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Mr. Torture

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Everything posted by Mr. Torture

  1. I have Relab as well, that's exactly what's happening.
  2. So, I was getting the cruddy buffer thing again. So I decided to play with the settings a bit. First thing I did was shut off the SPDIF, as I don't use it. Leaving the main in/ out's going on my soundcard. The buffer issue went away and I could record with buffers at 128.. So bizarre...
  3. This is what I did: To disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates: Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Scroll down to Windows Update in the resulting list. Double click the Windows Update Entry. In the resulting dialog, if the service is started, click 'Stop' Set Startup Type to Disabled.
  4. I shut off the auto updates, but still cannot get buffers lower than 256 when running 2 audio tracks and one instance of superior drummer. Even with 256 I can hear the occasional quick crackle. I cannot understand how on one session I was able to do it, but now I cant using less VST's. It's become very fickle.. I checked every setting on this computer and googled every setting that can be turned off. Windows 7 I never experienced this issue, I think it's just time to move on from 12 year old tech.
  5. Thats interesting, I will check that out, Thanks!
  6. Well, I'm back again. I created a copy of my session which included a couple audio tracks, superior drummer 3, EZ Bass & a keyboard VST. I removed the keyboard VST and found that I could record multiple tracks of guitar at buffers set to 128, no crackling, no issues. I thought I had found the problem. Last night I started a brand new session consisting of Superior drummer and 2 audio tracks only. I was forced to run buffers at a minimum of 256, other wise it just crackled and popped, the guitar signal sounded choppy and terrible. So why is it that I can do one session with a few VST's and multiple audio tracks at 128, but when I start a brand new session I can only run at a minimum of 256? I wonder could the hard drive be going bad? Could that cause this Intermittent buffer issue?
  7. Would you mind telling me what case you would purchase? I would like to build something that has 3 SSD drives, I9 processor and 32 gigs of Ram.
  8. That's the one, I have the previous version one now.
  9. RME still makes the same interface, PCIe. Updated of course, it's called the "Pro" now. I prefer those type. Would you suggest sticking with a PCIe if I can?
  10. Was it hard to do? I'm not overly computer builder savvy, so it scares me a bit.
  11. I cannot comment on their laptops but my PC Audio labs desktop is still going after 12 years. I am starting to experience buffer issues now that I was forced into windows 10, but I hope to get those resolved.
  12. I run a few VST's like Superior drummer, EZ Bass and keyboards. at 256 I start to get crackling, it's just really annoying especially since I could easily run this stuff in windows 7 with buffers at 64. I have done everything I can to optimize, all my drivers and firmware are up to date. I use a PCIe RME soundcard and they have always been rock solid. The computer was built by PC Audio labs. I just think maybe it's time to get a new sled, but holy smokes.. I am looking at around $3700... Yikes!
  13. Certainly a good idea to check!
  14. I get it with the experience and all that, but I have yet to hear a mix that good out of a home or even project studio that sounds that good. I have been recording since 1989, I went through 4 tracks, reel to reel, adat’s then to DAW’s and never had a mix that good. I scour the internet, you tube, forums and I hear home studio quality. Even local studios to me in my small city have not produced anything like that, I have even sent them songs to mix and they come out amateur. You would think over 30 years I would get lucky once with a mix. I appreciate everyone here and have picked up a lot of knowledge over the years. I just hear mixed like that and it makes me wanna hang it all up. Been at it so long and never happy with my mixes. Just ranting…
  15. How is it that every mix, no matter what band, or if you like the song or not always sounds so professional? I have been recording many years and have never come close to achieving what these studios can seem to do effortlessly. No matter simple progressions, a lot of instruments or just a few. They always seem to sound bigger and better. Let's face it, with digital recording, access to vast knowledge on the Internet and room treatment, we should be able to match this quality, however I just never have been able to. It's downright depressing..
  16. Thank you, I will do this tonight. Seems I cannot record at anything less than 256 on the buffer, I should be able to record at 64, I believe I used to be able to when I was with windows 7.
  17. I watched some YouTube tube videos on optimizing for windows 10, a bunch of settings needed to be changed.,I also updated my drivers, seems to be good for now, I will post again in a few days how it’s going. Thanks everyone!!
  18. Thanks, do you know of any guides I could follow to diagnose the issue I am having? You gave me a couple things to check, I appreciate that!
  19. Thanks, I have experienced a lot of freezing lately running 24bit 48k with minimal instruments. Even with the buffers set pretty high. the computer was optimized from PC audio labs when I bought it, but went through the windows 10 upgrade and it was never the same. I went through and made sure all the settings are good and they are, I don’t know.. maybe the old girl is just tired.. computers are running $3K for anything decent, was hoping I could get another year out of mine.
  20. My current processor is the 3.50GHZ Intel Core I7-3770k and I run 32 gigs of Ram. is that an outdated processor?
  21. I discussed this briefly on another thread concerning sample rates. My computer is over 10 years old, I think it's time for an upgrade. I had it built at PC Audio labs, but am open for suggestions to other places. I have had really good luck with this computer and have no issues going back to them, but I like to keep options open. Also, what should I get for a processor? I want something that can keep up with multiple plugs. Thanks!
  22. Haha, I do for sure. Even at 24bit 48K Cakewalk will lock up on me during playback, even with buffers set to over 1,000
  23. I have a 10 year old computer, purchased new from PC Audio labs. Computer has always worked great, but lately I have looking at recording in higher sample rates, such as 96K. The old sled just cant take it, even with everything optimized on the computer. Pops, clicks etc... My question is: Do sample rates matter that much? If I record at 48K versus 96K will it make that big of a difference? Thanks!
  24. Mine are set the same for Cakewalk and windows sound. Old sound card is disabled, only the RME is showing.
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