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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. But they would like you to have all of them and transform the Have nots into Haves. Okay, this is bad. I understand if Grem wants to complain about this post of mine too. My bad joke is probably worthy of a temporary ban! But Larry egged me on! I blame Larry!!!
  2. Some great deals on Have Audio sample libraries for KONTAKT. Most of their libraries are discounted by 70%. I only own one library from this dev (the bass one) and I have yet to install it (because all of my hard drives are filled and need to buy/install a new one), but from the demos and walkthroughs, their libraries sound excellent and very creative. Nordic Cello, which I've been interested in, is discounted 70%, now selling for $53.70 USD and sounds really nice and distinctive. It's, by far, the deepest discount I've seen on that library, which normally sells for $179 USD. https://haveaudio.com/collections/black?mc_cid=788d623fed&mc_eid=0466e03c7f
  3. "You can't have too many pianos." - Simeon My credit card bill for sample libraries and hard drives say otherwise. I've really never heard two solo cello libraries whose tone I love more than these two from Sonixenima. Your video made it clear to me that both libraries sound amazing to my ears. So, it was helpful., but the end result is that I want both libraries.
  4. These are some pretty great prices on updates and upgrades. I own Studio V4, so I suppose I'm going to update to the latest version. Thanks again, @cclarry.
  5. Simeon goes full throttle on alliteration with Joyful Journeys! My teenage son and I have this ongoing thing where we try to outdo each other with alliteration to see who can do the longest phrase. For example, Simeon says these cinematic samples sound spectacular when he shares his stunning synth skills. And look at you, using a disclosure, being a good role model for other influencers. Kudos, Simeon. You already know I enjoy your videos. (And please, please, please try to do the Sonixenima Contemporary Soloist Cello library comparing it to their new legato cello library before Blsck Friday passes! Although Sonixenima should probably create a bundle of both cello libraries, because they both sound gorgeous and I'd bet many other sample users feel similarly.) UPDATE: I'm watching the video and now realize that you compare the two cello libraries. Thanks much, @Simeon Amburgey, that's exactly what I was hoping for. And guess what? I love them both! Figures.
  6. @Reid Rosefelt, speaking of your channel, you shared that you were switching to your wife's channel. I am subscribed to your original channel, but I haven't seen you post a link to your wife's channel. Maybe you haven't officially launched yet? In any event, if you want to share the link here, it would let me and others know how to find you (perhaps you have a video on your original channel sharing it that I've missed?).
  7. First, let me say thanks for all you do in the forum. We all see Larry's tremendous contributions to this forum, and it's really obvious. But you're working behind the scenes to keep the forum healthy and focused and to minimize the dysfunction, and you do it purely out of your dedication and ethics without any financial benefit. I don't think most people are aware of that or fully appreciate it. So let me be perfectly clear, I am extremely grateful and appreciative to you. I'm also a huge fan of the Bandlab folks. Cakewalk remains my DAW of choice and I love this forum and both @cclarry and you are the significant reasons I love this place. Consequently, the view I expressed comes from that place and not a place of disrespect. So, to address your response. Absolutely, you're right. Developers who post in this forum are getting free advertising. That is purely factual. But the purpose of this sub forum is for Cakewalk users to learn about and discuss deals. Agreed? And, putting on my strategy cap (okay, I never actually take it off), this forum is designed for Cakewalk users, not for developers promoting their wares. Agreed? So if we agree -- and. Bamdlab's owners absolutely agree -- that the purpose of this forum and subforum is focused on the benefit of end users of Cakewalk, why create a rule that only inconveniences Cakewalk users? The rule doesn't stop developers from posting/promoting their businesses here. It's just an arbitrary rule that inconveniences users by making them spend more time trying to find information. A direct URL is useful to users, it gets them to the relevant info immediately. In this instance, Larry stepped in to be helpful to the community because the newly posted forum rule works against the convenience of users. It doesn't stop developers from advertising, it stops forum users from having a better user experience.
