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HappyRon Hill

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Everything posted by HappyRon Hill

  1. I've used Cakewalk for 20 years (with huge breaks of time in there!) I've used it mainly for audio recording and editing, including integrating it with BAND IN A BOX which I use to easily make audio tracks for my songs (I'm a singer/songwriter/guitar player mainly) This has worked out great and I understand the program fairly well. However I have never really done anything with MIDI. I've been a bit spoiled by Band In A Box (and occasionally recording actual musicians) generating really good audio tracks for me that I haven't sat down and really learned to make tracks from midi. I find the idea a bit daunting. Don't get me wrong I basically understand how midi editing works and how the functions of cakewalk work and I surely could edit a pre-made midi track if need be. But the idea of taking a song I've written and going from chords/melody to a complete track seems a bit overwhelming and I'm not sure how to start to approach that. I'm used to simply typing in chords and having band in a box doing the heavy lifting, but then you have to take what it gives yo./ Are there really good videos people can recommend and/or libraries of midi tracks. I occasionally see programs for sale, but they aren't cakewalk specific. i'm mainly singer/songwriter type stuff. I'm considering starting with learning drums. Any thoughts appreciated
  2. Great I haven't experienced this bug since the latest update, but maybe I have just been lucky. Thanks for taking care of this! And if I may add.. WOOOOOO HOOOOO !
  3. OOOPS that's it! Forget the above post, how embarrasing! I
  4. oops forgot to select "notify me of replys"
  5. Glad for the changes, but I've finding something really basic has changed for me and it sounds simular to what is mentioned above: What I’m used to is pre-slicing the phrases of the takes I’m comping. Then during playback I’m selecting each take one at a time till I decide what’s best. Then clicking and listening to the next phrase and so forth. Previously, while comping, selecting a take during playback would play everything from the start of that clip. So now to do this I’m having to hold Shift then select. Now I don't mind holding down the shift key all that much but I find that when I do it zooms in onto the clip changing from this: to THIS: Where i can only see the small section that I'm working on. This really changes things for me, i suppose I could get used to it, but I'm used to having the wider view of things. Is there a way to change it so it doesn't zoom when I click on it before? Thanks again for a great program and all your work
  6. Interesting. I have tons of old plugins and I think just nuking them all and re-installing might fix the problem.
  7. Really happy with the new ARA2 integration makes Melodyne and cakewalk working together better, this was one issue why people I know left Cakewalk when it went bust. Now if cakewalk could only solve the "not saving settings for plugins" bug I'll be singing it's praises .
  8. Yes the orange icon is NOT auto-selected. It's a minor issue IF you are aware of having to SHOW TRACK LIST and then manually select it, but some of us were not.
  9. BLOB "Problem" FIXED. I figured out what is going on at least for me. Select "Show track list" and it shows me the one track I have selected. You would think this would come up with the track blobs selected automatically, but it doesn't for me so click on the little orange thing and: TA DA! so it seems you have to add another step or two to get the blobs there; I tried adding in another track and it added in the new track selecting it like one would expect and de-selecting the original: which is what i guess one would expect. I then removed both and selected one again and again no blobs. So the trick is to keep "show track list" selected and then turn on the blobs. no big deal, just an extra step from what used to be. And it's pretty cool to actually select two tracks and work on them together like in the stand alone. pretty cool upgrade, just a bit confusing for those of us who used the old way.
  10. It appears that the new bandlab has introduced a new feature for Melodyne - non-functionality! Sorry couldn't resist. Tried the above ideas and there are simply no blobs for me anywhere. I have faith they will get it all working again, but for now I'm using stand alone melodyne
  11. Somehow I suspect this has something to do with the new ARA 2 integration, but not sure.
  12. Starting with the newest bandlab it is hit and miss for me whether on not the blobs come up. The option "follow clip selection in DAW" is checked. Track mode is also selected and there is no way to change to "clip mode". Never had problems before the new update
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