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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Wow, that's a crazy price. I just picked these up a few months ago. But I still haven't gotten around to installing my new SSD to download them.. The demos sound gorgeous to my ears. [DISCLOSURE: I've stated this a bunch of times, but just to be transparent, 8Dio is one of more than 3 dozen developers I've given consulting advice to over the years. Although I've only advised them on the SoundPaint brand, not 8Dio.]
  2. Apparently our friend Larry sucks at keeping secrets! ?
  3. I have the e-instruments Wurli and think it's pretty good. I find it's greatest strengths are in how you can customize the sound with the GUI. Especially for the dead key sound (I think it's the unplugged Wurli key sound that they mix in -- which is what I love so much about the AcousticSamples Wurlie library demos). I've created my own presets turning up that dead key sound that I like more than their presets. But I'd say it's a library I'm really glad I bought. I also bought the 145B from SkyBox Audio which has slightly different characteristics than the 201A -- it's more pristine. I have a bunch of Rhodes libraries, with the Famous E being my favorite and I quite like the freebie Rhodes from Fractured Audio too. @jngnz This was the video that sold me on the W. I'd strongly recommend checking it out.
  4. They're clearly a very talented group. I learned about Dan Keen from Pianobook, where he's given away some really nice libraries. Something tells me if I watch your video, it will be very hard to resist picking this up!
  5. I love celestes, but I already own several celeste libraries I'm very fond of. The demo does sound beautiful and I think this developer has proven themselves to be a very talented, high quality shop based on tbeir freebies alone. Maybe I'll pick this up down the road. I'm sure it would be a nice addition to my collection. I'd love to hear from anyone who picks this up.
  6. Get Reiya ROMpler by NN Audio for free, normally $24.95 US, via PLUGINOMAT. Expiry: April 17th. Here's a video of its presets: ➡️ https://pluginomat.com/product/reiya-by-nn-audio/?aff=stu FTR, I did search to see if anyone posted this and there were two threads for the plugin when it was on sale at APD a couple of years ago, but nothing recent and it wasn't free. Still, in the time it took me to do that search and write the post, Larry probably already posted it! FTR, I have no idea of this plugin is any good or not. I listened to a little of the demo audio in the video on my phone, which sounded interesting.
  7. Great point, Brian. Thanks for making the point about compatibility. I'll try the demo before buying it.
  8. I already have this installed, but somehow didn't realize it had a No Quarter based preset. I need to check that one out! Thanks for the post, @Starship Krupa!
  9. I love the sound of his viola in the demos; it sounds absolutely gorgeous. I'd love to hear thoughts on its playability and scripting from anyone who owns it. I've had some DMs with the dev in the past and he seems like a really nice guy. What Bunker Samples libraries would folks here recommend?
  10. I didn't ask @Greg Schlaepfer, but from the shape, I think that's a Fender Jaguar electric guitar. Although I'm sure all of you guitarists know it from the shape. In any event, I love the tone!
  11. That's the reality developers that engage in deep discounting face. Once they discount a product 70 percent or more, it can be very difficult to convince the market that the full retail price is the true value of that library. I've been a Sampletekk customer for two decades and they (Per) have been superb and worthy of recommending. But, to your point, we've all been trained to buy during their seasonal sales where they offer massive discounts and now, even seeing this library for far less than the regular price of $149 US requiring the full version of KONTAKT gets a less than positive reaction that the price is too high. On the positive side, this version includes a free sample player (Sampletekk's $149 version requires the full version of KONTAKT). While I agree with Kitekrazy that KONTAKT is superior to HALion, I think HALion is decent and HALion Sonic 7 is a good option for free. I'm certain that the $69.99 US full retail price will be discounted in future sales promotions. If this went on sale at $50 US or less, I think it would be very worthy of consideration for those who don't own KONTAKT. Of course, even at that price point, there's a good deal of competition (e.g., grand piano libraries with free samplers such as NIs pianos on their 50% off sales, XLN's Addictive Keys Grand on sale, SoundPaint's regular priced piano libraries, etc.). On a separate note, if this is indeed the same quality as the KONTAKT version, the KONTAKT version is clearly not priced appropriately.
  12. I'm contemplating getting this for voiceovers in videos. I'd love to get some opinions from the experienced / knowledgeable mixers in the group about Vox Ducker and other, similar plugins, that are worth exploring.
  13. Okay, I cracked up at with that. It's not my style to communicate with people that way, but it's certainly not worthy of a ban. All they had to do is tell you no name calling. Sorry about that.
  14. I hope that's right about KONTAKT. I found the libraries that Hunter shared on Pianobook well done and imaginative. Also, kudos on the disclosure. I wish more influencers would follow your lead and do them. As always, like everyone else here, I look forward to listening to you play this stuff. It's always a blast and contagious to watch you enjoying libraries and music.
  15. It does sound good. I recognize Hunter Rogerson's name from Pianobook. He's shared some really nice libraries for free at Pianobook. He's one of the people there I follow. I'm interested in what he does. Although I wish they didn't create another propietary sampler plugin. I'd greatly prefer if they remained with KONTAKT or another established sampler rather than create another plugin to learn, install, troubleshoot, and maintain.
  16. That is how I understand what he wrote. I'm just surprised they would ban him and wondering what the heck would have resulted in the ban. @kitekrazy, as you brought it up, would you mind sharing at least, at a high level, what was it that resulted in NI banning you from their forum? If it was merely criticism of NI's products, that's pretty problematic.
