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David Baay

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  1. You only get note names in the notes if no drum map is applied. But I understand now the request is to have this happen with a drum map applied which should be fairly straightforward and would be nice.
  2. I'm not seeing a problem playing Sonar-exported MP3s with WMP on Win11, and the options dialog shows Sonar using the same old LAME 3.100 encoder.
  3. Here's a post from earlier this year with two simple projects attached the I created to demonstrate the superiority of SM/BAN to Melodyne:
  4. Someone mentioned that happening in another thread and I could not repro. Sonar truncated the names just like CbB and would then close the In/Out note number columns and continue truncating the names until only the M/S buttons were left. Not sure what you're saying here. If a drum map is assigned, nothing will show up in the regular notes pane for that track - neither names nor notes. If no drum is assigned, it's up to the instrument to be programmed with custom note names for Sonar to display. Session Drummer has them, but lot of instruments don't. I'm not sure whether this is part of the VST spec or some proprietary method used only in CW instruments. You can navigate quickly to the relevant section of the list by hitting the first letter of the map name. I mentioned earlier that I keep all my Cakewalk Content in a separate directory that installers won't overwrite (and shared by all versions of CW) and cull all the unused maps from the Drum Maps folder so the list is more manageable. I have no real problem with changing to 'Select Drum Map' except that it might momentarily cause some confusion among longtime users. And, technically, you're adding the drum map to the project and to the Ouput pick list) so I think '"Add Drum Map" would be more accurate.
  5. I should mention another option that can be quite fast for some MIDI recordings is to pull one note for each quarter-note beat from the recording into another track (or deleting notes from a copy of it) to create a Guide Track for the Fit Improvisation function. But Fit Improvisation requires a note on every beat and if the recording is missing notes on a lot of beats, it can be difficult to build a complete guide track. Some advocate recording a guide track in real time by playing a note on every beat from your keyboard in time with the performance, but that will inevitably lead to some rushing/dragging that may not be tolerable.
  6. Wayward extreme volume automation on a bus? Hard to say. Maybe share the project file with no audio/MIDI content.
  7. I assume this was with a standard MIDI cable between DIN ports, is that right? If so, that would tend to support the the hypothesis that the MIDI-USB cable just isn't playing nice with your PC given that Pianoteq isn't working, either. You seriously need to look into getting either an audio interface with integrated MIDI or a standlaone MIDI interface.
  8. There's no substitute for getting hands-on with a project to sort out things like this. PM me if you want to share a copy of the project somewhere. But it could still be involving the Behringer's internal routing if it has a mixer app.
  9. Here's a pretty detailed version of the process I posted previously. It's easier to do then to describe. Once you get in a flow with the keyboard shortcuts, it can go pretty quickly, depnding on how variable the timing is:
  10. I prefer to get the tempo from the MIDI directly, using Set Measure/Beat At Now. Takes a little more work, but is more precise and flexible, and less prone to error. Melodyne interpolates tempo changes on every 8th note that are often superfluous and actually make the timing drift in and out of sync with the original performance.
  11. The sample clip opened up at 100bpm, but the notes are starting at 1:01:160. Dragging them back to 1:01:000 put the arpeggiated groups on beats with a perfectly quantized 16th triplet rhythm without having to make any other changes. To me it sounds reasonable at a tempo of 70bpm. At that it sounds like a sort baroque-style piece for harpsichord.
  12. You're welcome. That's all I intended. I realize that the ideal is to have a full-blown modern drum sampler integrated with the Step Sequencer into a single UI. It's not something I would personally have the Bakers prioritize, but if it's needed to keep Sonar competitive with other DAWs, so be it.
  13. Hardly off-topic. I any case, it's not your call how I choose to contribute to any given thread unless it violates forum rules in which case you can report it. Your constantly taking issue with the posts of others is a greater distraction.
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