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Everything posted by shawker

  1. Caution, I get this when clicking the above link, or going directly to the Sample Logic website. "Threat found This web page may contain dangerous content that can provide remote access to an infected device, leak sensitive data from the device or harm the targeted device. Threat: JS/Spy.Banker.MW trojan"
  2. or a free upgrade if you own African Vocals
  3. Another gift, enjoy VAKA-M5QN-HKC6-62B0
  4. It is MiniFreak that I see in Analog Lab. Sorry about my confusion.
  5. I have the pro version of Analog Lab 5 and I see and can play Microfreak patches there. Polybrute seems to be hardware only.
  6. or get the all bundle for $99
  7. and a free update for Asian Colours 1 users, check your account downloads.
  8. I got that email, unfortunately it didn't include the $29 vouchers, only the PA products included with the version I purchased.
  9. and some flac files as well
  10. Unify comes with around 200 reverb IRs. They are in the Unify Standard Library folder.
  11. 8dio Free Angel comes with 80 IRs
  12. Izotope Trash 2 has about 400 IRs if you happen to have it.
  13. Impact Soundworks has Sitar Nation, it may be worth checking out. I don't have it, but the libraries I have from them are quite good. https://impactsoundworks.com/product/sitar-nation/
  14. I saw the Dark Side of the Moon tour in 1973 in Toronto at the Maple Leaf Gardens. It was an amazing show. The album had only been released the previous day so I hadn't even heard it before the concert. Ticket price was $4.40, I still have the ticket.
  15. The coupon was from Impact Soundworks and it was to complete the Ventus Winds collection (5 of 7 Ventus titles were included in Massive World Bundle). I got this coupon as well.
  16. I just downloaded this freebee in Mndala 2 and got it to load in Unify. Seems to work from my limited test.
  17. I purchased Neoverb 2 days ago and still haven't received the code.
  18. and the 2 new distortion plugins.
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