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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. It sounds nice. Soundiron is one of those sample developers where I've never been disappointed with any libraries I've purchased from them. Always great quality and very well executed, tasteful patches. I'm trying to slow down on new purchases, buy this library is unusual (sound wise) and, I think, interesting.
  2. I agree. I actually really like Native Access, Native Instruments download manager, and Izotope's download manager is also good. IMO, the two worst processes / user experiences for downloading and installing new software are Steinberg and IK. If either of those companies employ a skilled user experience manager, you'd never know it from the actual user experience.
  3. Don't kick yourself, Joe. Even HALion fans often acknowledge that the installation process for the software is confusing and a pain. I like the product (although, I greatly prefer KONTAKT), but loathe the installation processes. I wish Steinberg would spend some time working on creating a better user experience during that process. I'm confident that it impacts sales.
  4. I noticed some sale prices are very outdated last time I checked. It showed just about everything I came across from 8Dio for 70% off when it was regular price and hadn't been on sale for weeks. I think there are clearly some issues with the site's data freshness.
  5. Funny. I stopped playing music 22 years ago after a repetitive stress injury made it painful to play for even a couple of minutes. But I was a musician and never more than a background vocalist; okay except for one or two nights with a bar band when I was 18 where I had to replace a drummer/lead vocalist. The only people who ever heard my demos were my family -- all musicians and my mother and eldest sister were music teachers-- and musicians I played with in bands. So the first time I ever shared anything publicly was last year. When no one responded in 24 hours, I figured my vocals were so bad it overshadowed anything good I did with the arrangement. So thanks to everyone for the encouragement and I'm going to go back and try my best to make adjustments to the vocals and will probably even try recording new vocals, especially for some of the parts I struggled with.
  6. I contemplated getting this in a past sale. I haven't used a channel strip before. I'd love to get the thoughts from anyone who uses this or other channel strips to weigh in on channel strips vs. individual plugins.
  7. Thanks. I don't know how to do a narrow boost, but I will look Nectar's suggestions. As far as Ozone, I just go with what it gives me. But I think the whole thing with the vocal is that I used ADT on it and that went on after the Nectar effect. Can I do the same thing by backing off the ADT effect, as I'm guessing that is the root of the issue that you and Nigel have identified?
  8. If you use the code CLAIM10, you'll get an additional 10 percent off of the sale prices.
  9. I'm I love with the sound of cellos and their solo cello is on sale for cheap, but the cello sustains in the demos and walkthough do not sound very good to my ears but the pizzicato articulation sounds very good in the walktrhough -- and that alone might be a compelling reason to pick this up. Maybe it's just the playing and the mix. If anyone reading this owns the library, I'd love to get your thoughts -- even better if you have an audio file where you've used it. I've been waiting for a really good sale for either of the Sonixenima solo cello libraries-- which both sound great to me -- but I thought, if this is a detailed library and sounds good for only around 23 bucks, why not get this too? But the developer's demos and walkthrough aren't compelling and I'm not sure if that's attributable to his playing/demo skills or the library itself.
  10. Thanks to you and Nigel for the kind remarks and the advice. For the vocal, the effects I used were Nectar -- I used the AI's preset after it "listened to the vocal" -- and then put Waves Abbey Road Artificial Double Tracking on after that. I don't think there is a specific phaser effect used, but I'm guessing the combination of the two effects caused the phasing effect. Considering that I'm completely inept at mixing and rely on AI and presets and that there wasn't a phaser effect used in Nectar, would you think I should back off on the ADT effect? That's my guess. Again, thanks for the advice and the kind words are very appreciated and encouraging. - Peter
  11. Plugin Boutique has Eventide H9 Series effect plugins at up to 85% off. Including Blackhole for $29 USD, REG. $199. @abacab I recall you sharing a video of Eventide's Blackhole reverb in a thread of mine for a Softube sale and I loved the sound. But that was a hardware unit. You said you owned Blackhole and I was wondering whether you own the hardware or the plugin and if the plugin comes very close to the hardware. Because I loved the sound in the video you shared. After a few of you, like @Fleer were praising Eventide, you guys have me super interested and the idea that a super high quality developer has a beloved plugin that lists at $199 USD and that it's not Waves and there's no such thing as EUP, I can't help but find this very enticing. Softube and Eventide are making ignoring Waves perpetual $29/39 USD sales incredibly easy. Of course, those emails I seem to get every few weeks telling me that my Waves Update Plan just expired also make buying other developers' plugins pretty easy. All I need next is a FabFilter for $29 sale! Okay, that's incredibly unlikely. But never say never. 29 bucks for an Eventide effect sounds great. Am I wrong??? https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/186-Eventide This review of Blackhole is from 2012, but the reverb still sounded great to me in the video that Abacab shared. I mean, it sounded incredible on a guitar and tongue drum. I absolutely fell in love with the sound. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/eventide-blackhole Another three: (MusicTech gave Blackhole a 9/10 rating) https://musictech.com/reviews/eventide-blackhole-update-review/ https://www.musicradar.com/reviews/tech/eventide-blackhole-556994 https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2015/03/15/eventide-blackhole-review/
  12. I'm trying to learn to do compression -- or at least have an awareness to let Izotope's AI deal with it -- and created this unplugged version without drums. It's the same performance, just mixed a little differently and without drums.
  13. Also, where are my manners, today?! Thanks for finding this great deal, @cclarry. I really appreciate it.
  14. Okay, I just tried the FAST Compressor demo. The interface is incredibly dumbed down and allowed me to to quickly try three settings (I think they were warm, neutral and bright) and it sounded good. In other words, SOLD!