  8. Thanks so much, @chris.r. I've watched a bunch of this guy's videos and enjoy them, but missed this one. Excellent!
  9. I just bought and installed the e-instruments W (Wurli) and it is vastly superior to the SoundPaint Wurli -- it's in a different league. Despite all of Troels' boasts about velocity layers, his Wurli sounds lifeless dynamically -- it misses what makes the Wurli so special. The only way it sounds exciting is when you drench it in effects. On the other hand, e-instruments Wurli with the clean and basic tremolo patches really does remind me of playing a real Wurli. There is a very distinct change in the character of the epiano with dynamics that the SoundPaint library completely misses. When you play the e-instruments W gently it sounds sweet and gentle but when you play it at a greater velocities, it has an edge to the tone, like a real Wurli. I still believe that AcousticSamples wins for the best sounding instrument Wurli I've heard to date, e-instruments W is very, very good and a great buy for $33.43 USD. Okay, I stayed up way too late because I downloaded from Best Service's very slow server. This is the link to the sale, once again, for anyone interested. I can easily recommend this library for anyone looking at Wurlis, this one deserves your strong consideration. It's significantly superior to SoundPaint's Wurli and just under $13.50 USD more and it's easily worth the difference. If I could go back in time, I never would have bought the SoundPaint Wurli. https://www.bestservice.com/session_keys_electric_w.html
  10. I appreciate that, as I am soon about to join you as a fellow owner of that library. I just went through my piano sanple library downloads from Pianobook and easily got rid of 10 GB from piano libraries that I never would have used due to excessive noise, a lack of dynamics/dynamic layers and other shortcomings. Hold on, let me restate that with a bit more candor: Hello everyone, my name is Peter and I'm a sample hoarder.
  11. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. I am very much like you and notice issues like you did. I hope you shoot the developer an email explaining the issue. If they care, they can find ways of addressing it. I own their upright piano library (it actually contains two upright piano sample libraries) and I like it a lot. I would absolutely recommend it. I think they're a high quality developer. I don't think I would be disappointed with any of their libraries based on my experiences to date.
  12. Fleer and my fellow Wurli fans, what did you think of the demos for the Spitfire Originals Wurli? To be completely candid, I thought that their Wurli samples sounded pretty poor in each demo and find this the least compelling commercial Wurli library I can recall. I would even rate SoundPaint's Wurli library for $20 USD above this one, solely based on the demos. It just doesn't capture the Wurli's beautiful, bright tone and dynamics. So far, for me, the best Wurli I've heard to date is AcousicSamples Wuriie, but I'm just about ready to pull the trigger on the e-instruments Wurli, which is my second favorite Wurli library. It doesn't sound quite as good as AcousticSamples, (which to me is 10/10 for sound but loses points for being in UVI; I'd give e-instruments an 8.5-9/10 for sound and a 9.5/10 for features based on the walkthrough, that is where it far surpasses the UVI AcousticSamples library, IMO) but it sounds very good and I like what e-instruments has done with the library and their patches and scripting, when I watched the walkthroughs and various videos for their library. It's really clever and much more than a basic sample library.
  13. @Craig N Did you end up buying e-instrument's W (Wurli)? If so, I'd love your thoughts. @cclarry I always hesitate to buy if I haven't checked your posts for discount codes. I haven't seen any promo codes for Best Service. Have you? I'm ready to pull the trigger and buy this tonight or tomorrow even though I don't even have enough hard drive space for it. I'm thinking of deleting some libraries I don't often use, because it would nearly impossible for me to buy this and not want to use it right away. If anyone is interested, I can run it through my file and compare it to other Wurli libraries I own, commercial and free, so people can see how it compares. I've already created that project file with several Wurli libraries I own using me playing the main keyboard hook from Beck's "Where It's At" -- or at least how I remembered the part (I played it by ear from memory, so I probably didn't nail it; I was too lazy to listen to the original when the idea struck me!).
