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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. The shortcomings are usually not about the processing. The vibraphone preset has a lot of room in it, which you can take out, and I like that better. The vibraphone isn't that bad. It's just not as good as my other vibraphone libraries and that is, of course, my subjective opinion based on a factors like the tone of the instrument recorded, the recording itself and how much room is in the samples -- I do tend to like drier samples and generally avoid, for example, string libraries with a lot of room baked in. In the case of a vibraphone library, scripting isn't really a concern. So that's not a factor. It's one of those kind of libraries where if you hear a demo of it without external processing and you like it, buy it! One thing super nice about it is that it contains brushed and bowed articulations. Still, because I prefer those other libraries I've mentioned, I've never once used the 8Dio vibraphone library in a single project. I've always used the others I named above. As far as the strings, it's about the lack of intuitive scripting and the fact that when you get all of the articulations -- and for say, the Deep Solo Cello -- that's a ton of articulations, some of the articulations the tone of the cello sounds lovely and some of the recordings, you wonder how they made the cut. I've noticed composers on VI Control making these observations about this and other 8Dio libraries. I could speculate why the quality can vary so much -- for example, is it the cost of studio time and the rush to get big projects out -- but all I know for sure is the end result on my computer. Now. I actually did decide recently that I'm going to try to use my Deep Solo Cello a bit and started setting up custom keyswitches for the various articulations, and I think that I may come to appreciate it a bit more than I have historically.
  2. I was thinking about posting reviews of 8Dio libraries and going through a bunch last night. I found in every case they're never the best libraries of my collections. But at the current sale prices, some of the libraries are worth getting, but not if you have the budget for better quality, better scripted libraries. Even libraries where scripting isn't that important, like their vibraphone library, the recording just sounds okay, but I never end up using it because I prefer my vibraphone libraries from Xperimenta Project and Orange Tree Samples, seem more crisp, have a more beautiful tone to my ear (and less room), but the samples seem like they're in a different league, just like 8Dios/SoundPaint's pianos don't seem to even come close to my better KONTAKT pianos from other developers that excel at piano libraries. Of course, that is completely subjective, so your ears and experience may be different. But when I've discussed this with two friends that both took sound engineering in college, they could articulate the reasons why and also had a good deal to say about the general 8Dio approach regarding scripting, which is that 8Dio is not really great at writing intuitive KONTAKT scripts. Their pianos and drums are okay. I would advise against their guitar libraries. Their strings can be a great value if you don't mind dumps of articulations that aren't well scripted and instead require lots of keyswitches, and tone quality that can vary between lovely and how in the world did those samples make the cut? The quality can vary in their big string libraries. 8Dio, IMO, is a mixed bag and I think that is why they can't succeed at keeping their prices higher. The competition in that higher price range is superior whether we're talking about strings, pianos, drums and percussion or guitars. That's my unfiltered opinion.
  3. That works for me as a review. You installed it and it obviously made you very happy and you personally owned a 200A, so you know how great actual Wurlys are. Basically, you also confirmed my suspicions that this new developer is top notch. Thanks.
  4. However, Bad Penguin may have given me a way to rationalize buying a third Wurly library in several weeks, the Skybox one for $35 USD is the Wurlitzer 145B, which had different key actions and a tube amp, so it sounds different from the 200A, but still great. I think Ray Charles actually used a 140 or a 112 on "What'd I Say." @Bad Penguin. did you buy it? If so, I'd love your thoughts-- or anyone else's who has it -- after using it. It does sound great, like every demo for every library I've heard from that new developer.
  5. I don't own anything from that dev, but all of their demos sound excellent. Great price! Their Wurly (200A) is part of a library on sale for $58 USD. https://www.skyboxaudio.com/products/hammers-waves-electric-1
  6. Yep, this is the dev I've had a bunch of PMs with on VI Control. He's like an old friend by now. I don't own it, but based on the demos, his Wulie library sounds like the best Wurly library I've ever heard
  7. Really, really good and creative synth libraries. I love this stuff. Larry, you're putting up a bunch of sales of small developers I really love this morning. I must stop, I don't even want to look/listen. But I'd recommend this developer.
  8. Another developer I love. Offbeat, odd, quirky and just plain awesome. I'd recommend the Ship's Piano, Dulcitones and a bunch of their libraries. I've been a customer since their early days.
