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Everything posted by husker

  1. Appreciate you doing this again this year.
  2. Yeah, me too. I just bought it today and cruised through the presets. Only a handful are what I would call usable. Good thing I'm only out $4.
  3. That is what I understood as well, and that seems to be the case.
  4. OK - I've done a bit of playing around with SM - it seems as if the new Japan's Vintage will not be included if you have previously purchased the Everything Bundle. Anybody got it yet?
  5. I got one as well. My only issue is that those bucks can't be used on their specials. Which generally makes it as useful as a Waves coupon to me.
  6. So the Japan Vintage is the only expansion not included in the Everything bundle?
  7. Sergio - I'll hop in here with my opinion since I have both the Komplete Ultimate 12 Symphony series as well as Hollywood Gold (plus the solo). (I'm interested in yours as well @Matthew Sorrels). To me, the EW Hollywood is better than what you get with the Komplete Symphony series. Opinion only, but HO sounds more authentic than the Komplete product, and you get a ton more articulations with the EW product. Play is certainly no Kontakt, but it is workable enough for me. I would definitely get the HO over the older EW Symphonic orchestra. You could ask the experts over at VI Control, but be aware, they aren't too big a fans of the Symphony Series.
  8. @abacab Yeah, me too. @abacab has almost talked me into this so many times....
  9. Anyone having issues with logging into the Installation Center? I'm getting a "java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read time out" error.
  10. Come on @Fleer didn't I give you a reverb a couple years ago? That should bump me up in line! ? Actually, I was looking at my Groove 3 last night - I probably own 20 video series I need to get through first!
  11. Still shows up at $199 in my cart. Probably a good thing - I don't need any of it. (Although the Groove 3 would be sweet).
  12. I figured it out. I actually placed it in my cart as well - so I was paying for one, and getting one free. This is what happens when you do things on a phone instead of a computer.
  13. I did, I had things in my cart. It allowed me to check the box to claim as free, but it would never show as free during the checkout process.
  14. I couldn't actually figure how how to. Make it free. I claimed it, but the price never went downm
  15. Appreciate all of you for taking the time to give your advice. I certainly have some things to think about and research. Thank you.
  16. Thanks. Just something I always wanted to do. We'll see how it really goes..
  17. Thanks Lars. Problem is, I can't play at all, so no guitar speaks to me.
  18. Sorry - this isn't a deal, but my favorite Sonar people hang out here. I know there are some good guitar people here (like you @cclarry, so I thought I ask here) I'm a synth guy - grew up playing the piano. I've screwed around with guitars on occasion, but never seriously - I want to finally sit down and learn to play the darn thing. I know absolutely NOTHING about guitars. I'm looking for advise on a decent acoustic to learn on. I talked to one of the candy shop guys, and he recommended a Yamaha FG830 Dreadnought. Does that sound decent? Trying to stay in the $300-$350 range.
  19. Did you get this @Fleer? Anyone get it? I'm an unabashed 80s synth sound guy - seems like a good way to get some of these sounds.
  20. Doesn't work on Ethera Gold.
  21. Most of that stuff is "meh," but actually thinking of the Producers Collections - just the year of Groove 3 is worth $60, plus getting an old version of Studio One may be handy someday.
  22. I downloaded them. I think Samples from Mars is much better Fleer. SFM sounds better, and is definitely organized better.
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