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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. If you're comparing one of Orange Tree Samples acoustic guitar libraries to NI's Picked Acoustic or any of the Session Guitarist (SG) libraries, the significant difference is that SG libraries are collections of loops. They don't have the level of detailed samples and ingenious scripting that Evolution has so, for example, when you go beyond the pre-recorded loops in the Native Instrumentslibrary, you're not going to get the same level of realism (I don't own Picked Acoustic, but have the acoustics and electric Session Guitarist libraries that come with KOMPLETE). I think the Session Guitarist libraries are fun for what they are, collections of loops with some additional single note samples, but they're primary strengths are the strummed recorded loops, not the individual notes and scripts for playing those notes, IMO. If you want a library where you are able to play any notes or strums you want -- one that isn't confined to a collection of prerecorded patterns that once you go through, that's it -- Evolution is the clear winner. If you're happy with someone else's set of a few dozen set of patterns and are okay with using pre-recorded loops so that your songs guitar strums will sound just like everyone else's songs and don't ever plan to go beyond those few dozen patterns, than you may be happy with Session Guitarist. If you want something where you can play any pattern in your head with incredible realism, Evolution is the clear winner. Now for the caveats. I advise Orange Tree Samples, including on the Evolution line in the areas of product naming, branding and promotion. I'm friends with the owner. Greg Schlaepfer. I'm also friends with another guitar sample library developer and own other guitar sample libraries who I've given some consulting advice years ago. I've been using sampled guitar libraries since the 80s. So feel free to have some skepticism with anything I write. I'm a very sincere and straightforward person, but I completely respect skepticism for affiliated individuals giving opinions, I would strongly recommend maintaining that skepticism, particularly towards YouTuber self-proclaimed reviewers of sample libraries and plug-ins who actually are making money from promoting libraries they're claiming to give unbiased reviews of. My consulting is strategic and tactical and the agreement is that I am allowed to freely give my honest opinions publicly. I've consulted to developers of other libraries and plug-ins and you won't find me sharing my opinions on those and frankly that's because I find Orange Tree Samples have been such an enormous innovation in the sample library field. The combination of detailed samples and ingenious scripting literally was a game changer in the sample library world. The only competitor I'd even find coming close in terms of the levels of realism and scripting today is Ample Sounds out of China, which doesn't use KONTAKT but their own proprietary plug-in.
  2. Exactly, They hiked up prices by more than $40USD and then issued a $40USD store credit that cannot be used on any sale items, just the items they just raised the price on by $40-50USD or more. It's a very scammy way to do promotions. Put me down as not a fan.
  3. I wonder, how many other Evolution library owners use presets more than guitar amp sims when using the libraries? I find it's a blast to use with guitar amp sims, but most of the time I can find a preset that suits my needs and look at it like I'm saving computer resources by not adding additional VST effects.
  4. Some products in this business are so poorly named, and as I'm considering buying a second library in this series, I can't help but think all it takes is someone asking, "What do you think of your Ethra? " to see why this name was a bad idea.
  5. @cclarry, for once. I was in the right place at the right time and grabbed the library. Do they release these freebies and promo offers at the same time every morning (around 9AM CST/10AM ET)?
  6. Okay, I just went through all the presets for the first time and I absolutely love this library! It's a contender for my second favorite electric guitar library (I'd put the Les Paul Evolution Rock Standard as my absolute favorite and Strawberry or the Archtop as my second favorites).
  7. I recently came across some of your books from early versions of Cakewalk I had in storage, @Scott R. Garrigus. I think it may be time to move on, recycle and just focus on your writing for the latest version of Cakewalk! Thanks for sharing, I've always enjoyed your writing and am looking forward to the new articles.
  8. I love the tone of Taylor guitars. I don't really know the models, but I can totally get behind the idea of a beautiful sampled Taylor guitar.