  17. Wait, you got banned from NI? If that's right, would you mind sharing? I'm wondering what the heck could have led to that.
  18. I did post one deal earlier this year that wasn't a duplicate of one of Larry's posts -- and I realize that this sounds kind of cocky, and maybe it is -- but Larry even liked that post. Yeah, it was pretty special. My shinning moment in the forum. I hope we can all overlook this thread and reflect back on that glorious past achievement.
  19. There, I changed the thread title to: "duplicate, moderator please delete." Oh, the shame. It's my scarlet letter.
  20. I swear I looked and searched. I'm guessing I misspelled the name or something. Oh well. I failed. I'll put delete in the title. I'm no match for you, Larry! I'll stay in my lane and update my freebie lists this week!
  21. I just cut and pasted this after seeing this dev's ad in Facebook. A talented developer and a nice guy who's made a lot of libraries and freelance work for a bunch of well known KONTAKT developers like Impact Soundworks over the years. I'm just a customer of his who had a few emails with him over the years and thought he was really helpful and friendly. This is from his ad, not me: "Unlock timeless melodies with Osiris: The Egyptian Lyre Sample Library. Save 75% today. Use code OSIRIS75 at checkout." https://librewave.com/product/osiris/
  22. There's only one video from the nanoinfluencer with a video on the product page, The Sampliest. The rest, I believe, were made by the developer. Granted, there's nothing different from most developers in his using influencers, as I mentioned, I've even connected developers up with influencers from Simeon who posts at this forum to Cory Pellazarri (who I thought was the most honest influencer in this space who I know of and we quickly became friends) to macro influencers for this space like Venus Theory (who I really like and I enjoy his videos, I think he's a genuinely nice guy and has always been super cool in our conversations). What's different is how this small dev hypes up a nano influencer giving him a good fake review as if that's something rare. Nope. Give a nano influencer freebies and they do a video hyping up your product -- that is the way the game works. And yet this developer makes it seem like this nano influecer, whose videos reach a pretty small audience -- and hence, these are level of influencer called nano influencer who are trying to grow their audience and often will do a faux review video in exchange for free products and the hope of the developer sponsoring them in the future or paying them for walkthrough videos or other proomos. I enjoy Simeon's videos and have referred him over to some developers, and then he's gone on to do straight up promo videos for at least one developer friend of mine, Kirk Hunter. It's just the way influencer marketing works. These guys truly are just doing sales promotion for developers, but it gets scammy when they call them reviews, because they're not. That's when it becomes a straight up shilling game. Think of it this way. You're a small developer. You can buy ads and pay sponsorship fees at KVR, VI-Control, Bedroom Producer, Rekerd.org, Google's network, etc. which are really helpful for creating awareness of your brand/sample library/plugin. Google search is great for spreading awareness, but it can be really costly and unless you go after really specific keywords, you're reading A LOT of the wrong people, which is costly. With forum advertising and sponsorship you're reaching A LOT more of the right audience, but most of your advertising is building awareness for your brand and products. An influencer's business is all about persuading people to trust them, then selling that trust for cash and things of value to brands -- developers in this case. If you spend say $5k-10k for a non top tier influencer to hawk your product in a faux review, it will sell VASTLY more product than spending the same amount in advertising. So, influencer marketing is super popular in this space and really nearly every space. It's basically the same model as infommercials, except it's almost always inherently deceptive, as influencers almost always dishonest about their financial relationships with brands and what their business is about. My hope is that enforcement of regulations and consumer pressure will make practices at least a little more ethical. Influencers commonly start videos by declaring that they're completely unbiased when the reality is, they're really just salespeople being used to promote products that they're conpensated to promote. That's all there is to it.
  23. Hey, to those downloading and installing this, be sure to give a review after you try it out. I think the library I was once most hopeful for in this group was the Mellotron library, which I got free years ago and found was extremely bloated and some of the samples, I recall, weren't even from a Mellotron. If anyone's looking for some great free Mellotron libraries check out my free sample libraries threads. I included a few of them that are gems.
  24. Not the nano influencer, apparently. UPDATE: I watched some of the influencer's video and I give the guy credit for at least admitting that he got a free full copy of the library. What follows is a really bad promo video for the product. It doesn't in any way resemble a serious review. It's like a car salesman pushing a rust warranty on a new car. It's a bit over the top.
  25. It's just a side note, but it's kind of hilarious when a sample developer does a promotion using a nano influencer (this one has around 2k subscribers) that hawks sample libraries giving a good review. It's the equivalent of celebrating your salesperson giving your products a good review. It's somewhere in between deceptive and the business equivalent of Spinal Tap. Any dev who gives a nano influencer a bunch of free products that normally cost money gets a favorable review; that's how the system works. Sorry to give away the secret formula, but that's it. You give them free product, sometimes cash (and macro influencers always want cash, only the little guys work for free product), and the promise of future goodies and they do what is nothing less than a promotional video for you without the proper legal disclosures to make it deceptively appear unbiased. And yes, I still tell developers to get products in influencers hands, because it's highly effective and cheaper and faster at getting sales than other forms of promotion. I always urge them to try to push the influencers to do the proper disclosures, but, of course, it's not happening, so I, instead, want to do my best to inform consumers how things really work. So let's celebrate a shill promoting us! I call BS. But it's on a level that's also verges on absurdity.
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