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Posts posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I keep pondering getting this even though I already own a bunch of harp libraries and rarely use them in any songs. Does anyone who owns this want to weigh in? I own SonuScore's other harp library and think it's very nice. @solodancer, I suppose I'm so greatly looking for an excuse to get this that Im going to check out Joanna Newsom after your mention (I don't recall her name or if I've ever heard her music). 

  2. 4 hours ago, HoRNet said:


    First the FET model is one of the oldest compression algorithm we have and it has been designed copying the behaviour of a simulated 1176 circuit (we used some engineering tool called SPICE, some of you may know it, to simulate the circuit beck in 2013 or something...)  the H76 model is the result of the analysis of a real 1176 blackface hardware, measured in every aspect (and the attack an release behaviour it's completely different in real life from what the circuit seems to imply) 
    Also the compression curves are different and this makes a big difference too.


    Thanks for providing this information, Saverio.  

  3. I'm in love with metallophones and own numerous sampled glockenspiels, vibraphones, celestes, etc. from many different developers. I own a physical glockenspiel and played the instrument as a kid in school band (only when the kid that regularly played it couldn't make it to rehearsals). 

    But I found the glockenspiel library from Versilian Studios to be so amateurish that I couldn't buy another library from the developer. He's clearly super generous and has a bunch of free libraries he's invested time in giving away freely. But I post in this community to be helpful to fellow community members / musicians and I want to be honest and share that I didn't find his library to be up to the basic standards I've come to expect for a Kontakt sample developer. It's not that it's terrible. It's simply unpolished,  not anywhere near competitor quality levels, even below my expectations for a good free soundfont back in the 90s, if I'm going to be totally honest. I invite opposing views,  again,  the developer seems like a wonderful person. Perhaps he's improved his work since I purchased the glockenspiel library a few years ago. 


    10 minutes ago, equality said:

    Your comments made me very happy. I am very grateful for those and for your kind kudos on Soundcloud! Seems like we share similar musical roots. I'll check your uploads on Soundcloud as well. Cheers! 

    Haha, don't worry about listening to my stuff. I was once a very good drummer (mediocre on piano and organ) who spent 12 years playing semi professionally, but that was ages ago. I had an injury and tendinitis stopped me from playing. A few years ago I started attempting to play again,  but I'm not very good anymore due to physical limitations and 20+ years without practice.  But you're very talented and I wanted to encourage you. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bapu said:

    Despite the refusal to refund ~$20, I still support Toontrack all the way, as do I for Addictive Drums (own them all too). That's (maybe) good news for XLN. The only things I don't own from XLN are Trigger (I'm covered with Slate), Life and XO.

    Another Drum rompler is Accent by Platinum Samples. It's limited to 4 libraries and the cost of that enterprise is over $400. I have 2 of the libraries (both had on sale), Ocean Way provided by Platinum Samples and Galaxy Drums by Space Cabin Audio. The other two libraries are Joe Barresi's Evil Drums by Platinum (which I have as Toontrack lib from back in the day) and Desert Drum by Space Cabin Audio ($132 for me, $35 move over the price of a single SD3 lib if I buy this 3 pack serials from bestservice) . 

    The standout features of Accent is that it can host 3rd party VST/VST3s in the player and IIRC it can also trigger any other 3rd party brand library by loading that as a VST/VST3.

    Sadly, no new libraries have been created for well over 5 years now, nor has any further development been done since 1.0.3 of the player. Platinum Samples is a small company.


    Wow, I remember Platinum Samples (and Joe Barassi's drum sample library) from their BFD libraries long ago. I didn't even know about their ROMpler until your post. I'll check it out; but of course, if it's gone 5 years without an update and no further development, I would be unlikely to pick it up. Again, as much as I'm not a fan of Toontrack's customer disloyalty and part of me would prefer to pull my wallet from them to send a message, I think that SD3 and their libraries are the best in the business, it's a fantastic product that is my go to acoustic drum VST and libraries and I'm totally hooked. 

  5. 16 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    I think El has had his coffee today. And we get to benefit!

    These kinds of comparative listening tests are very valuable for comparing processors.

    Yep, another reason why I appreciate this forum so much, people like you and El Diablo being so helpful to others and sharing your knowledge. 

    Although I do find it a bit odd to find myself thanking "The Devil." 


  6. 14 minutes ago, Bapu said:

    I've done that too. For PA I've done it on purpose back when adding a 5.99 item got you over the line for a HUGE discount on an item.

    With other smaller companies I've taken to looking at my installs more frequently. About 90% of the time a vendor will refund after explaining to them it was a dual purchase. The biggst exception is Toontrack. Quite a few years back I made a "mistake" purchase and asked for a refund. They flat out said no. It was around $20.

    That's disappointing about Toontrack. I think they make superb libraries and plugins. SD3 is my go to for acoustic drums. But I don't find their practices to be customer centric. I also own Addictive Drums 2 and most of their drum libraries and have found them to be extremely customer centric. But the reality is, I greatly prefer Toontrack's drum plugin and libraries to those of XLN. Although someone from XLN did make a mysterious post on Facebook recently implying they had big news for Addictive Drums -- I'm hoping that means a new version that makes it more competitive with SD3. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Rational said:

    Same here.