  15. Well, I would think for someone like you -- who knows what he's doing with mixing and mastering -- these tools would not be worth picking up because, while I'm sure even you might find the AI capability valuable, you're likely to want to tweak things exactly the way you want and these tools probably don't offer the kind of tweaking you'd want. Whereas someone like me doesn't really know how to COMPETENTLY tweak things (I will try, but often, it doesn't make things better). So I'd say no for you, maybe for me. FTR, I realized there were demos of all of the plugins that I've downloaded and will try out tonight. I recently recorded a cover of ELO's "Can't Get It Out of My Head" and discerned that it could really use a better job on the compression than what the Izotope tool had done, but I don't know how to fix it manually, so I thought I'd run it through FAST's compressor to see how it does. If it does a good job, it's an instant buy.
  16. Can I crowd source this decision? I'm writing this, expecting that many others have similar questions.* *See DrumDude's question and it was compelling enough to him to be his first post; @DrumDude welcome to the forum, from one drummer to another. While I've been making multitrack demos since I was a kid, I still don't know much about mixing or mastering -- while I recorded in pro studios as a drummer, the most involvement I had with mixing was engineers asking me if I liked the mix or wanted things adjusted -- and rely on Izotope's suite of tools. I use Nectar on vocals, Neoverb as a reverb (I own plenty of other non-AI reverbs and effects too, but I don't know how to use them beyond presets and my tweaking those presets in the most clueless manner), Izotope's compressor (though I am only starting to figure out how to use it as anyone hearing my recordings can tell) and Ozone for mastering. I've tried using Izotope on the entire mix and hated the results, so I still do the overall mix by ear. So I was contemplating buying the Fast Series plugins to use their AI to give me additional options (e.g., if I'm not satisfied with the results I get from Izotope's tool, I would run it through Fast's AI tool). For $39.99 USD, they seem decent and it may give me different results than Izotope's similar tools that I may prefer -- but having a second option seems like a good idea overall. What do those more experienced / knowledgeable on mixing think? @cclarry, I've heard your stuff and can tell you know what you're doing just from listening to that, what do you think? Thanks in advance!
  17. This is my cover of ELO's song, "Can't Get It Out Of My Head." It's my second draft on the mix and I would be grateful for any insights on how to improve the mix (beyond, get a better singer! Hahaha!). Thanks in advance for your advice and constructive criticism. EDIT: I deleted the originally linked file and replaced it with a link to the latest mixed version of the song.
  18. Based on your enthusiasm, I checked out their video and I think it does sound really cool. I'm half way convinced to pick it up. I love the idea of getting results like what I heard in the video without much effort. Thanks for the recommendation.
  19. In this case, a certain popular hyperpartisan political commentator in the US did a TV show rant on the Chinese spy balloon referencing the 80s song, "99 Luftballons," claiming the song was mimicking our world today -- totally misunderstanding the song's lyrics to make his point. His social media followers -- which are no small group -- started amplifying his message and spreading memes throughout social media. FTR, people regularly insert political posts on this forum and the moderators are pretty good about deleting those posts -- if they catch them. I think we're all better off keeping politics out of the forum as is the policy and focus on what unites us, music.
  20. It started to get buzz after a certain hyperpartisan political commentator, who misunderstood the song, made the identical connection that InstrEd was making, which is why I was guessing was the root of his very similar remarks, because, otherwise, there's really no connection beyond balloons. But this is my favorite meme that came out of it... (It's not political, it's just silliness. )
  21. Huh? How is a cold war protest song about a batch of balloons being mistaken for weapons resulting in a nuclear Holocaust mimicking our world right now? Granted, this isn't the place for thinly veiled political remarks either, which is what appears to be the case. There are other platforms for that and I have no interest in it. But I'm a bit confused how anyone could see that lyric as "mimicking out world right now" or why you would make such a comment in the deals forum.
  22. This is a fantastic deal. I have owned it since it first came out and never imagined they'd be selling it for $25 USD. IMO, that's a no-brainer. Highly recommended.
  23. chris.r, I think you're on to something about lowering licensing costs -- and also, that developer does seem to be very talented. He's definitely the one developer who makes libraries for UVI that I find most compelling. I had exchanged a number of PMs with him and, while I don't agree with his reasons for choosing UVI (largely because he's unhappy with NI's approach to anti-piracy measures), I do respect him, he seems like a very decent person and he's definitely very talented as a sample developer. Yeah, if he had a killer sale, it would be hard for me to resist. But I still am not crazy about the UVI user experience. While KONTAKT isn't perfect, I find it superior to UVI when it comes to user experience.
  24. This developer has been having a sale -- of 65-80% -- most of the last few months. Is he trying to tie Waves always on sales?
  25. 24 HOUR FLASH SALE: RIGID AUDIO PAD THERAPY $2.36 USD reg. $59 USD - ONLY $2.12 USD with CODE "GIVEME10" PAD THERAPY is a Kontakt 6.4.2 instrument with 128 "morphing" pads and textures. These sounds are ideal for music production, movie scoring and video games.Pad Therapy features nine sample-playback engines with 64 source waveforms each. Each preset in Pad Therapy comes with three "states" (snapshots) that can be edited and played back in various orders and blended/morphed if wished. It comes with effects like flanger, phaser and a production-quality reverb as well as full randomization. On top of that you can import your own WAV files into Pad Therapy via drag and drop. REQUIRES THE FULL VERSION OF KONTAKT VERSION 6 OR LATER USE THE CODE "GIVEME10" AT CHECKOUT TO TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF Note: I just bought this right after making the post (prior to editing it), but I'm ready to shut down for the night and haven't tried it yet. I own several Rigid Audio libraries and they are all pretty good -- it's all personal preference, but if you like the demos, you should like the library. I'm sure this library, like my past library purchases, is good. https://rigid-audio.com/products_pad_therapy.html?mc_cid=f2129ffe40&mc_eid=933a8a39dc
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