  14. Public Service Announcement: Support The Man Who Does So Much to Support This Community In case anyone is thinking of buying this or anything else from Audio Plugin Deals, please consider using the link in Larry's signature file. It's an affiliate link and if you use it, Larry gets a commission. You pay the identical price to what you would otherwise pay through a direct link and if there's anyone worthy of getting that commission, it's Larry, IMO. He does amazing work in this forum. Seriously, most of us wouldn't be here if not for Larry. He has powered this forum for I don't know how long-- but it's been a very long time. And while a lot of people using affiliate links are influencers shilling for developers and retailers, if you know Larry, you know that he's the farthest thing from a shill. Hopefully this will be taken with humor, but I do get a kick out of Larry unfiltered doing rants on developers for BS and various shortcomings. Those aren't the posts of a person who is insincere. Larry is the real deal and has more than earned our support for everything he does. Regarding SOS reviews, I find them valuable and they have far more journalistic credibility and integrity than the vast majority of influencers, which are, in fact, little more than folks shilling for freebies and kickbacks from the developers of products they review "sponsor" their videos (AKA give them money for doing a review). Giving a product a truly honest, and especially a truly harsh review will destroy the gravy train, so it's extremely rare to see that. That should be a red flag. Now, as a marketing pro, I use influencers, but I think it's important for the public to realize that they are, in truth, highly influenced, very/most often commissioned sales people (AKA affiliate marketing agents) pretending to be unbiased like actual journalist reviewers. They're not and they don't follow standard journalistic practices. Now contrasting Larry again, Larry actually could be considered an influencer, because he has a great deal of influence over this entire community. If I started my own plugin or sample development firm, I would absolutely be giving Larry free product and asking him if he could post about giving his honest thoughts -- fully realizing that if my product doesn't hit the mark, Larry is likely going to be savage and not hold back and that is an exceptionally rare quality in an influencer. It's the reason why I am so appreciative of Corey Pellazari (a YouTube influencer who does reviews of sample libraries that has even gone as far as to warn people never to buy from one of the developers he reviewed' virtually no influencer would ever do that, because it stops the gravy train and makes other developers afraid to give him product and especially stops developers from throwing money at him for good reviews, a practice I won't engage in, but it's the norm). It's why I WISH Larry would start his own YouTube and/or Facebook channel. Larry's not just great at finding deals, he's brutally honest. And I remember many years ago -- maybe more than a decade ago -- when he was just savage on IK. And guess what, when Larry was gone from the forum, one of the people saying how much they appreciate him was Peter from IK, because Peter respects Larry's honesty. Anyhow, I just hope that my fellow forum members will support Larry, it doesn't cost you anything and, we're not a big community, so Larry isn't actually likely to make much money, but at least it gives him a little something back for spending so much time and energy making this community what it is. PSA over. Be good to each other.
  15. This. This is Larry's super power. Someone posts a deal and Larry bests it with another store or code. It's why, even when I see a great deal someone posts that tempts me, I always want to give it a little time to see if Larry is going to post an even better deal. And I learned to do this after buying right after someone posted a deal, only to find Larry later posted an even better deal. It's like a sixth sense he has -- deal radar. It's a thing, I'm telling you!
  16. I love the forum, the mod is truly super nice and always reasonable. But I may or may not be shaking my head at the rule where devs and resellers can't post direct links to the relevant page. It's so arbitrary and non-user focused. But thanks to Larry for helping the original poster out. I think that was considerate to the seller and to the forum users. BTW, I'd love to get an honest comparison of Sonible's AI mixing and mastering plugins to their Izotope equivalents from someone who really knows mixing and has used both (and I'll just state this upfront, an honest comparison rules out influencers compensated by one of the developers).
  17. ? percent. I wish the same for you and your family, @TheSteven and the entire forum. From years of social media management and as a user, I want to say that I see your posts as an example of someone who spreads goodwill and understanding in a community. Please don't ever stop. And we still have more than a week of deals left before Black Friday and with Larry back in full force, our hard drives are very nervous. Man, it's soo good to have @cclarryback, and not just for the deals. He's an essential part of this community and you are too @TheSteven. Both of you are a big part of why this is my favorite music related forum. I hope your recovery is faster than expected.