    Wished other sites would mark 'owned' for what I already own as well so I can just focus on stuff I don't have yet from their catalog. Most still do not have that sadly.

    I don't know if I'm more comforted by knowing I'm not alone in doing that or more concerned that we're like an AA group that meets at a bar every night. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Bapu said:

    Not gonna buy them. I already own them all.

    That hasn't stopped some of us from purchasing the same thing (again)!

    Seriously. I know I'm not alone because others have publicly acknowledged this too. PluginBoutique's "you already own this" notice has saved me from repeat purchases several times over the years -- and the fact that they have that function tells me that I'm not alone. Fortunately, I've only done that on stuff that was under $40 US. 

  9. @Simeon Amburgey  Very interested in the Fracture Sounds piano library.  

    Also,  did you catch my idea for a YouTube channel I host called Questionable Quests? It's my answer to "Joyful Journeys."

    I think many of us watch you play and think-- "Sure, that library sounds great when you can play like Simeon..." But let's face it, most of us don't play at your level.  It can be intimidating for those of us without your abilities. So my idea is a more realistic keyboardist. 

    Enter Questionable Quests [TM] with Peter.  Where you'll never again feel intimidated by a keyboardist's unattainably high playing skills. 

    Each week on my channel viewers can enjoy as I butcher familiar favorites. We'll have contests like, "Decipher that song."  ["I know,  I know, 'Smoke on the Water!" Nope, sorry. Better luck next time. It was Chopin's "Piano Sonata No. 3 in B minor, Op. 58."] 

    "Come with me, as we go on a new Questionable Quest (TM) each week. " 

    What do you think? ? 

  10. A very talented developer who's done a bunch of Kontakt sample libraries for well known developers. I'm a customer of his Kontakt library business and also own a few of his new format libraries and they're very good. 

    While I wish he was still doing Kontakt libraries, I respect his decision to go a different route. I had shared that opinion with him and found him to be a super nice, considerate, and kind person who gave a very thoughtful, respectful reply.  He clearly has high regard for his customer's input and I love seeing developers like that succeed. 


    How am I the first to give the original post a like???? Come on, friends, it deserves some likes!

    Thanks so much for sharing. I have no criticism, I merely enjoyed your writing and playing. I liked it so much I went to and listened to a bunch of your other songs and gave them likes. I really enjoy your musical imagination and playing. Really tasteful playing and songwriting. I enjoyed a bunch of your tracks, but this one especially resonated with me -- the song, the playing, the mix. I'll be following you on SoundCloud (under my pseudonym from my playing days, Peter Woods). 


  11. 58 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    I've bought it yesterday at full price in defiance of the coupon, today I'm using it on my snare, hi hat, and kick.  It's really doing a great job on auto. 

    I'll upload my Where Love Resides soon, so y'all can hear the difference!  The song is blending so well!

    Thanks for the update. It's great to hear that things are working out so well.

    I think it would be valuable to hear the song versions before and after you used the H76, so I agree with you that it  would be useful to post it in this thread. I really appreciate when one of us regulars shares how we used a plugin or sample library -- and it's even better when someone can post audio so we can hear what they did with our own ears. 

  12. I take it this means that you have to update to the new player to get this library? I suppose that I'll do it. It's at least encouraging that Spitfire has released a new free Labs library when many of us were wondering if we'd seen the last of the Labs freebies. 

  13. I still haven't bought Contenporary Soloist Cello, even though it sounds almost exactly like what I'm looking for, the demos sound fantastic-- an exoressive cello recorded very dry.

    The truth is, I've been ruined by so many developers deep discounting that even 35 or 40 percent off doesn't seem like a big enough discount to motivate me when I own several deep sampled cello libraries. So I think I'm holding out until BF. I'd love to hear from anyone who owns this library --especially regarding how good / intuitive the scripting is. Because I am in love with the tone, but this developer's free versions are so skimpy they don't show off anything in terms of scripting and for me, when it comes to strings and guitars, very complex instruments, to get authentic sounding performances from playing sample libraries,  scripting is critical. In fact, I think they should all be doing what Orange Tree Samples does and use a combination of sampling and physical modeling along with scripting that makes it easy to acheive realistic sounding performances in realtime without the need to do extensive MIDI editing.  I realize that some older professionals like our own Carl don't care so much about that, but as a hobbyist,  I want libraries that are inspiring to play -- I have no interest in programming parts. 

  14. Nice job and very creative. The vocal harmonies remind me of a mix of Utopia and They Might Be Giants. Definitely cool and off the beaten path. Kudos. 

  15. On 7/16/2024 at 2:20 AM, Kevin Walsh said:

    Love all your covers and this one is no exception. Sweet arrangement and love the keys. Such a smooth and chewy mix! Keep 'em coming!

    Thanks. I don’t get notifications on this thread, so I didn't see this until just after I listened to and commented on your cover of "I Am the Walrus" -- which I enjoyed! Having covered the song myself and being a huge Beatles fan, I especially appreciated hearing your take on it. Nice work and thanks much for your kind words about my attempt at playing music again. 

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