  9. A very talented developer with superb quality libraries. I love everything I have from them. I suppose it's time to pick up their harpsicord for only $8.99 USD. I've contemplated it -- because i rarely use a harpsicord, but then again, it might be fun. I love their Vibraphone library, I was just using it. But it appears it's no longer for sale. That's a shame, because it's a beautiful library. https://www.xperimentaproject.com/xperimenta-harpsichord/
  10. Okay, I sincerely did create this thread to take time out to let cclarry be reminded that he's greatly appreciated. But, of course, I thought it would be more fun to say thanks and mix in some laughs, as that is my nature. A long distance dedication from all of us forum members to you @cclarry.
  11. The number 2 answer is gaining steam!!! I selected both, FTR.
  12. You're completely right. All of us share the same weakness, including Larry. But Larry, as someone in the group once put it, is "our ring leader!" Consequently, we should all agree to just blame Larry. Agreed? That seems fair, right?
  13. Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles, Supertramp... so many great artists and great songs feature the Wurli.
  14. I know. You gave me that great deal on an ezDrummer library earlier this year! (I ❤️ that library, BTW.)
  15. That's good. It shows you have empathy for all of the people you're driving nearer to bankruptcy with each thread. Normal guys are up late at night at adult sites, gambling sites and there I am. playing music and visiting this forum telling myself, "I'm just going to check this out. I'm already past my limit." It doesn't always end well for my credit card. But lately I am doing a pretty good job of only biting when it's something really inexpensive.
  16. Fleer, let's be completely candid for a moment. This would be a tough time for both of us if Larry never returned. I'd see your many threads when Larry was gone and think, "Wow, I think Fleer's a little obsessed." Then I'd add a comment to your post and I'm guessing everyone else in this forum saw your thread and my post and thought, "Man, those two are obsessed." True story.
  17. Yep! That was the idea behind the poll. It's all in fun, intended to let Larry know how much we appreciate him, while being silly too.
  18. For a while there, I -- and others -- were very concerned that there would be no Larry in the deals forum this Black Friday. And even if Larry was around and didn't post a single deal, that would still be okay. But the idea of no Larry? It straight up sucked. So, maybe I'm a little too happy that Larry's back and decided to have a little fun with this tongue-in-cheek poll meant to show Larry appreciation and make him laugh. I accept that I may get some snark for it. Larry, as this is Thanksgiving week in the US and one of the things I'm grateful for his having you back. Thanks for all that you do -- and I want to remind you that you don't need to keep posting deals to be appreciated. I would be happy to have you back even if you didn't post any deals. My friendship is not transactional. However, you post stuff and I become extremely transactional, so it may even be better if we just hang out and you make funny and music related posts. Then you won't have to work as hard and I'll have lower credit card bills! Seriously, I'm so glad you're back. Your friend, Peter.
  19. Excellent points. Smart developers should pay attention to your insights.
  20. I think it's not only a fair observation, it's fair to say that some sample and plugin developers demos intentionally hide shortcomings through various tactics. I'm about to run out the door, but maybe there's a YouTube video where someone goes through the library presets?
  21. See, this is what Larry's super human speed at posting deals has done to us! And Yan, are you also thinking, I don't want to have this go up late and deal with someone's sparky post? Dead serious, I really dislike when people are rude about anything, but when I see people being rude over someone posting a deal a little after someone else, it's so petty and nasty-- why do that stuff folks. Make it funny. Don't make someone trying to help the community feel bad. People trying their best, even if they get something wrong, deserve our appreciation. Soapbox over. Just be kind to each other. It's as simple as that.
  22. We've literally seen a number of developers and retail site owners post their sales AFTER Larry already posted them. In some cases, we've seen their humble acknowledgement that they can't compete with Larry. So we can't feel bad when we mere mortals fail to get a post up before Larry. On the rare times I have, I'm like, wait, there's a grammatical error I need to fix before I post. But if I correct that error Larry's post will be up and someone will inevitably come along and write some snarky post directed at me. I think I've earned enough cred with Larry over the years where he respects my efforts and appreciates my enthusiasm, however short it may fall of Larry-speed if I made a post that duplicated one of his.
  23. Exactly. I'm pretty sure that 8Dio and Toontrack are involved in this, as no developers I can think of are better at pushing up hard drive demand.
  24. Great deal, but I TB is like a couple of 8Dio's super ultra max deep sampled twenty dollar fire sale libraries. You'll need a second one for the week after that, etc., etc. I still have a theory that you're secretly working for a hard drive manufacturer, making sure that demand stays strong.
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