  18. There are a lot of freebies to take advantage of, so there's still good reasons to hang out this place. There's also a series of excellent Black Friday deal threads at VI Control (continuing the tradition our own Reid Rosefelt started; see below for a link). One list features freebies; it's superb. I check those lists probably every day or every other day lately and post stuff here if someone else hasn't already done so. EDIT: Here's the link: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/40-list-of-freebies-to-grab-during-black-friday-cyber-monday-christmas-new-year-promotions-2022-edition.131802/
  19. As a huge Wurli fan, I immediately checked out the demos of the new library after getting an email from Spitfire, but to be really candid, the Wurli didn't sound very impressive in those demos. I'd love to get your thoughts on it -- as well as feedback from anyone else that has it. I still haven't bought e-Instruments W (Wurli) yet. But probably will soon.
  20. It can basically be said about every sample library and plugin, if you don't have a lot of money, the best alternative is to have time. That is, if you have enough patience, you can be rewarded with a better price. But while OTS has done group buys with regularity, I wouldn't take it for granted that they're a sure thing. There is a possibility that there may not be a future group buy.
  21. I have the Trio Broz Viola, the vibes and a few other libraries and they're all great quality samples and excellent, intuitive KONTAKT scripting. However, the developer is completely non responsive to support tickets after months and multiple tickets. I bought the Viola and tried to see if the sustains could play polyphonically. But the developer doesn't ever respond to support tickets. Not once.
  22. @pseudopop You may have already considered 8Dio's Intimate Solo Strings (on sale for $45USD), but if you didn't, it gives you with 1-5 violinists, 1-3 cellists, 1-3 violas, and 1 - 2 basses, there are 256 ensemble sizes. I've owned it for a couple of years and paid a lot more for it. Nothing for the $45 USD price range even comes close. While I have been very critical of 8Dio's string libraries as not having very good KONTAKT scripting -- that their peers are commonly far superior at writing smart, intuitive scripts that make the libraries more fun to play live to get a realistic performance -- the reality is, those peers are when the libraries are at full price for hundreds of dollars. If this library was three times its current sale price, I don't think you could realistically expect the same level of quality. But again, where I find 8Dio's libraries, as a whole, to be disappointing is the lack of good KONTAKT scripting, so if you buy it, know what you're getting into. You do get a ton of articulations and you can set up velocities or keyswitches to trigger those articulations. So if you spend the time to learn these libraries, you can get beautiful results that are far beyond what you're going to get with say, Hyperion Strings Elements or Solid State Symphony. That said, while I own several SoundIron libraries, I don't own any of their string libraries (okay, that's offhand, I might actually own some I've forgotten about), I seem to recall Fleer saying he did. But I think, overall, SoundIron seems to be a lot better at writing sophisticated KONTAKT scripts than 8Dio. While I don't own any Indignuis libraries -- or at least ones I've purchased in the last decade -- that developer has a very good reputation for writing clever KONTAKT scripts that make his libraries easy to play. I recall that Reid is a big fan of their libraries, so he's one you might want to check with. Now, if you want to buy an 8Dio library and you haven't bought from them before, both Larry and I are customers and you can PM either of us for a link that well get you a $15 USD discount, bringing the cost of the library down to $30 USD, which is a crazy good deal, even considering the disappointing lack of clever KONTAKT scripting with 8Dio libraries. https://8dio.com/products/intimate-studio-strings?variant=41310021746888
  23. Aww, thanks. I don't appreciate when Abacab singles out my posts and calls my posts BS or mischaracterizes my statements because I can be critical of something. Larry and some others posted some very harsh statements about SoundPaint but Abacab didn't single them out, and disparaage them and mischaracterize their statements as he did me and it would be disingenuous if I pretended this wasn't a pattern, because has a history of doing this to my posts. Not consistently, but time to time, there are these hostile posts of his directed at me that cross a line. I don't do that to others, I say something if someone else does it to others and I don't like it being done to me. So in the end, I really don't care if someone that obnoxious says he likes me. We're grown ups. I don't really care if someone who serially makes hostile posts directed at me writes that they like me as if they excuses their bad behavior. I call BS on that.
  24. They sure do -- but I still wish this library had additional articulations. It sounds soooo good. I seem to like everything this developer releases.
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