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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Graeme Edge passed away last month.
  2. Plugin Boutique has been selling the digital version of Beat for $6 USD an issue, but I don't think they even have the January 2022 issue yet. So I would expect that the February issue won't be there for quite a bit. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/273-Beat
  3. I bought two libraries from them, the Trio Broz viola and the vibraphone libraries, during their Christmas sale -- my first time ever purchasing from them -- and I love both libraries. They have quickly become one of my favorite small developers.
  4. So far, no response from the developer. After I submitted my support request, I noticed a link to a YouTube review of the plugin. You know the plugin has serious problems when an aspiring YouTube influencer hawking the plugin -- um doing what influencers call a review (SPOILER: they're really salespeople) -- streams himself using the plugin and it has major problems. At that point, the developer calls on the phone and acknowledges that he can't solve the problem then and there and that the plugin has a number of known bugs. Hopefully, the developer will get things worked out, but it really shouldn't have been released in its current state.
  5. So, what do you think we can do to persuade the Cakewalk folks? Would doing a poll that gets a good number of votes indicating people want the sub forum? I really like your idea and would like to see it happen.
  6. Is this stuff any good? I mean, you know I really don't know much about mixing and rely significantly on people with more knowledge than me in that area, like you.
  7. I think that's an excellent idea, Larry. I see a lot of folks here that I have more trust for then, say KVR, where I don't spend time at much anymore and people tend to come and go more.
  8. We all have masks now, so it's much easier to do. Just think back, three years ago, if you walked into a bank with a mask on, someone tripped the alarm. Not these days.
  9. Chicago suburbs here, 32F with snow.
  10. I downloaded an updated Mndala player. The sample player played a patch and then crashed. I'm in Cakewalk, This absolutely is not ready for prime time regardless of excuses. I put in a ticket with the developer, but it's definitely not a good early experience, and Reid, whether you state something nice about the developer or not, you started with issues too. If a developer is going to release a commercial software product, they really need to get things ironed out better than this. This doesn't appear to be a product that was well designed and well tested.
  11. Simeon posted about this earlier this week. I downloaded Drop Designer and really like it. Definitely a nice freebie for those who own KONTAKT.
  12. Okay, Reid, maybe I'll contact them this week -- shoot them an email and see if they can help me resolve the issue. I just found the plugin frustrating and as I wrote earlier, I'm getting tired of small sample devs who really don't have the depth of experience, trying to be plugin developers and creating poor plugins instead of focusing on sample libraries and using a solid sampler that has a large installed base. It's not customer centric. But yes, I also like small developers. I've given around two dozen consulting advice over the years -- a good deal of free or exchange for them giving product free or at reduced costs to forum members I identified as struggling financially.
  13. @cclarry, that's heartbreaking. Maybe you don't have your birthday visible in your FB settings? I would think with 330 friends and family members that your settings probably don't show your birthday. I bet if you posted today something like, "I just want to thank my friends for making my birthday special yesterday," you'll find friends and family wishing you a belated happy birthday. Personally, I can only remember the birth dates of my parents, siblings, wife and kids and a couple of friends. I've been best man at two weddings and stood up at several others -- I saved a friend from a shooter with a loaded 357 when I was young and I can't remember the birthdays of any of them. It doesn't mean I don't treasure their friendships, I do . It's probably the same with your friends and family. If you try the post I suggested-- I'd love to hear back on what happened. I bet you that people will be wishing you a happy (belated) birthday right away, so please give it a shot!
  14. Hopefully, Larry is having a good time celebrating his birthday, as he should! This forum is Larry powered. He is the rockstar of the deals forum. It should state "Deals Forum, powered by ccLarry. " Larry, I hope you had a great birthday and spent some time with the people you love, celebrating.
  15. We've covered entitlements, colonoscopies, Larry's birthday, what next?
  16. It's part of the ACA. Mandated by law for preventative healthcare when men reach 50 without a copay. Otherwise, prior to the ACA, they could cost several thousand dollars or more.
  17. Wait, we've gone on to colonoscopies now? With this group a thread is like a box of chocolates...
  18. Anyhow, let's get on to celebrating Larry. I'm serious when I say this section of the forum which a lot of us spend a good deal of time at would not be even close to as good without Larry. @cclarry, it's your birthday. What do you want to do? Would you like to share some of your latest music with us? I think we should think about things you'd enjoy. How about it?
  19. If we teach facts, it doesn't matter which political affiliation we have. Agreed?
  20. I was replying and discussing economics. I never stated a political view. I think you were trying to. I just posted some simple facts taught at the HS level. Of course, the entire thread isn't the stuff of the forum policy.
  21. I was obviously kidding, but you're incorrect in stating it's a misconception. Social Security and Medicare are entitlement programs AKA socialist programs that are administered by the government. I was a straight A college student for my political ideology courses. I'm pretty knowledgeable on simple areas like this one. Government entitlement programs are technically socialist programs, that is why the GOP has, for virtually my entire life pushed for the phase out of entitlement programs, the two largest being Social Security and Medicare and it's why Medicare is currently only 3 years away from insolvency, because it's paying out 3x what it takes in and the GOP sees these as a golden opportunity to phase it out AKA entitlement reform. I actually declined being a commentator for a very popular news network partially because they miseducate their audience on this -- on what entitlements are -- so that guests can talk about entitlement reform and their audience thinks they're talking about welfare. They're not. Oh well, economics lesson over. A government program that provides entitlements is a socialist program. That is how socialist programs work. In the simplest terms, they do things that could be done by private business and the conservative view is that such programs should not exist, the liberal view is that they should. Personally, I'm an independent, but I have a great love of education and facts.
  22. Sold to PavolvsCat or eDrummist or whatever my name is these days! Thanks Larry! I hope you can find some time to enjoy yourself today with loved ones or buddies.
  23. Hmm...Larry, how does buying used software with Toontrack work? I've actually never bought used software before. Is it NFR for the person who buys it?
  24. OMG!!! I can't believe that when I saw Larry's original post, for some reason I was only looking at it as some kind of eligibility and not even thinking that what Dr Deal is saying is, it's his birthday (it took someone else posting it to realize!!! Sad on my part). A thousand pardons, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @cclarry !!!!
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