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Mr. Torture

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Everything posted by Mr. Torture

  1. I already did try that and it did not work, thanks
  2. I am not, only using one midi file to play sounds in SD3 only. When I get home tonight I will try to shoot a video of what's happening. Thanks for all the help on this!
  3. This is what I do: Insert soft synth > Superior drummer 3 Open the gui for SD3 and select a midi pattern Drag the midi pattern from the SD3 gui into the Sonar track that contains SD3 If I play the pattern through SD3's gui, it plays all instruments. If i drag the midi file into Sonar and hit play in sonar, the toms are missing. Like I said, I have been doing it this way for many, many years and have never experienced this issue before?
  4. When I drag a midi pattern from Superior drummer 3 into the Cakewalk track it is missing elements of the pattern. For example; There is a pattern with kick, toms & hats. When I play the pattern in SD3 all the drums are sounding, when I drag the pattern into cakewalk and play it, the toms are missing? I know you can select which drums are dragged into the DAW, I assure you I do not have any individual drums selected. Is this a glitch in Cakewalk? First time this has ever happened to me and I have owned Cakewalk since version 6.
  5. Does anyone know how to sidechain in Sonar? I would like to sidechain a compressor on the guitars with the bass and vocals, so they duck a little when the bass & vocals come in. Thanks :-)
  6. Thanks Scook, the internet connection where this computer is setup leaves much to be desired. That's probably the issue.
  7. I did install it and hit "Run" bandlab's icon is on my desktop and when I go to "App" Cakewalk shows, but it needs to install something? There is no launch button, only install. That's where it hangs up.
  8. I downloaded Cakewalk on a new computer running windows 10. I opened the Bandlab launch thing and under Cakewalk it said "Install" so I hit that and chose no add on's. It said "downloading 0/1" for about 2 hours lightly blinking. Then the "Downloading 0/1" went away and the install icon was there again. What's up with that? How do I get it installed? Thanks
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