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Everything posted by husker

  1. Dealio. You can't even buy U-He products second hand for these prices. Diva sounds just...amazing.
  2. I don't believe you Larry - let's test. Just go ahead and transfer your bx_console SSL to me just to make sure. ?
  3. Awesome. Thanks to Larry and Steven posting these deals over the past few months, I now have the Ozone, Neutron, and RX Elments bundles for a total of $11!
  4. New Phaser plugin in the Anthology bundle as well.
  5. Or a free ride when you've already paid...
  6. Just keep posting the deals Lars. If you build it, they will come...
  7. Arturia is offering some new free presets for Analog Lab 3: 1. Bass Music Powerpack 2. A Proksa's Signature Just start Analog Lab, then go to the Sound Store banks - all free ones are listed there (including the new ones)
  8. Cool. I'd have a hard time sleeping at night knowing something had an update, but I couldn't get it. It's a problem...
  9. I did the same offer through NI, and had the same question. Thank you Matthew.
  10. Hybrid Keys and Ethereal Earth as well. Odd though that my Kontakt Factory library shows as updated, but still at version 1.3.0
  11. husker

    A new beginning

    Yeah, that was mine as well. I resisted for exactly one hour. I got up at 6 AM on the 1st, and by 7 AM I had already purchased 8Dios Requiem on the flash sale (and got Liberis for free!!!!)
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