if one believes the NSA that the open source Linux is the most secure product you can get, you might check on the news about China switching away from Windows due the the NSA key found, and then wonder, how much of the critical parts like crypto, etc are already tainted by the US security operations... oops. if you want to use a computer and be secure / have privacy - turn it off, burn and bury it. otherwise, welcome to the 21st century ?
  2. there are a few decent paid (and some free) android-based keyboard apps and synths. oneimportant aspect - getting a good quality USB adapter which can provide the power to the keyboard (some adapters do not) - i've been using my Keystation 49 and Samsung Note 8, and a CANZ speaker (using the direct audio output to avoid bluetooth latency), and it seems to work fine.
  3. did you re-run the plugin scan? in most of my projects, the v11 plugins came up correctly because they had the same name as the v10 and v9 plugins. re-running the scan should re-acquire the actual underlying plugins via the wave-shell dll (which has definitely changed).
  4. somewhat older article by Noel WRT signal flow. http://www.noelborthwick.com/cakewalk/2014/04/10/know-your-signal-flow/
  5. it may be the zoom function operates too quickly and the number of events to process (rotating the dial or clicking on the +/-) overloads the software which is trying to process everything else. if i operate the controls slowly (+/-) it doesn't seem to happen. same with a single indent of the wheel. if i quickly spin it or click the scoll buttons it goes into the lock up and seems to be trying to scale beyond it's limits and/or has too many operations to attempt.
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