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Everything posted by giovannibuchelli

  1. That pale orange color over a white background doesn't look right... Edit: They fixed it.
  2. I found these articles about the first versions of Cakewalk released for Windows (1992-93): http://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/cakewalk-for-windows/9576 http://www.muzines.co.uk/articles/cakewalk-professional/2449
  3. I still hope that future updates of Cakewalk give us options for better displaying of grid lines, waveforms and media backgrounds.
  4. Try with an older version of the Behringer drivers. For some reason, versions 5x don't work well in Windows 10. V 4.59 is the last one that works perfectly fine for me.
  5. giovannibuchelli


    Yes you are right, it only happens if 64 bit engine is enabled. I'll write to the developers, but I guess they'll say "it's a Cakewalk problem".
  6. giovannibuchelli


    Are you still using this plugin? For some reason, when I insert it in a track the signal gets -30 dB lower and the plugin basically becomes unusable. Anyone else has this problem with Leveling Tool in Cakewalk? The plugin works fine in my other DAW (Reaper, Cubase Elements).
  7. There is indeed a performance degradation in this version.
  8. The problem with the grid lines in front of the clips is that they visually cut the waveforms, and it looks like the audio is chopped into small pieces. It just looks bad. Most other DAW have either a bit of transparency to see the grid lines behind the clips, or the lines go in front of the media background, but behind the waveforms. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/33677-requests-grid-lines-and-waveform-colors/
  9. Montly bump. I can live with the current coloring scheme, but I would really love to see a better displaying of the grid lines. In almost every other DAW, the grid lines go in front of the media background, but behind the Waveforms and the Midi notes. In Cakewalk, having the grid lines in front of the media information looks weird and distracting. Also, I would love to have some horizontal grid lines in the Midi controller pane. There's one for the 127 mark, but would be great to have lines for 96, 64 and 32 as well.
  10. Is it possible to add a bit of transparency to the media backgrounds using the Theme editor? Right now I don't have it installed.
  11. Mandatory Bump. With the grid lines in front of clips, it looks like everything is chopped into small pieces. I really don't like how it looks. And if you put the grid lines behind clips, you can't see those lines because media backgrounds have no transparency and the tracks and the media backgrounds have the exact same height. In Reaper, Cubase and others, media backgrounds have a little bit of transparency, and also the tracks are a bit taller than the media backgrounds, so you always see a bit of the grid lines, and that's just enough. Oh, and the color scheme, please. I can't think of any other DAW with black media backgrounds and colored waveforms. Please give us the option to have by default colored media backgrounds and black (or white) waverforms. Thanks.
  12. In the third request, a little bit of transparency in the media background would also work, so when the grid lines are behind clips, we'd still have a hint of where they are.
  13. I've been learning to love the way Cakewalk looks, but still there are some things that I would love to see implemented: * The option to change the default coloring scheme from black background/colored waveform to colored background/black waveform. * Waveform outline color available to change in preferences/colors, or waveform outline changed automatically to black if the coloring scheme is changed as in the first request. * An additional option in View/Display/ Vertical grid lines: Behind waveform but in front of media background, so we can see the grid lines but not as strong and intrusive as when they are in front of the waveform or the midi notes. Right now there are basically two options for the grid lines in Track view: Too visible, or not visible at all. I want the grid lines just to be visible enough. Thanks for reading.
  14. Here I go again with three requests for visual features: * The option to change the default coloring scheme from black background/colored waveform to colored background/black waveform. * Waveform outline color available to change in preferences/colors, or waveform outline changed automatically to black if the coloring scheme is changed as in the first request. * Some level of opacy/transparency in the grid lines when those are in front of clips.
  15. @Noel Borthwick Please, can we have the option to change the default behaviour of waverform and background colouring? I'd love to have black waveforms on coloured backgrounds, instead of the default coloured waveforms on dark backgrounds. It's a pain in the ***** to change it manually on every track. Thank you.
  16. Solved! I needed to use the Vst3 version, not the Vst2 one.
  17. The Vst2 folder I have is the same for every DAW (program files/vstplugins). I'll try installing the Vst3 version.
  18. Yeah, I've been using the plugin in Reaper and other DAW. But Cakewalk takes it automatically as part of the PC.
  19. Is there a way to use Softube Saturation Knob as a plugin and not as part of the ProChannel?
  20. What's the purpose of those dots? I made them disappear using the same color as the background.
  21. Thank you! I love the neon vibe of this theme.
  22. This theme looks gorgeous, but I see it's not updated for 2021.4 ?
  23. If someone has a spare RBass license please DM, maybe we can trade.
  24. My PC has a 2012 AMD FX 6100 six-core processor. What value of Thread Scheduling model would be more recommended? 2 or 1? Right now is at the default 1.
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