  9. What guitar and bass would you most like to see as Orange Tree Samples next library? I've been begging OTS for a Hofner violin bass for forever!!! I picked up IK's Modo, which has a very nice modeled Hofner, but it still falls short of the realism of an OTS library, and I always end up replacing it with OTS's Evolution Flatwound Bass's James Jameson patch (McCartney modeled his tone and style after Jameson). Although, I've always acknowledged that my request for the bass has been personal, and not the result of any research. Is anyone else with me? And yes, I'm a huge Beatles fan (big Zeppelin and Radiohead fan too) that loves the sound of their gear (hence why the guitar they just released reminded me). The other guitar instrument I'd love as an Evolution library is a Dobro. Anyone else who agrees or has something different they'd love to see in the near future?
  10. I was thinking about Ethra Soul. Does anyone who owns these give some insights on how useful they are for background vocal ooh and ahh parts and which ones are best suited for that?
  11. All of these small devs I was previously unfamiliar with. Until now, if you had asked me what Klive was, I would have guessed a breakfast cereal or a pop radio station (K-LIVE, playing today's fresh hits!). Larry's knowledge of not just deals, but of so many developers never ceases to amaze me.
  12. I have a friend who loves XO, but I still haven't bitten yet. So, @cclarry, I suppose it's a positive sign that at least the XLN folks are working on something. While I'm not upset at them for not doing anything to AD2 for so long like you are, I do hope that AD3 is in the works. It would be nice if XLN at least communicated about it with customers. It is strange to see a developer not do any major updates to its flagship product for what seems like a decade. I suppose at some point I'll pick up XO, but I'm mainly a rock musician (a former pro drummer) who primarily uses acoustic drum sample libraries and VSTs, so XO would be something I would use a lot less often that AD2 (or hopefully, AD3 someday soon).
  13. Early this morning a friend of mine from the UK, also a musician, but not a member of this group, PMed me about this freebie. I felt like he was trying to move in on Larry's territory and wanted to say --- "Thanks, but I already have a guy!" (And yes, I realize Larry didn't start this thread, but 9 out of 10 times he is the one who does).
  14. I missed this freebie two Black Fridays in a row! I'd be interested in what people think of the string library.
  15. Fortunately though, people realize that your computer virus advice is utter nonsense. don't follow it, and three quarters of a million computers won't be destroyed over it.
  16. I changed my account info from my last name to my last name's initial. But Bandlab really should do a much better job with privacy. This really should not be okay for any brand. I run a dot com, I've led major brand digital marketing, including websites and e-commerce, and I can tell you that if we exposed sensitive information like that, it would be no small issue. It wouldn't even be with my dot com, which is much smaller than the company that owns Bandlab. If there's a suggestion box somewhere, someone let me know. I'm very happy with Bandlab and Cakewalk overall, but privacy is much more important than the way they are presently treating it. From this point forward, I won't use my full name when dealing with Bandlab after realizing that it has regularly been exposed in the past and that even one of their forum moderators recommends not doing so. That's an FYI to anyone else who doesn't want their full name exposed on the forum without their consent.
  17. It's from the field for your actual name, not your username. Of course, some people use fake names when registering software. I use my real name, like most people.
  18. My last name is pretty distinctive-- a not very common Italian name. So if people search on it, they easily can find info on me. I just don't want music forum posts popping up as results. Not that it's so incredibly personal, I just prefer to keep my personal life personal.
  19. Ah, the other Peter with an Italian last name everyone mispronounces. I really just don't want my posts showing up in Google search if a client is googling my name. But I suppose since I really don't post anything controversial, it's not a huge thing. It's just not reassuring with regards to Bandlab's privacy practices.
  20. Also, I'm not Pavlov, I'm his cat. That's the joke. Pavlov's dog could be trained but I doubt he could do the same with a cat.
  21. Hahaha! Unlike KVR I've never bothered a mod here! The only thing I wish could change would be showing my real name every few weeks.
  22. Seriously, does anyone administrate this forum? Every once in a while I see one of Larry's threads marked delete and I assume that someone eventually deletes them, but it seems pretty quiet for a forum. Also, if there is someone I'd love it if they could fix the glitch that results in some of our real names being displayed from time to time. I know I'm not the only one it happens to because I've seem Larry mention that it happens to him too.
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